Machine Migrations wireup. -

I am trying to wipe one of my projects to use the machine. Merging for Database Migration However, I am unable to do this. I'm getting weird errors I have tried to use MSBuild work but I'm getting the following error.

  target Maigreshnmashiin: D: \ repository \ Core \ Playground \ Minhazuddin \ MachineMigrationsTest \ lib \ Machine.Migrations.targets (20, 5): error MSB4062: "Machine.Migrations.MigratorTask "Work assembly can not be loaded with D: \ repositories \ core \ playground \ minhajuddin \ MachineMigrationsTest \ lib \ Machine.Migrations.dll. The file or assembly file could not be loaded: /// D: \ The repository \ core \ placenta \ minhzuddin \ machine migrase \ lib \ Machine.Migrations.dll 'or its dependency failed to detect a system specified file Stayed. Confirm that & lt; Using & gt; The announcement is correct, and the assembly and all its dependencies are available. Building target "MigrationMatchin" finished in project "MachineMagrationTest .csproj" - FIELD  

When I try to use migrate.exe, I get the following error:

  information compilation of migration & lt; 1, CreateEmpTable & gt; System.ArgumentException: Unable to apply migration: D: \ treasures \ core \ playground \ minhajuddin \ MachineMigrationsTest \ MachineMigrationsTest \ 001_CreateEmpTable Machine.Migrations.Services.Impl.MigrationHelpers.LookupMigration (Assembly assembly, MigrationReference migrationReference) than D CS: \ Hunt \ OS \ Machinekmigrations \ source \ MachinekMigrations \ Services \ Impl \ BooMigrationFactory.cs: line machine 80 .Migrations.Services.Impl.CSharpMigrationFactory.CompileMigration (in MigrationReference migrationReference) D: \ Hunt \ OS \ Machinekmigrations \ source \ MachinekMigrations \ services \ Impl \ CSharpMigrationFactory.cs: line Machine.Migrations.Services.Impl 71 .AbstractMigrationCompilerFactory.CreateMigrationInstance (MigrationReference migrationReference) in D: \ repositories \ os \ machine.migrations \ source \ Machine.Migrations \ Services \ Impl \ AbstractMigrationCompilerFactory.cs: line 9 chine.Migratio mA ns.Services.Impl.CSharpMigrationFactory.CreateMigration (Mi grationReference migrationReference) D: \ Hunt \ OS \ Machinekmigrations \ So urce \ \ Machine.Migrations Services \ Impl \ CSharpMigrationFactory.cs: line 35 Machine.Migrations. Services.Impl.MigrationRunner.CanMigrate (ICollection`1 step) in D: \ Hunt \ OS \ Machinekmigrations \ source \ machine.Migrations \ Services es \ Impl \ MigrationRunner.cs: line 40 Machine.Migrations.Services.Impl D: \ line in the repository \ os \ machine.migrations \ source \ machine.Migrations.Contencies \ Impl \ Migrator.cs. 39. Machine in Migrator.RunMigrator (): Machine in DM. Row in Migrations.Migrator.Run (IConfiguration Configuration): Reposi Tory \ OS \ machine.migrations \ source \ machine.Migrations \ MigratorTask.cs: Line Machine.Migrations.ConsoleRunner.Program.Run on 29 (String [] args) D In: \ reposito education institutions \ os \ machine.migrations \ source \ Machine.Migrations.ConsoleRunner \ Program.cs: li has entered the code 001_create_emp_table.cs  
 38   Namespace Machine Machine Ration Test {Public class CreateEmpTable: Simple migration (public override zero) (schema.editb ("amp", new column [] {new column ("id", column type.long, 0, Wrong)})}} Public Override Zero Down () {Schema.DropTable ("Emp"); Please 

Thanks, Khaza Minhzaddin.

Try giving your class the same name as your file in addition to the version: create_emp_table

Edit: Also, try removing the name space I think the MMigrations Things may not need to be in a namespace.


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