
Showing posts from February, 2013

javascript - How to ignore mouse activity until function completes -

I use the following code to slide a div over the mouse over, waiting a few seconds and div Slide back. ("Slide", {direction: "left"}, 1000). Pose (2000). Hyde ("slide", {direction: "left"}, 1000);});}); I'm sure this is easy, but I have limited knowledge of JavaScript / jQuery. How can I do this so that any mouse activity on the trigger is ignored until the animation is complete? Right now, if you open the divas on the trigger area, it "remembers" and when you move the pointer through the trigger area, then plays for animation several times. Do not bind and bind and instead of using a flag to fix it For whether you should take care about the event. $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("#party"). Mouseover (function () {var $ this = $ (this); if ($ this. $ ("Slide", {direction: "left "}, 1000) .Pause (2000); Data ('emmos'); $. (" Slide ", {direction:" left "}, 1000,...

How to add the private framework in iphone os to our app? -

Hello, Is adding a private framework to our app that has not been issued by Apple? Can we use all the private structures in any way and we have any restrictions to dump that structure? After applying that framework apple or not accept our app? Thank you You can not do this if you want to sell it through iTunes If so, there is a private framework in an iPhone app.

ruby on rails - Writing own scaffold generator, exporting as a gem -

मैंने अपना स्वयं के स्कैफोल्ड जनरेटर बनाया है, अब यह मेरे ~ / .rails / generator / scaffold directory में बैठा हुआ है। प्रत्येक बॉक्स पर ~ / .rails फ़ोल्डर की नकल की आवश्यकता के बिना, मैं अपने जनरेटर को अन्य मशीनों के साथ उपयोग करने के लिए एक मणि कैसे बना सकता हूं? से: रूबीगेम के लिए, अपने जनरेटर क्लास और टेम्पलेट्स को lib निर्देशिका में रखें। रेल प्लग इन के लिए, अपने प्लगइन की जड़ में एक जनरेटर्स निर्देशिका बनाएं। हालांकि यह थोड़ा अस्पष्ट है रेल :: जेनरेटर :: लुकअप स्रोत से: रेल एप्लीकेशन यदि RAILS_ROOT परिभाषित किया गया है तो हम जानते हैं कि हम रेल अनुप्रयोगों के संदर्भ में पैदा कर रहे हैं, तो आरएआरएसआर_आरओटी / जेनरेटर खोजें। प्लगइन्स में देखो, या तो जेनरेटर / या रेलजीजनेटर / निर्देशिकाओं के लिए प्रत्येक प्लग इन के भीतर उपयोगकर्ता होम निर्देशिका खोज ~ /। रिईल / जनरेटर। रूबी गेम्स * _generator नामक रत्नों की खोज करें और किसी रूबीजीम के /rails_generators/_generator.rb फ़ाइल में जनरेटर खोजें। बिल्टिंस मॉडल, नियंत्रक, मेलर, पाड़, और इसी तरह। एक एकल ...

objective c - How to unit test my models now that I am using Core Data? -

I am developing an iPhone application using a domain model, and so far the persistence aspect of the app has been stopped. is. Core data really looks like a good solution because I already have a well-defined model but I'm having trouble with my current unit tests. What I have now here: - (zero) test_full_name_returns_correct_string {patient * patient = [[patient allotment] init]; Patient.firstName = @ "Charlie"; Patient.lastName = @ "Chaplin"; STAssertTrue ([[Fully Feminine] is Extolstration: @ "Charlie Chaplin"], @ "Full Name Must Match"); } Once my patient object extends from NSManagedObject and uses @dynamic for the first name and last name properties, how can I do this? Does anyone else do this with core data like this? Thank you. You need to create a core data stack, either in each method or in Set up and then tear it using the NSInMemoryPersistentStore will keep things up and running in memory for your unit tests... - Is showing the Exception StackTrace useful in a RELEASE assembly or only a DEBUG .dll -

I have gone for some time to improve handling error in my webservice - in particular, the form of this example Showing StackTrace in: hold (exception pre) {EventLog log = new event log (); Logs. Source = g_EventSource; StringBinder msg = new stringbilder ("The update rickcode method has been logged in exception:"); Msg.Append (Environment.NewLine); Msg.Append ("passedURL ="); Msg.Append (passedURL); Msg.Append (Environment.NewLine); Msg.Append (ex.Message); Msg.Append (Environment.NewLine); Msg.Append (ex.Source); Msg.Append (Environment.NewLine); Msg.Append (ex.StackTrace); Logs. WrititeEntry (msg.ToString (), EventLogEntryType.Error, 100); Return msg.ToString (); } My question is, when I publish my website, it is compiled as RELEASE instead of DEBUG? I only publish .dll and web.config (no source) when I compile in DEBUG mode, but when an error is logged, then StackTrace returns the number of lines in my development machine Like: C: \ Documents and Set...

IronPython disable Import after use -

Once I have finished using it, is there any way to disable the use of import? I am using IronPython as a scripting engine and I do not want users to be able to import anything. This can be done in LuaInterface using the setfen: luanet.load_assembly ("System.Windows.Forms") luanet.load_assembly ("System.Drawing") form = luanet.import_type ( "System.Windows.Forms.Form") - Allow the use of the form class local env = {form = _G.Form} setfenv (1, env) or setting script file To parse the import job before parsing: luanet.load_assembly = zero luanet.import_type = nil whether it is possible in IronPython ? One option is to pre-check those scripts that you are performing and those who have Import statements (or from ... import statement). foreach (line in script) {if (line.TrimeStart (.) Start ("import"); line.remeststart (). Start ("to") {throw ...; }} This is not stupid ( __ import____ is still an issue), but ...

android - How to refresh a ListView to requery its cursor to repopulate its data and its views -

I have a list view that uses the cursor adapter as its adapter once If required, then Need Data? I want to see the list to refresh its view. I tried: cursor adapter adapter = (cursor adapter) listView.getAdapter (); Adapter.notifyDataSetChanged (); And I tried: cursor adapter adapter = (cursor adapter) listView.getAdapter (); Adapter.getCursor () requery () .; But none worked; I have set a breakpoint in my query method of ContentProvider , but I am being called requery or my ListView new data Is getting refreshed with Can you please tell me what is the solution to my problem? Thank you. caller requery () at cursor adapter With a cursor attached cursor adapter with a database or list on content provider (above your other situation). You can see it if it is not working for you, then there may be some bug in your ContentProvider or adapter.

