database - what are the fastest/Popular search technologies -
What is the fastest search technology in addition to relational DB searches?
I have a collection of text files in each of these text files from different sources (bank / ladder / stock market), each row is a record, each row has some DB columns (share name / date of purchase / owner / ...) can be parsed in. It is not necessary that there are all fields in each row, if some text is not mathing any field, then I keep it in a separate column (column A). If the parser fails to find any column, then I just store the line in the column.
DB search based on user input I think that search slows down after a few million records, I want to go to an alternative storage such as file system or any other indexed storage.
What would be the fastest storage technology for this type of requirement?
I am currently using SQLite DB because I want to rewrite the whole code, so it would be more than happy to me if any other storage technology can give me strong results.
- A high-performance, fully-featured text search engine library fully written in Java is. It is a technique that requires full-text search, especially cross-platform.
- T is a source code, square-per-class, API-per-API, and algorithmic port that uses Java Lucene search engine to use the C # and .NET platform. Net Framework
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