
Showing posts from May, 2013

Where can I fnd the xap files of the silverlight apps I am browsing? -

I am browsing Silverlight applications. Where can I get the related xap files? Are they in the browser cache elsewhere? I'm trying to look at xap files written by others I used patrick to see HTML files with EXAp files or XP files, nothing was found. For example, how can I find xap files for Bing Maps or Office Web applications? Look at the source code of the HTML page that hosts them. They are usually linked to the object tag. I only do a visual source and then search for exp. The quick search for "xap" on the Bing page source shows: & lt; Param name = 'source' value = 'http: //' / & gt; Your xap file is also you can use to search the embedded Silverlight apps in pages.

How could I implement the permit directive through database in rails-authorization-plugin, in a way that an admin user can change? -

I would like to control the permit method with something like this class SomethingController & lt; ApplicationController Permission: somerole end Where ': somerole' is a field and an action in the database connected to a controller. Something that the user can administer and change with personalized. Some thoughts? This is just for example I class admin: AdminController & lt; ApplicationController before_filter: login_required before_filter: only_moderator_and_above layout 'admin' def only_moderator_and_above until current_user.has_admin_access? Flash [: notice] = custom message Admin_permission_alert redirect_to '/' End End End

c# - WPF ListView ItemTemplate questions -

मान लें कि मुझे निम्न श्रेणी के पदानुक्रम हैं: सार्वजनिक स्थिर वर्ग स्थिरांक {सार्वजनिक enum MyEnum {Value1 = 0, Value2, Value3}} सार्वजनिक वर्ग डेटा: INotifyPropertyChanged {सार्वजनिक डेटा (स्ट्रिंग का नाम, ushort आईडी, Constants.MyEnum ई) {DataName = name; DataId = id; डेटाएनम = ई; } #region गुण / / / सेट कार्यान्वयन सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग DataName नहीं दिखाया; सार्वजनिक उपयोग डाटा डेटा; सार्वजनिक स्थिरता। मायएनम डेटाएनम; # इंडरेग्राइन // इन्टिफाइपरपॉर्पेटीटीपीजीड कार्यान्वयन न दिखाया गया है / फ़ील्ड कार्यान्वयन नहीं दिखाया गया है} सार्वजनिक वर्ग डेटाकॉन्टेनइयर {सार्वजनिक डाटा कंटनेयर () (इसमें शामिल डेटा = नया ऑब्सव्वेशबल कलेक्शन & lt; डेटा & gt; (); ContainedData.Add (नया डेटा ("डेटा 1", 1, स्थिर। MyEnum.Value1)); ContainedData.Add (नया डेटा ("डेटा 2", 2, स्थिर। MyEnum.Value2)); शामिल डेटा। जोड़ें (नया डेटा ("डेटा 3", 3, स्थिर। MyEnum.Value3)); } सार्वजनिक पर्यवेक्षण कलेक्शन & lt; डेटा & gt; ContainedData; } मैं एक ListView में Da...

integer - int? c#, used in ref, what exactly is it -

एक किडी, बिड्डी प्रश्न हो सकता है लेकिन मैं एक "आउटपुट" पैरामीटर को पास करने की कोशिश कर रहा था सी शार्प का उपयोग करते हुए एक संग्रहीत कार्यविधि और जब तक मैं निम्नलिखित वाक्यविन्यास का उपयोग कर "आउटपुट" चर को पारित नहीं कर पा रहा था: int? ROWID = 0; ADAPTER.INSERT (वेल 1, वैल 2, रेफरी ROWID); हालांकि समस्या का हल हो गया है, मुझे अभी समझ में नहीं आ रहा है कि, जब मैं एक सामान्य "इंट" में मान को पकड़ने की कोशिश करता हूं, तो यह एक रूपांतरण त्रुटि देता है पूर्ण परिणाम = ROWID; // सही नहीं है तो, मुझे क्या करना है: int परिणाम = (int) ROWID; // सही क्या वास्तव में "int?" मतलब? int? एक nullable int है पढ़ें। वैसे, यदि आप संपूर्ण गाइड नहीं पढ़ते हैं, तो कम से कम अपने ROWID चर पर HasValue और Value गुणों की जांच करें।

jquery - How to position a div dynamically below another? -

I use jQuery to find out the status of a div ( #olddiv ) Trying to do so, I can use that situation to do another div ( #newdiv ) below it. The correct boundaries of 2 divs are aligned (right border) I #olddiv to the right and the right places to give them the #newdiv top and right borders I am trying to use it as I have used this code, but it is not working. Any thoughts that I am doing wrong? var correct = $ ('# old day'). Event (). Right; Var top = $ ('# olddiv'). Event (). bottom; $ ('# Newdiv') CSS ('top', right); $ ('# Newdiv') CSS ('right', top); In addition to this, I'm not sure if I have status , then what do I need? I think this can be done with status or offset , but I'm not sure: $ ('# ID '). $ Left ('# id'). Offset (). Left Thanks I dynamically position the elements Use offset () to try it: var offset = $ ('# olddiv'). Offset (); Var height = $ ('# olddiv...