Java Swing Updating JList -

I would like to know if there is any way that I can update a jailist after adding or updating the user. Type it after a user. Is there any way that I can write a standardized method for updating performance based on the order of objects in an array or vector, and when the user removes or adds an object from the array, which is JList based? Thank you. Updates should be created in the modell, not the array used to make the model. However, if you want to completely refresh the list with new items or want to change the order of the objects, you create a new DefaultListModel and setModel (...) the method of JList Use to update views.

graphviz - Specified edge lengths on networkx/igraph (Python) -

I wanted to visualize a network with the data I had and want to graph them with the specific edge length. I use Python, and I've tried to plot the networks and igraph, but set all fixed edge lengths. a.) I wonder if I have done the code wrong or the package is not actually capable of I network x or igraph? How do you definitely apply the length of the fixed edge? For B?) If the network x and igraph can not do this, what package can you recommend? (Preferably one that can take 80 thousand nodes.) Thanks! This should work: Import as NX import Make Networks PGG = PG Graph () nlist = "ABCDE" .split () a, b = "AAB", "BCD" Eastist = zip (a.split), BSTPT T. ()) g.ad_node_frame (analyst) g.ad_gease_frame (iList) gnode_tat.update (color = "red", style = "fill") g.ajj_trr.update (color = "blue", LAN = " 2.0 ", width =" 2.0 ") Print (G.gege_attr) # Return {'color': 'red', 'wid...

c++ - Converting STL String, and STL Vector into void*? -

I've got some C ++ codes, which we arbitrarily serialize data and metadata as a Use to store in special image format. Anyway, it takes it as zero *. Can I just do a simple memkpi? Or is there a better way to do this? For std :: string, you can use c_str () to point to the internal string To get the four *. The standard for std :: vector indicates that the elements are compatible in memory and therefore you can access the pointer at the beginning of the data & amp; V [0]. You definitely should be careful with them because you are basically handing over to the library, you are using an indicator in the internal data of objects. If necessary, you can make a copy of the source using the above source using memcpy, but clearly you have to keep in mind that you use the correct size. Without knowing the details of the function (s), you are passing this data, it is not possible to comment on whether such a copy is needed or not.

css - jquery overlay wrong positioning -

I have a divisor (squares triggers) with images and it is in a single divide with div id container in the container division The positioning is set to relative which reveals the overlay in the right corner and when the image grows it will go out of the screen. How can I fix this? I have read this one, but this will not be a good solution for me, I can not take it out of the main div and I can not remove the relative positioning for the container device -> I posted in the forum but did not get any help -> This overlay element The relative position is out of the div. Before implementing the overlay method, you can easily do this with jquery, e.g. & lt; Div style = "position: relative; top: -5px;" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" square = "overlatiger" rel = "myOverlay" & gt; My Overlay Trigger & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Div id = "myOverlay" & gt; Test 123 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / D...

comparison - Emacs Lisp: difference between (function (lambda ...)) and (lambda ...)? -

के बीच अंतर क्या है (फ़ंक्शन (लैम्ब्डा ...)) और (लैम्ब्डा ...) और '( "पोस्ट-पाठ" आइटमप्रॉप = "टेक्स्ट"> ये बहुत विनिमेय हैं इसका उत्तर यह है कि फ़ंक्शन सक्षम लैम्ब्डा को बाइट में संकलित किया जाता है, जबकि अन्य दो (और समतुल्य) नहीं करते हैं। नोट: इसका अर्थ यह नहीं है कि फ़ंक्शन वास्तव में बाइट को लैम्ब्डा संकलित करता है। यह कैसे एक हो सकता है? थोड़ा इमाक्स लिस्पी आत्मनिरीक्षण कुछ सुराग प्रदान करता है। (फ़ंक्शन आर्ग) फ़ंक्शन 'सी स्रोत कोड' में एक विशेष प्रकार है। P> 'बोली' की तरह, लेकिन वस्तुओं के लिए पसंदीदा जो फ़ंक्शन हैं बाइट संकलन में, 'फ़ंक्शन' संकलित होने के लिए उसके तर्क का कारण बनता है। 'कोट' ऐसा नहीं कर सकता। ठीक है, तो यह (फ़ंक्शन (लैम्ब्डा ...)) और "(लैम्ब्डा ..) में अंतर है। ।) , पहले बाइट संकलक बताता है कि वह अभिव्यक्ति को सुरक्षित रूप से संकलित कर सकता है। जबकि ' संपादन की अभिव्यक्तियों को संकलित नहीं किया जा सकता है (क्योंकि वे संख्याओं की एक सूची हो ...

c# - A better way to do this LINQ query? -

I have a collection of data objects that can not be directly accessible to each other. I think the best solution is to To create a question would be to get the database people, but in the meantime, is there some way to strengthen it up? Conflicting = allFoos.Where (foo = & gt; foo.ElectronicSerialNumber = 0 & amp;! Foo.BarID = interestingBar.ID) .Join (fooInfoCollection, foo = & Gt; foo.ElectronicSerialNumber, fooInfo = & gt; fooInfo.ElectronicID, (foo, fooInfo) & gt; foo) .Join (allBars, foo = & gt; foo.BarID, bar = & gt; bar.ID , (Foo, bar) => bar). Where (bar = & gt; bar.SomeCriteria == incorrect). FirstOrDefault (); If (conflicting! = Zero) {doStuff (conflicting); } itemprop = "text"> It looks like you've got all the foos, all the FooInfos and all the bars from the Database so that you can do a query where you only need the object once in the form of a result. If you have to exclude all these items from the database ...

javascript - How to show Page Loading div until the page has finished loading -

I have a section on our website that loads very slowly as it is making some intense calls. Any idea how I can say something like "loading" to show the div , while the page is ready and then everything disappears when ready? I need it and after some research on the internet I came with it (jQuery's ): Add it right after the first body tag: & Lt; / Div & gt; Then add style class for diwa and image in your CSS: #loading {width: 100%; Height: 100%; Top: 0; Left: 0; Status: fixed; Display area; Opacity: 0.7; Background color: #fff; Z-index: 99; Text align: center; } # Loading-image {status: absolute; Top: 100px; Left: 240 pixels; Z-index: 100; } And finally add this JavaScript to your page (preferably at the end of your page, with the closing of the & lt; body & gt; tag First): & lt; Script language = "javascript" type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Window) .load (function () {$ ('# loading)'. H...

c# - A method that executes any time a class property is accessed (get or set)? -

C # - .NET 3.5 I have a family of classes that inherited from the same base class Is of I need a method in the base class (received or set) to use any asset in a tool category at any time. However, I do not want to call the base class to write code in each and every property ... instead, I hope that there is a narrative way to "sync" this activity in the base class. Adding some spices of necessity, I need to determine the property that the access was made, the value of the property and the name of its kind. I imagine the imagery solution would be a clever combination of generic, and the reflection I can imagine to make some sort of array of representative behaviors on the runtime, but by re-running the member InfoTo in the producer, Would, will affect its performance. Again, I hope there is a more direct "narrative" way to do this. Any thoughts are most appreciated! You can not do it automatically, but you can get free for 95% free of charge. See t...

