android - How to refresh a ListView to requery its cursor to repopulate its data and its views -

I have a list view that uses the cursor adapter as its adapter

  • once If required, then

    • Need Data?
    • I want to see the list to refresh its view.

    I tried:

      cursor adapter adapter = (cursor adapter) listView.getAdapter (); Adapter.notifyDataSetChanged ();  

    And I tried:

      cursor adapter adapter = (cursor adapter) listView.getAdapter (); Adapter.getCursor () requery () .;  

    But none worked; I have set a breakpoint in my query method of ContentProvider , but I am being called requery or my ListView new data Is getting refreshed with

    Can you please tell me what is the solution to my problem?

    Thank you.

  • caller requery () at cursor adapter With a cursor attached cursor adapter with a database or list on content provider (above your other situation). You can see it if it is not working for you, then there may be some bug in your ContentProvider or adapter.


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