SAML Request - Declare Multiple Protocol Bindings -

I have implemented a SAML service provider to support Single Sign On for ASP.NET Web Portal, which is a Shrink-wrap software is configured on customers' sites and should be able to interact with any SAML-compliant identity provider.

My Attendance Consumer Service (ACS) page will accept SAML response through both GET and Post methods.

As I understand the SAML protocol, SAML request protocolbinding property specifies which protocols are supported for feedback I currently , My request specifies HTTP-Redirect binding. However, I would like to announce that I support both HTTP-Redirect (GET) and HTTP-POST (POST). After searching through more SAML documentation, I care about repeating, I am unable to find syntax to declare several supported protocol bindings (or it is also valid for doing so).

When I can declare this configurable, my priority will be to declare both bindings so that the identity provider works without additional configuration of my portal.

Below is a sample of my authentication request Please, if any protocol knows a way to declare both HTTP-Redirect and HTTP-POST for binding, then I appreciate your input!

  & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" & gt; & Lt; Samlp: AuthnRequest xmlns: samlp = "Kalash: oasis: Name: TC: SAML: 2.0: Protocol" id = "[AUTHN_ID]" version = "2.0" IssueInstant = "[ISSUE_INSTANT]" ProtocolBinding = "Kalash: Oasis: Names. Tc: SAML.0: Bindings: HTTP - Redirect "ProvanName =" [PROVIDER_NAME] "Assistance Consumer Service Service =" [ACS_LL] "& gt; & Lt; Saml: Issuer xmlns: saml = "Pulse: Oasis: Name: TC: SAML: 2.0: Claim" & gt; PortalEntityID & lt; / Saml: Issuer & gt; & Lt; Samlp: Allow NameIDPolicyPlease = "true" format = "vase: oasis: name: tc: SAML: 1.1: named-format: unspecified" /> & lt; / Samlp: AuthnRequest & gt;  

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!

After the

ProtocolBadding attribute on AuthnRequest is used to specify the binding required by its IDAP when its SAML Response XML is sent due to possible length restrictions on URL QuickString HTTP-Redirect is not a valid option to use here; A SAML response, especially if it is signed, it can be too long. I will be quote from SAML Imagery [SAMLProf]:

... Issuer Issuer Issues & lt; Response & gt; Message Service Providers can be used to transfer messages to the service provider through either the HTTP POST or HTTP artifact binding user agent to distribute the user agent. The message may point to an error, or it will contain a claim of (at least) authentication. HTTP redirection binding should not be used, as the response typically will exceed the URL length allowed by most user agents.


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