Php <? tags on WAMP -

I have just installed WAMP, and I have my & lt ;? Can not get to work Do I need to enable a module? Thank you. Do you have & lt ;? is capable of using open tags, but I have standard open tags & lt ;? for the reasons for the simulation and portability Php would suggest not to use them.

How do you define a type for a function in Scala? -

I hope there is a way to define a type for a function in Scala. For example, say, I have a function that takes two entries and gives a boolean, I can define a function that it uses: def checkInts (f: (int, int) => boolean) = {// do stuff} Is there any way to define the type of F? Then I can do something like: def checkin (f: MyFunctionType) or def check in (F: option [MyFunctionType]) attribute foo {type MyFunction = (Int, int) = & gt; Boolean Df Check In (F: MyFunction) Def Check In (F: Option [MyFunction])}

c# - When to use a property vs a method? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: कोई नियम या सामान्य पद्धति का उपयोग करते समय एक विधि बनाम उपयोग करने के लिए क्या होता है? तकनीकी रूप से किसी भी पैरामीटर रहित विधि को संपत्ति में बनाया जा सकता है और किसी भी संपत्ति को एक विधि बनाया जा सकता है, लेकिन कभी-कभी जब किसी एक का उपयोग करने पर निर्णय करना होता है तो धुंधला हो सकता है। मैं कुछ नियमों को पाने की उम्मीद कर रहा था दोनों के बीच निर्णय लेने के दौरान लोग ध्यान में रखते थे। सामान्य मानक साइड इफेक्ट्स । यदि किसी सदस्य को मूल्य प्राप्त करने के लिए बुलाकर आप केवल उस मूल्य को प्राप्त करते हैं तो यह संपत्ति है यदि साइड इफेक्ट होते हैं, तो शायद यह एक विधि हो। इसे दूसरे तरीके से रखने के लिए: भले ही वे फ़ील्ड नहीं हैं, फ़ील्ड की तरह बहुत व्यवहार करना चाहिए। इसका अर्थ साइड इफेक्ट नहीं होने का मतलब है, निष्पादित करने और अपवाद फेंकने के लिए बहुत समय नहीं ले रहा है।

c++ - Is string::compare reliable to determine alphabetical order? -

Simply put, if the input is always in the same case (here, the short case), and if the character is always ASCII , Can use string: can compare two strings to determine the alphabet sequence? Thus, if the result is 0 with (stringB) , then that same, if it is negative, string A stringb comes alphabetically, and if It's positive, what comes after string A? According to the docs at, The Member Function 0 returns if the comparison material is made. If all the characters compare the same, then a negative value if the first character that does not match is less in the object than the comparison string, and a positive value in the opposite case. Therefore it will sort the strings in ASCII sequence, which will be alphabetical for English strings (without any diacritical digits or otherwise extended characters)

Help me connecting java and oracle -

Can someone explain me these sections and methods? DriverManager.registerDriver (new oracle jdbc.driver.OracleDriver ()); Conn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection ("jdb: ocracle: thin: username / 1234: dbsid"); Thanks Let's decode lines of your code blocks : 1 DriverManager.registerDriver 2. (New oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver ()); 3. conn = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection (4. "JDBC: Oracle: Slim: Username / Password- 1234: DBSID"); Line 2: creates a new instance of oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver , a JDBC driver JDBC driver for Oracle database implements the interfaces and classes defined by the JDBC API that programmers use to connect and query the database. Line 1 Researchers are working between oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver which is the traditional management layer of JDBC, user And the driver operates to establish a connection between a database and the approp...

Django logging with user/ip -

I am using the "Logging" module to log messages in a large amount of "I" (Request.user). But when this scene is available in the festival, I do not want to give it to all assistants. Does anyone know a path on this? [I was probably thinking of running a trace in some way until there was no function with "request" in its arguments]] thanks in advance To do this, we have to leave a request (or request.user) in a manner that is correct The correct and maintenance method is clearly The data needs to be passed in a way that requires it. If doing so seems like it is very dangerous, then it can tell a deep problem in structuring your code. - Why clear controls in CreateChildControls -

All examples of ASP.NET composite control always illustrate child controls such as the first action within CreateChildControls. Why is it like this? As I have understood, this method is always called through the Ancestor Child Control, which indicates the flag to indicate that it has already been called and thus the CreateChildControls are not called again. . Is CreateChildControls called by other aspects of the infrastructure? What is the situation in this situation? There is nothing to prevent you from creating control and adding them to control during OnInit of Control The archive is called the CreateChildControls when the already existing control is present. This may look strange, but what if you are expanding a control, do you know that when your control base methods (Base Constructor, or Base .com), then this base What is the control? Basically, calling control. Clear () is the best practice before.

c# - set visible = false to a asp:BoundField -

मेरे पास एक ग्रिडव्यू चौड़ाई एक बाउंडफ़ील्ड है: & lt; asp: BoundField DataField = " नोम "हेडरटेक्स्ट =" नोम "सॉर्ट एक्सपे्रेशन =" नोम "/ & gt; मुझे पृष्ठ_लोड विधि में एक शर्त से इस दृश्यमान पैरामीटर सेट करना चाहते हैं। संभव है? धन्यवाद

Randomly choose an instance from union in F# -

एफ # में दिए गए टाइप करें MyType = A | बी | सी | डी | ई | एफ | जी मैं बेतरतीब ढंग से MyType का एक उदाहरण कैसे परिभाषित कर सकता हूं? एक यादृच्छिक संख्या का चयन करें, तो क्या पैटर्न अलग-अलग शाखाओं के साथ उस नंबर से मेल खाता है?

