jquery selector array -

I have been added to the basket problem. Some products have options such as color / size to draw an input for selection box and volume for color / size

  & lt; Select Name = "Product Options [1234] [Color]" & gt; & Lt; Select Name = "Product Option [1234] [Size]" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "product option [1234] [qty]" & gt;  

Then the option is a product that holds values ​​for each product. In Abov example, there are product options with ID = 1234.

I tried

var productOptions = $ ("name = = 'productOption [" + productID + "]'"). well ();

Expected to get an array of the option of the given product ID, but it is not working. Options can dynamically have additional options for some products

< P> Can someone help me with the selector so that they can retrieve the values ​​array for the given product ID and send them to the server side.


I think you think that you use jQuery are doing.

  & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function getProductDetails (product_id) {var product_details = []; Jquery ('[name * =' productOption ['+ product_id +'] "] ') .ech (function () {var option = jQuery (this); var type = option.attr (' name ') .mail (/ ProductOption \ [\ d + \] \ [[\ w +) \] / product_details [type [1]] = option.val ();}); return product_details;} & lt; / script & gt; < / Code> 

This will return an associated array. You can ...

  var Description = getProductDetails (1234); Alert (description [quantity] ]);  


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