iphone - sending message to viewController from the application delegate -

I'm new to obj c, I've come from an AS3.0 background. Basically I am making this app, I am using an application in an app representative. I have a navigation controller that comes with a table view that triggers on just selecting another view (basically the templates available in the xcode) I have one method in another view controller view that loads from the row selection My label will change there for "my incoming call" in that method (for now). Our application in our application is calling this method and it works fine, but I get a troublesome warning that the UIViewController may not be able to respond to incoming calls ... but it compiles exactly And answers it. How can I get rid of this warning signal?

  - (zero) Application Specialist Action: (UIAPPP * *) Application {NSLog (@ "Call Commune In"); UIViewController * vc = [Navigation Controller ViewView Controller]; [Vc handleIncomingCall]; [VC Release]; }  

Sorry, I am trying to figure out how to format it ...

The reason for this is that you are telling the compiler that the object is UIViewController and handleIncomingCall is actually no method of UIViewController. You can get rid of the warning including .h files and the object The object can be defined as the other view controller or whatever you can call it representative L see the .h file that shows a way the class Inkanding call and therefore will turn off to warn you.

Obj-C is not a strongly typed language, so it is compiled, it works, although you define it as a UIVIUIUIL controller, it is actually your own type Who responds to the proper message. But there is no way to know this when compiling the compiler.


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