c++ - maximum value of int -

In C / C ++, to find the maximum value of the integer (according to the compiler) in Integer Is the code? # include & lt; Limits & gt; then int imin = std :: numeric_limits & lt; Int & gt; :: min (); // minimum value int imax = std :: numeric_limits & lt; Int & gt; :: max (); std :: numeric_limits is a template type that can be instantly used with other types: float fmin = Std :: numeric_limits & lt; Float & gt; :: Minute (); // minimum positive value flat fmax = std :: numeric_limits & lt; Float & gt; :: max (); In C: #include & lt; Limits.h & gt; then use int imin = INT_MIN; // minimum value int imax = INT_MAX; or #include & lt; Float.h & gt; Flat FIN = FLT_MIN; // minimum positive value double dmin = DBL_MIN; // minimum positive value flat fmax = FLT_MAX; Double DMX = DBL_MX;

excel - VBA Columns Automatically Merge? -

I am writing a program in VBA, which first composes the range before a series of cells and then later the loops To collect data in cells. The problem is that I need a limit to maintain that order in which I add the cells so that I can collect the data in the correct order, when I want to return, if the data are in the column , Then it is imminent, so the range transforms it into a heap of rows. This means that if you run this program: sub test_function () range as a dim My_Range My_Range = association (ActiveSheet.Range ("A1: A5") ), ActiveSheet.Range ("B1: B5")) Set to My_Range for each My_Cell i = I + 1 My_Cell.Value = i My_Cell Next sub sub You can see that the boundary is compiled of two adjacent columns of data (A1: A5 and B1 : B5), but this appendix Instead of known output: 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 You 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 9 10 This will reproduce this behavior even if you set My_Range = ActiveSite. ("A1") s...

Is there any system variable which contain rebol user.r directory? -

Because user.r has changed the directory based on the version, it is disturbing for the automatic script distribution that users Will depend on. To know where it is, does any system variable tell it? UserR, Distributed applications to set personal preferences, settings and often used scripts It is not designed to be a "mini-registry" for automated script delivery, depending on user.r, it seems a very suspicious idea.

tfs - Does Microsoft Team System support ant? -

We are using cruise control to build our projects, which are ant files I have in the future the team system (Microsoft ) I am investigating to use. Is it possible to use ant scripts in team system? We have a lot of flex development (and .NET development) and to make the flex side, the script has to be integrated into the team system. Msbuild is given with a clean framework, and much like the ant / Was designed for. He said, MSBilled is also very extensible so you can write custom work. I suspect it would not be very difficult to write a construction work to call an ant script.

On-Demand javascript -

I am thinking that people can ask me on javascript using AJAX? If you can help me with a simple example, then I appreciate it. My question is how to get the javascript code from my server and execute it? If you really want to use AJAX (as mentioned in the question) you can also do this. First of all, you normally download JavaScript using XMLHttpRequest and when the download is finished If you go, you insert it inside or a generated tag. function xhr_load (url, callback) {xhr = new XMLHttpRequest (); Xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {if (xhr.readyState == 4) {if (xhr.status == 200) {callback (xhr.responseText); }}} ("GET", URL, true); Xhr.send (zero); } // (1) Download using XHR and execute eval () using xhr_load ('mylib.js', function {eval (response.responseText);}); (2) Download using XHR and execute an inline script xhr_load ('mylib.js', in the form of a function) {var script = document.createElement ('script'); Document...

php - How do you use memcached with Prepared Statements? -

नियमित एसक्यूएल प्रश्नों को कैशिंग करना काफी सरल है। सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन क्वेरी ($ sql) { यदि ($ result = cache :: get (sha1 ($ sql))) {वापसी परिणाम; } $ परिणाम = $ यह- & gt; कनेक्शन- & gt; क्वेरी ($ sql); कैश :: सेट (शाए 1 ($ sql), $ परिणाम); वापसी का परिणाम; } लेकिन आप तैयार बयानों से कैसे क्वेरी कैश करते हैं, क्योंकि आप नहीं जानते कि कथन क्या होगा जब तक कि वक्तव्य पहले ही तैयार न हो जाए और फिर डेटा बाध्य है? $ sth = $ dbh- & gt; तैयार करें ('चुनें से * तालिका WHERE id =?'); ... बाद में ... $ sth- & gt; बाँध पैरा (1, $ आईडी); $ Sth- & gt; निष्पादित (); मुझे लगता है कि यह एक दो-पक्ष का जवाब है: पहले, बयान प्रति-पृष्ठ स्मृति में कैश की जाती हैं (जैसे- $ a-> statements [] की एक सरणी) डेटाबेस संसाधन आईडी लंबे समय तक नहीं रहेंगी और फ़ाइलों या कुछ में संग्रहीत नहीं की जा सकती है। दूसरा, बयान निष्पादित होने से पहले () हम परिणामों के लिए memcached / filecache में दिखते हैं। बयान ( PDOStatement :: queryString के साथ आसान) बनाओ और दिए गए पैराम्स...

java - maintain state with spring between requests -

I'm new to spring if this is the first question, but the manual is not clear (at least not for me) My question is: How do I share the state between requests in spring? I can send data from the controller using ModelMap, but the Data View is not sent back to the next controller by ModelMap. How can I do this with spring? Below is a part of my source code. Modelmap in the second controller does not have data stored in the modelmap of the first controller. I @RequestMapping (value = "find / some", method = requested method. How do I state between the controllers in the spring Is it considered to be retained? GET) Public string foo (@RequestParam ("parent") parent parent, ModelMap modelMap) {... modelMap.addAttribute ("question_index", 42); ModelMap.addAttribute ("Something", something new ()); ModelMap.addAttribute ("data", new data ()); Return "see / see"; } & Lt; Form: form action = "bla" method =...

visual c++ - MSVC: inspecting static libraries (fixing unresolved external symbols) -

I would like to ask what methods and techniques you use to fix errors linked to MSWC Are there. My problem is, that I make an executable link against self-sustained vibration and I get many unresolved external symbols (LNK 2019). I have tried to make my libraries with different calling conferences, but I have not succeeded. I want to inspect that Lib file (this is a debug build) and it is to see what the work is provided by that Libe, to find out the reason for the linker error. I appreciate any suggestions on how to debug systematically missing external symbols. Thank you, Norbert Typically these compilers are due to switches or alternatives Many pieces are separated between them. Make sure that you use the same compiler switch for code generation in all those: specifically runtime library in multi-threaded (/ mt) (static) or multi-thread in runtime library (under C / C ++) DLL (/ MD) This indicates whether or not you want to link Microsoft runtime permanently.

java - Eliminating empty elements when marshalling with JAXB -

Using JAdbB (2) It is possible to make sure zero values ​​can not be marked as empty elements. For example @XmlRootElement (name = "root") protected public class root {@XmlElement (name = "name") string name; } Currently if the name is Tall then I am marshaling & lt; Root & gt; & Lt; Name / & gt; & Lt; / Root & gt; I would like to produce & lt; Root & gt; & Lt; / Root & gt; Instead I think that you have lost something .. as it is martial, string u null There should not be a string in the form of a string too. So in my opinion u must pass empty rather than empty zero.