ubuntu - version problem - backward compatibility subversion SVN -

I have my SVN repository running in a server svn 1.4.2 but I am at home Using svn 1.6.5 at Ubuntu 9.10. I think svn will be corrupt when two versions are different (at least in my case), and svn will not do the cleaning move. I'm not sure whether I should install STV 1.4.2 at home, or is there any way around it? You should not have any problems with the SVN 1.6.5 customer 1.4.2 repository. You only have problems, if you use two separate SVN Customers versions. Your working counter 1.4.5 client has used this 1.6.5 client, it does not corrupt the SVN, though ... it only affects the copy of the work (and it is "corrupt" No, just maintained in such a way that the client does not understand the 1.4.2).

scheme - Question about define syntax -

I am new to programming, I am doing my work through SICP, and I love it. Although I am a bit confused about the definition of the plan, primarily, what is the difference between: (define foo bar) And: (define (foo) bar) What time does the bar only fu and execute it? While the second phone allocates and waits for? If you ask to call the function within another function, say within a statement, (if (Foo) ...) or (if foo ...) The first version creates a variable named foo and it specifies the context of the bar. Nothing else is executed. The second edition creates a function with the body bar. The function is not executed, it is filed (guess what 'waiting' is?). You always call a function by making it the first item in the list and evaluating the list. Create a variable & gt; (Define 1) & gt; One 1 make other variable references to other variables & gt; (Defined b) & gt; B1 create a function that & gt; (Defi...

rubygems - Rails is not recognizing an installed gem -

I tried to install Ruby-HMCAC gem If I do "gem list" So I see it is installed: ... redcloth (3.0.4) ruby-hmac (0.3.2) ruby-opanid (1.1.4) ... But when I try to include it in my rail project ... config.gem "ruby-hmac" I get an error: Missing these essential gems: Ruby - HMAC you are running: Rs. / system / library / frames / ruby.framework / version / 1.8 / usr / bin / ruby ​​rubygems 1.3.4 a / aus / tmam / gm / rub / 1.8, / library / robbie / james / 1.8, / System / Library / Framework / Ruby Framework / Version / 1.8 / URL / Lib / Ruby / Gyms / 1.8 Run Rack Gems: To install missing gems, install ' I take a look at my gem directory ... Macintosh-2: Inflammatory Tamsic $ L S / L / Library / Ruby / Gems / 1.8 / Gem / Druidder-XR-X12 Root Administrator 408 Jun 28 23:14 Rak -0.8.7 / DWXR-XR-X8 Root Administrator 272 Dec 5 00:34 Rubyforge-1.0.3 / The permissions are looking fine so I'm going to get one from the same directo...

c++ - Boost's Interpreter.hpp example with class member functions -

बूस्ट boost_1_41_0 \ libs \ function_types में एक उदाहरण फ़ाइल के साथ आता है \ उदाहरण के लिए बुलाया जाता है मैं एक ऐसी स्थिति बनाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं जहां मेरे पास विभिन्न तर्कों, रिटर्न प्रकार, एक ही स्थान पर दर्ज किया जाना चाहिए। फिर एक फ़ंक्शन को निकालने और इसे कुछ पैरामीटर से निष्पादित करने की क्षमता है। यहां कुछ प्रश्नों को पढ़ने के बाद, और कुछ अन्य स्रोतों से मुझे लगता है कि इस उदाहरण फ़ाइल में लागू डिजाइन उतना ही अच्छा है जितना मैं प्राप्त करने में सक्षम हो जाएगा यह किसी भी प्रकार का फ़ंक्शन लेता है और आपको स्ट्रिंग तर्क सूची का उपयोग करके इसे कॉल करने की अनुमति देता है, जिसे सही डेटा प्रकारों में पार्स किया जाता है। मूल रूप से इसका कंसोल कमांड इंटरप्रेटर है, और संभवत: इसका वर्णन करने के लिए इसका क्या मतलब है। मैं कोड का अध्ययन कर रहा हूं और कक्षा सदस्य कार्यों को स्वीकार करने के लिए एक ही कार्यान्वयन प्राप्त करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, लेकिन अब तक असफल रहा है । मैं सोच रहा था कि किसी को संशोधनों की ज़रूरत है, या शायद कुछ इसी तरह से काम कर सकता है और कुछ ही कोड...

