portability - MySql portable version -

Anyone know the portable version of mysql?

I know xampp but it comes with PHP and Apache

Does anybody know how to separate mysql?

You can download MySQL Essentials to use the relative path instead of the version and full path < Make some small changes to the directories in the code> my.ini file. You can then run the server directly without installing or using a Windows service.

  1. Download a MySQL .zip file ( .msi , though you receive .msi And extract 7 from the files using zip or orca).

  2. Extract files. At least you have bin and share directory (in fact, in bin , you can actually enter only mysqld.exe to run the server as the full min)

  3. Edit my.ini to change basedir and Datadir to some relative For example the path:

      basedir = ".." datadir = "/ MySQLdb"  
  4. If you have existing Do not have a database, then create one:

      mysqld --bootstrap  
  5. To run the server (you have Switch to switch-grant-tables to leave it until you set up your MySQL user):

      < Li>

      current low To avoid the server running in the prompt, you can use the following to run it in your own console which must be missing after running:

        start mysqld   
    • If you get errors, delete log files (e.g., logs ) and run it again.


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