C++ Creating a Weighted Graph? -

How can I create a C ++ weighted graph where the graph has the weight of each head (some integer values)? You can download your graph project: Here is a function to create an article from the article data stored in a text file: Zero GraphType :: CreateGraph () {ifstream infile; Four filename [50]; Int index Int vertex; Int adjacentVertex; If (gSize! = 0) ClearGraph (); Cout & lt; & Lt; "Enter input filename:"; Cin & gt; & Gt; file name; Cout & lt; & Lt; Endl; (file name); If (! Infail) {cout & lt; & Lt; "Can not open input file." & Lt; & Lt; Endl; Return; } Infile & gt; & Gt; GSize; Graph = new anonymous linklist [GSI]; (Index = 0; index; & lt; gSize; index ++) {infile & gt; & Gt; Summit; Infile & gt; & Gt; AdjacentVertex; While (adjacentVertex! = -999) {article [top] .inertLast (adjacentVertex); Infile & gt; & Gt; AdjacentVertex; }} Infile.close (); } and here is t...

passwords - retrieve users information from facebook -

I am a newbie on this and I have knowledge of connecting to Facebook but do I have an API that gives me the user's username And allows to accept the password? I am developed with ASP.NET / C # No, and never will; It is a bad security practice to ask users to provide their login information to another site. The API key and the indirect login token are very good for inter-login plans, which is why Facebook uses it (via connectivity).

version control - Use the commit message in a CVS pre-commit hook -

Is it possible to use a committed message in a pre-committed hook in CVS? The CVS server is running remotely, and I access it using pserver . Ideally, if I include some text in the filter or committed message. I have no choice but to use other versioning system. Here are some useful tutorials for reading: You can not do whatever you want with only one hook but you use two hooks, commitinfo will allow you to verify the files yourself and verifymsg lets you verify the message can be used to reduce both (the program only needs to exit with Status 1) If you did not know, then checkoutlists , commitinfo and 'verifymsg' can all be found in the CVSROT directory of your repository. I recommend writing any script as hook in that directory, but it does not really matter as you get to specify the full path. Also, Perl is not required or necessary, just writing some (silly) examples for me is easy: checkoutlists # These files are automatically for you Che...

iphone sqlite NSDate bug -

I use core data in my iPhone app, but in some cases I use sqlite to access data I and I NSDT NSDT * now = [NSDT date]; NSCalendar * Calendar = [NSCalendar current calendar] ;; NSDateComponents * comp = [Calendar component: NSYearCalendarUnitDate: now]; [Comp set: 1]; [Comp setmonth: 1]; NSDT * year AGU = [Calendar date formatCompany: COMP]; NSPredicate * predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @ "Date '% @", Salg]; This code works and selects the record from the beginning of the year, but if I use sqlite raw query NSDate * current = [NSDate date]; NSDateComponents * comps = [Gregorian Component: (NSDayCalendarUnit | NSMonthCalendarUnit | NSYearCalendarUnit) fromDate: Current]; [Set date: 1]; [Set Component Set: 1]; NSDT * yeardata = [Gregorian date format; Comps]; [Where inserted format: @ "datedate"; '% @', year old]; I have a problem, the wrong date fixed by Records, Records in the core date How do I add dates to date 1 / 2008-01-...

installer - What causes the Vista/Win7 warning: "This program may not have installed correctly" ? -

What is the reason for this warning and when my app is installed, what can I do by keeping it up? Possible reasons: Virus Scanning Software (I'm looking at it) Uninstalling Program Add / Remove ( This will surely cause the problem , Microsoft's documentation (see the answer below) Putting .ocx or .dll files in the app directory? Not registering library files (app run is fine without restoring, so I think Any other ideas? this pop One of the reasons for this is that after running the installer, the system checks to see if something in the installed programs list has changed. If the contents of the installed programs do not change, it assumes that your application is correct Failed to install from.

oop - PHP: How to instantiate a class with arguments from within another class -

I am in such situations where I have to instantify a class with reasoning from within another class example. Here's the prototype: // test.php class test {function __construct ($ a, $ b, $ c) {echo $ a. '& Lt; Br / & gt; '; Echo $ B '& Lt; Br / & gt; '; Countercurrent $ c '& lt; Br / & gt; '; }} Now, I need to inspire the above class using the class's CLS function: class Myclass {function cls ($ File_name, $ args = array ()) Include {$ file_name ".php"; If (isset ($ args)) {// This is where the problem can be, I have to pass several arguments in the form of exam square $ class_instance = new $ file_name ($ args); } And {$ class_instance = new $ file_name (); } Return $ Class_instance; }} Now when I pass arguments to do this, I try to make an example of the test class: $ myclass = new Myclass; $ Test = $ myclass- & gt; CLS ('test', array ('a1', 'b2', 'c3')); retu...

c# - How can I get a PropertyGrid to show a SaveFileDialog? -

I have property grid control where I want to be able to display a SaveFileDialog because the user is in the process of exporting data For a new file I can easily hook up an OpenFileDialog with a FileNameEditor, but do not seem to have the same class to save the files. Is there an existing class that I can specify in the System.ComponentModel.Editor attribute that a SaveFileDialog is displayed? The object that you call propertyGrid1.SelectedObject is a public property like the following Needed: Private string _saveFile; [Browser attitudes] [editor attit (typef (SafeFilmName), typef (system] Public String SavingsFileEditorLight {Receive {Return_sffile; } Set {_saveFile = value; }} To answer the job :) Then on the runtime, when you edit this property, the elipission will show and you will be able to select a file to save as

winforms - Is there a way to check with calls into my web-application API came from my distributed client? -

Is there any way to come from my distributed client with a call in my Web-Appi API? That's because if I have a thick client (says Windows Proof Client) and server-side web application that HTTPS interface (put user name / passwork in client configuration for authentication) , Is there a way to ensure that the web application interface is used only by my clients? That is, to avoid using the 'run system' and to develop their own scripts / apps to use the API (and possibly possibly to abuse the service). If I can sign a private key in the WinForms client somehow to sign the payload, this would mean that it could be unrelated by a user ??? Just curious to know whether it is possible to solve one .... thanks You can make it difficult to" run the system ", but you can not hide a secret on your client's computer. As soon as the code is "bad man", its direct entry is the program that calls the web service, how to make this service a certi... - You are not authorized to view this page -

