join - NHibernate Joining on non-mapped property -

I have two classes System Inventions and Users The user has a property that has been e-mailed and system name. There is a property in the inventory called the invitation email address. There is no relation between domains between these properties

Is it possible to use the criteria API to generate a query:

Select si.InviteesEmailAddress, Si.Identifier, case when is zero then end user of 0 and 1 as userExists from system invocation to external user [user] u on eemail = c. Insights e-mail account


Thank you!

You should map the InviteesEmailAddress column to the mapping for system integration:

 < Code> & lt; Many-to-one name = "InvitesesEmailAddress" fetch = "join" class = "user" column = "email" cascade = "none" not-found = "ignore" />  


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