IIS में तैनात मेरे पृष्ठ को ब्राउज़ करते समय निम्न त्रुटि हो रही है आप इस पृष्ठ को देखने के लिए अधिकृत नहीं हैं आपको दिए गए क्रेडेंशियल का उपयोग करके इस निर्देशिका या पेज को देखने की अनुमति नहीं है। -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ कृपया निम्न प्रयास करें: यदि आपको लगता है कि आपको यह देखने में सक्षम होना चाहिए तो वेब साइट व्यवस्थापक से संपर्क करें निर्देशिका या पेज विभिन्न क्रेडेंशियल्स के साथ फिर से प्रयास करने के लिए रिफ्रेश बटन पर क्लिक करें HTTP त्रुटि 401.1 - अनधिकृत: अमान्य क्रेडेंशियल्स के कारण प्रवेश निषेध है। इंटरनेट सूचना सेवा (आईआईएस) -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ तकनीकी जानकारी (समर्थन कर्मियों के लिए) माइक्रोसॉफ्ट उत्पाद समर्थन सेवाओं पर जाएं और शब्दों HTTP और 401 के लिए एक शीर्षक खोज करते हैं। आईआईएस सहायता खोलें, जो IIS प्रबंधक (inetmgr) में पहुंच योग्य है, और प्रमाणन, प्रवेश नियंत्रण, और कस्टम त्रुटि संदेशों के बारे में शीर्षक वाले विषयों की खोज करें। म...

memory - Flex viewstack keeps redrawing invisible child, how to fix? -

Status: I have found a viewstack with 2 children (both types of Panel ). Application from child 1 to SelectedChild . Starts with With one click on a button, the child has 2 selected children, after that, I am the 1 child selected child. When I click the Redraw field in the flash player , I can see that the child is being repeated all the time (some things in my child ) How can I prevent it from happening? Or is it really invisible (in this case child 2) can be done only with the removal of the child? Why would I want to receive it? There will be too much data (FLV, image etc.) in children 2 and when it is cached as it happens now, it will slow down my application. A large source of inefficiency in the flash can come from invisible objects on your display list. Not only do they cause redrape area refresh ("red rectangles"), whenever they need to cross the display list tree, they impose CPU penalties on flash processing. Mouseovers are particularly expensi...

Image preview in Flex -

I am working on an image management application. We have an Adobe Air Client that is talking to a WAMP server. MySQL stores DB images as blops We have an image search feature when I search, I am displaying results as a XMLList in a popup window and have provided a download button. The download job is okay I want to add a preview button to the popup as well. Please tell me how I can code this. Without the file on the client, I can not preview. But when I use the savings () method, the OS dialogue opens. Anything on the PHP side to be done? help please. Regards JD Do you have an image? Will not do normal work? Of course, for display related issues, your PHP code should present a small image (thumbnail). Correct me if your question is incorrectly understood: (

c++ - Problem with operator == -

I have a problem with using operator == in the following C ++ program. #include & lt; Iostream & gt; using namespace std; Class A {Public: A (four * b) {a = b; } A (A and C) {a = c.a; } BULL operator == (A and others) {return strump (A, other .a); Private: Four * A; }; Int main () {one obj ("test"); An obj1 ("test1"); If (obj1 == A ("test1")) {cout What's wrong with (if obj1 == A ("test1")) line ?? Any help is appreciated. child operator == (Consta and others) Use the const context, so a floating object that can be used as the parameter for operator == in the if statement.

python - Virtualenv: global site-packages vs the site-packages in the virtual environment -

If I have some packages installed in the global site-package and in some local packages, which package import Do you? Will it work or will I get any error? Which packages should be kept in global site-packages and what packages should be locally installed? Question 1 arises in question 1 but ignores question 2 in the previous answer. I have seen which package is kept globally for the best practice: First of all, the main Python package, because it does not change with the relevance of the rear That you are not upgrading to a major version, and you want a dragon upgrade to be automatically applied to your virtual enviz. Secondly, the package that is easy_install or pipl is the pain of every person's virtualwave for Rd do, but it very often does not change - for example, MySQLdb / psycopg and PIL. Very much everything should be done in the packages of your VirtualAven (I highly recommend using the files of necessity and it makes it easy to set at least painful an...

c++ - Why is `i = ++i + 1` unspecified behavior? -

Consider the following C ++ standard ISO / IEC 14882: 2003 (E) quote (section 5, paragraph 4): Where it has been said, the order of evaluation of sub-reactions of different operators and individual expressions and order in the order of adverse effects is specified in an unspecified manner. 53) It will have a one time modified value by evaluating expression near a scalar object between the previous and next sequence point. In addition, the first value will be used only to determine the value of the archiving. The requirements of this article will be completed for each acceptable order of sub-reactions of full expression; Otherwise the behavior is undefined. [Example: i = v [i ++]; // The behavior is unspecified i = 7, i ++, i ++; // I 9 i = ++ i + 1 becomes; // The behavior is unspecified i = i + 1; // I has increased the value -add example] I was surprised that i = ++ i + 1 i Does any one compiler detect the implementation which does not give 2 for the following c...

swing - Delay between drawing of two icons in Java -

I have a piece of code in Java that draws 2 icons on the screen. I want to apply a delay between them, and I'm not sure about the best way. At the moment I have; cell.setIcon (image1); Thread.Sleep (500); // brevity cell 2. Try the neglected for the set icon (Image 2); But it seems that either is dragged first, why is it so, and how can I fix it? Assume that you are using swings, sleep can be done on the worker thread , Such as: new swingworker & lt; Zero, zero> () {@Override protected Void doInBackground ()) Exception throws exception {Thread.sleep (500); Return tap; } @ Override protected zero () {cell2.setIcon (image2); }}. Execute ();

Checking File Permissions in Linux with Python -

I am writing a script to check permissions for files in user's directories and if they are not acceptable then I I will warn them, but I just do not have permission from the logged-in user, but I also want to see the group and others. how can I do this? I think that Python in .access () can only check the permissions for the user running the script. You are right that, like the underlying syscall, the specific user (effective to help in semolina situations Checks Actual instead of ID) The correct way to get more general information about this is to allow the osstat return file with a file, per user, group, and other permissions for the bits of st_mode is the attribute. To help explain those bits, you should use the module specifically, you want to define bitmask, and you want to mask the related bits in st_mode To use them, use the and operator (bit-more). Attribute - For example, if you need a definitive / incorrect probe, if a certain file is group-readable, ...

Doxygen with C# internal access modifier -

I am using the dosage to generate some API docs for a C # project. I have quite a few "internal" functionality in this project and do not want to produce these signatures in Doksian Generated HTML. I have tried to enable HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS but it still results in internal sections highlighting in the documentation. Does anyone know how to do this? In response to Mac H, let's set these additional configuration parameters to do this work : # Prefetined tags can be used to specify one or more macro names that have been introduced to # preprocessor (similar to # GCC-D option) PREDEFINED = internal = private # If the EXTRACT_PRIVATE tag is set to Yes, then all private members of all classes are given ten Will be included in the document. EXTRACT_PRIVATE = No # If the ENABLE_PREPROCESSING tag is set to Yes (default) Doxygen will evaluate all the C-preprocessor instructions found in # sources and will contain # files ENABLE_PREPROCESSING = Yes # If the MACRO_...

sql - Update query "updatable query" issue -

In Entrance 2003, I am trying to get a table and if there is an indicator for any given line of given ID = 1, ID indicator Jack 0 Jack 0 Jeff 1 Jeff Mark 1 mark 1 will be: Icon indicator Jack 0 Jack 1 Jeff 1 Mark 1 Mark 1 Since Jeff and Mark both have at least 1 line with indicator = 1, I I want to make all your lines = 1. This is my endeavor, but I need an error "Operation should use an updateable query" (I think because the selection statement table is not ... you do not update a query Update Table 1: Join the Inner (Table 1) Table 1. ID 1 from where ((Table 1. Indicator) = 1))) Table 1.ID on list = List. ID set table 1. Indicator = 1; What is a good way to quickly and efficiently create a temporary table ? Or will a floating table be the best / most efficient solution? This will make my database a little bit weird because the 8 lines I have to do this ... The table I'm opperating is ~ 300 MB. Thanks There is a way to do this: Update T1 SET ...

perforce - git-p4 is eating my image files -

So, I can import from p4 using git-p4 without any problem. Everything seems to work, but my PNG files (and maybe others) are getting corrupted. I have read about gitattributes and issues ending in line, but I do not think anything is going to change the end result. Broken images My attribute file is: *. Png binary Any ideas? As I have understood it, git is considered smart enough to understand that it is a binary file without a PNG help. Is it something special that p4-git pulls files out of the way? Update: It's on Windows, I forgot it would be important. There is a header in the PNG file format, which is specially designed to look for programs For those who do end conversions, and not due to failure There are 8-bytes of a PNG file: 89 50 4 E 47 0 A1A A, specially chosen because they are unix newline and windows newline - automatic programmable conversion automatically The form will invalidate PNG. It seems that this is really a problem; And instead of think...

Java Socket TCP Maximum Segment Size -

Is there a possibility to read the TCP "MSS" option header of a SYN packet or it is buried deeply Layers of layers of layers? Thank you I'm pretty sure that the latter case is you platform-independent The layer is shielded against the functioning of the TCP stack, otherwise the Java portable will be reduced. If you insist, you have the option to do socket I / O through JNI.

oop - Python elevator simulation problem -

I have a homework assignment that is actually cooking my noodle, it includes a lift simulation, which is the number of floors and elevators Uses user input for the number of people using it. The initial floor of the people and the destination floor are random numbers within the floor. I know that my code is very rare and that there are some flaws, but I do not know where to go from here. I need help within the building class, such as Run () and how to do the output () section Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated and note that I have someone code for me Do not see me, but how to hold my hand and tell me how to go to classes, I feel completely angry. import random floors = raw_input ('S Enter the number of floors for simulation: ') While the floor Islafa () or floor.Space () or int (flooring) & lt; = 0: floor = raw_input ('Please enter a number for floor number' :) Customer = raw_input ('Please enter the number of customers in the building...

javascript - emulating mouse clicks on a series of a tags -

I am trying to set up the link in an array so that I have: & lt; A href = "#" onClick = "JavaScript: Functionality ();" Name = "mylinks" & gt; Link1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" onClick = "javascript: doFunction ();" Name = "mylinks" & gt; Link2 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" onClick = "javascript: doFunction ();" Name = "mylinks" & gt; Link3 & lt; / A & gt; ... And I want JavaScript to use the array like this: function doAll (var {, i = l = document. For mylinks.length; (i = 0; i However when I execute doAll So, it tells me that document.mylinks.length is zero or not an object. What is the correct way to do this? First, use dom to get your anchor elements Link 2 ... To emmulate an onclick and you should create and send a dummy event (if supported) function doClick (link) {if (document.createEvent) {var Ev...

How do I extend ASP.NET MVC2 out-of-box validation to validate creditcard / emails? -

I am looking at the file MicrosoftMvcJQueryValidation.js which can be found on your page and ASP.NET MVC2 jquery.validate object in beta This will allow any verification rule and additional special handling, strings, range and required fields for regulation. If this is a normal / unknown rule type, then it will pass only through such criteria: default: __MVC_ApplyValidator_ unknown (rules obje, this rule. Verification type, thisRule.ValidationParameters) ; break; Although However, I can not seem to know how to inject additional rules in JSON which is generated by the framework, such as 'email' generally rules only [ Essential] . I know there are a lot of extensibility points to change the entire verification metadata provider - but I see a simple way. For example, how can I use 'email' or 'credit card' assumptions in conjunction with a simple model like this: Public class logs These details {educate the public at the receiving edges} Set; }...

flexbuilder - Running Basic Flex Projects over HTTP? -

How do you configure Flex Builder to run basic Flex projects on HTTP ()? How can I use crossdomain.exe files when running on some local level like a file: /// User / Me / Flex / MyPors ... with Safari / Firefox Run on Mac Thank you! If you mention that OS is developed on: Windows, or Mac OSX? In general, you have already made your build from Flex Builder on the web-accessible location on the IIS Web server (if on Windows), or Apache Web Server (if on OSX) already. Select the properties on your Flex project Select Flex Build Path in the left panel Change Output to your project Folder . On Windows, you can usually choose an output folder such as C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ xyz ... xyz the output files of your project To keep is the name of the folder that you created There is a good output folder to use on Mac OSX / user / your user / sites / xvi ... where yourusername Your username is, and xyz to create the output files of your project you create A folder...

Assigning a group while adding user in django-admin -

In my application, I have models that are in the form of a foreign key in the form of a user such as: class doctor (models.Model): user name = model.Agariniki (user, exclusive = true) ... In the admin site, add a new doctor At the time, I have the option to add a new user next to the username. This is what I want, but what opens in that dialog asks the user name and password for the new user; I would also like to be able to assign groups to this new user. What would be the best way to do this? Thank you, Lakharie Your application includes an '' Create, where you can actually register your own model with the administrator, add the following code. Import from django.contrib.auth.models user from django.contrib Auth.admin import userjmin.contrib.auth.forms Import UserCreationForm class MyUserCreationForm (UserCreationForm): "" is a form UserCreationForm "" class override meta: model = user field = ("user name", "group...

Problem with formatting output c++ -

I am working on a binary search tree .. I'm having trouble aligning the nodes left on the output. I'm printing array order, pre-order, indoor, post order ... array order format has left the alliance as i want it .. im basically the same code (set and left; with preo order and rest However, this is not left aligned .. I have tried everything. Any move? The correct output .. Database of Great Computer Scientists>> Array Order: Name of Address - Index ---- ----- ----- Rals Ton, Anthony 0 Liang, Lee 1 von Neumann, John 2 Jones, Doug 3 Trigoboff, Michael 5 Goble, Colin Leaf 7 Nut, Donald 8 Turing, Alan's Leaf 12, Alan's Leaf 17 (Item Printed) (9) & Gt; & gt; Predender: Name of the Leaf? Index --------- ----- Ralston, Anthony Liang, Li 1 Jones, Dog 3 Goble, Colin Leaf 7 Nut, Donald 8 , Alan's Leaf 17 von Neumann, John 2 Tribofof, Michael 5 Turing, Alan's Leaf 12 (item printed) (9)>> Inorder: The name of the name Index ------------- Goble...

PreFilterMessage is not called when hosting C# control within Internet Explorer -

Here is a sample: 1. Create a Class 'Public Class Rich TextockX: Rich Textbox, IMJF Filter'. 2. Apply 'Public Bool Prefilter Message (Refresh Measure Me)'. 3. Enter the edit mode of control and type any type of. As described above, the 'prefilter message' is not called when the browser is hosted. Along with full control access to control prefilter messages, the prefix filter system Only messages posted in are filtered - messages are not filtered directly. To override all types of messages, override the WndProc () function.

sdk - iPhone App rejected because of Three20 "non-public API" "lineHeight" and "previousViewController" -

My app was rejected due to non-public API 3.3.1 Applications should use the document API only in the manner prescribed by Apple and do not use any private API or do not call. " The following non-public APIs are included in your application: LineHeight Previous View Controller What can I do? I used the three 20-P3 version , But it has still been rejected. Thx for help We are going to earn a couple who change the name of these methods to all three, look for them a few weeks. These false positives do not I have sent an email and submitted a bug report about this problem. The name of the method is absolutely the same as playing a weird-one-mole. Not a scalable solution. / P>

tracing - How to find a source IP adress in a WCF trace file using (Microsoft Service Trace Viewer)? -

I have a WCF web service with a tracing (after these guidelines). The problem is that I know the source IP (incomming client requests) anywhere in the trace file. The documentation on this subject is quite ambiguous, so if you can provide some links for some good resources then I am grateful. The logging client IP address is probably not by default because it is one. It tells about some logging switches that allow you to find things like client IP addresses and when logging in. I have not set these flags first so that you can not tell that this work Will do But there is a walk.

php - What does & in &$data do? -

The question of a quick start in PHP. What & amp; IN & amp; What is the difference with $ data $ data? Create a function menu (and $ data) {$ this- & gt; Db- & gt; Where ('parent', 0) ... ... its One example is what will happen, if you run the following program: $ data = 3; Print ($ data); PrepareMenu ($ data); Print ($ data); Function Ready menu (and $ data) {$ data = 7; Print ($ data); } You will get the output: 3 7 7 While you pass the value, rather the reference From: $ data = 3; Print ($ data); PrepareMenu ($ data); Print ($ data); Function Ready Menu ($ data) {$ data = 7; Print ($ data); } You will get the output: 3 7 3 As a second example, in the value $ data For use in designing copied , as opposed to the first example where you are always working with original dollar data Note: Not written in PHP Year, so it's not really expected to compile, it's just an example) =

Nunit not releasing a DLL used in a test / can't delete in teardown -

I have an application that is unmanaged, and clearly interconnected with a buggy, DLL. I have been compensated by checking my application to check all kinds of error conditions when DLL is running, like DLL has gone into an infinite loop. I'm trying to test this handling in my application, and so I deliberately coded a DLL which goes in the infinite loop on purpose. In my unit test, I want to change the name of the original DLL, I want to copy in my 'broken' DLL, run the test, see the timeout code, then remove the broken DLL And replace the original DLL. However, I guess this is unofficial access to my tyride method because nUnit still has some kind of DLL 'Open'. How can I issue DLL to nUnit? Well, I worked around it by dividing the trouble tests in nearby assemblies. I now have 3 test assemblies, 1 out of which there are large numbers of tests, and in each of the 1 I have problems in the tests. Therefore, I still do not know how to release the...

Where can i find sample for symbian app for sending sms? -

I have a Nokia N70 that needs to code some applications that can send a lot of SMS from an SMS (SMS spamming) For example, smth: for (int i = 11111; i & lt; 99 999; i ++) {SendSms ("+ 385 655" + i.ToString (), " Hello, World "); } This dummy sample says that +385 Croatia is for the country and 655 is the operator code. N70 is the old series 60 second edition. We try not to write a new C ++ code for that version. Instead use the example code for J2ME JSR-120. You can find it on

Hibernate implicit entity restrictions -

Is there a way to add the underlying restriction to the unit in HQL? For example, when we query the list with "HQL" from "client", then we only need to select all the customers, who have some special system ID System ID depending on user session itself, so we The question that needs to be actually changed from "Client to System ID =: System ID", although we do not specify it in the original query That is what you are after ... To ensure that you have provided current effective records, enable filters on the session before receiving employees: session session = ...; Session.enableFilter ("Effective Date") setParameter ("asOfDate", New Date ()); Results of the list = session. BuyerAquiry ("E. From where to employee": Target Celebery "") .setLong ("targetSalary", New Long (1000000)) .list ();

c# - Fulfilling a new() constraint on a generic method when using System.Object -

I am working with this third party libraries, and by tricking my mind to solve this particular issue I am here. I am implementing an interface that I need to pass the objects type object , and to make a good number of calls, I need to pass them in a normal way, which is the class and Expect a type with New () Definitions are defined. I know that through any object, I will fulfill these obstacles, but as far as I can see, there is no normal way that I can specify in a normal way. Satisfy the criteria One interface can not specify the constraints of the constraints, and an abstract class is not allowed in the form of a type argument for the general method. The objects passed in this case are known and controlled by me, but the signature of both the removal methods can not be modified. Ideally I can implement the interface that guarantees the parameter-specific manufacturer criteria, but this does not seem to be an option. Here is an example of what I'm talking about: ...