python - resampling, interpolating matrix -

I am trying to gather some data for the purpose of plotting. For example, N data points are given, I want to be able to generate a "smooth" plot, which is composed of 10 * N or so many data points. My approach calculates an N-by-10 * N matrix and internal product to the original vector and matrix, which provides 1-by-10 * N vector. I have already prepared the math which I want to use for the interpolation, but my code is very slow. I am very new to the dragon, so I hope some experts here can tell me a few ways, I can try to speed up my code. I think the part of the problem is that for generating the matrix, the following function requires 10 * N ^ 2 calls: def sinc ( X): Try import calculation: Excluding return math.sin (math.pi * x) / (Mathematics. X * x) Zero Divination Error: Return 1.0 (This original By the way, I am trying to recreate a signal from my samples, and it increases it in high frequency.) DIF Replametics (TSO, SSF, O, F): From the MMP import ar...

HMAC (hash-based message authentication code, aka data signing) in Mathematica -

It seems that there is an implementation of HMAC in every language below (see below.) And the algorithm is quite straightforward: / P> Has anyone applied it to mathematica? There are signs of implementation in other languages: P> This is my implementation: The first few utility functions: (* The length is left * n * with the pad string SX). Stripaders [s_ , N_, x_]: = stringgeon @ padrite [character], n, x] stripad [s_, n_, x_]: = string jan @ pad left [character] [n], n, x] (* hex representation; Optionally pad length from n with pins) hex [x_, n_: null]: = if [n === faucet, identification, stripad [, x, 16] (* coordinate all the arguments as strings ( X) if they are not already). *) Cat = StringJoin @@ (ToString / @ {##}) & amp;; (* Takes a string like "Xy" and gives hex representation of the bytes (ASCI code) (a string even twice a long). *) Tobias [s_]: = cat @@ (hex [#, 2 ] & Amp;; / ToCharacterCode [s]) (* takes a length string...

c# - WPF Dependency Property for Custom Control -

I am a bit of a mess with setting up a dependency property for the How do custom controls. I have created a custom control, so it is out of control class. public class CustControl: Control {static CustControl () {DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata (typeof (CustControl), New FrameworkPropertyMetadata (typeof (CustControl))); }} To set the dependency property, I must register it within a class that should be obtained from the dependency object. So it should be a class: class CustClass: DependencyObject {public static only DependencyProperty MyFirstProperty read = DependencyProperty.Register ( "MyFirst", typeof (string), typeof (CustControl), New PropertyMetadata ("")); Public string myfst {get {return (string) GetValue (MyFirstProperty); } Set {Set Value (MyFastProperty, Value); }}} How can I now install MyFirst property as a dependency asset for the custodian of the custodian? dependence to establish property I should be a class derived ...

matlab - MPEG-1 compression - producing macroblocks -

I'm stuck with a basic problem in my MPEG-1 compression I'll have to build macroblocks within an image The macroblock consists of 16 x 16 pixels - where 4x8x8 flash, 1x8x8cb and 1x8x8cr. In MATLAB, I want to create a cell matrix containing this. Any suggestions? It looks like you have your various 8-by -8 matrix one In single variable. In some ways you can do this (the first option that I choose for your case): Adding data to 3-D matrix: You can use the function to stack the matrix of the same size with a given dimension. For example, if your 4 8-by-8 luminesense matrix in , L3 in your variable> , And L4 , the following will insert them into a 8-by-8-by-4 matrix: luminance = cat (3 , L1, L2, L3, L4); You can add additional CB and Cr matrix to create an 8-by-8-by-6 Matrix: macroblock = cat (3, L1, L2, L3, L4, CB, CR); % # Or ... macroblock = cat (3, glow, cb, cr); By using the luminance variable above you can macroblock to acces...

sql server - Using nullable columns in a WHERE clause -

एसक्यूएल सर्वर में टेबल परिभाषा को निम्नानुसार मान लें: बनाएँ तालिका MyTable (ID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULL, जानकारी VARCHAR (MAX)) और एक क्वेरी: रद्द करें @ आईडी अन्वेषीएनिटीफ़ीर घोषणा @ जानकारी VARCHAR (मैक्स) अगर @ आईडी नहीं है उस स्थिति में, दृश्य स्टूडियो स्टैटिक कोड विश्लेषक निम्न त्रुटि उत्पन्न करता है: चेतावनी: एसआर 0007: माइक्रोसॉफ्ट। प्रदर्शन: नल योग्य कॉलम अंतिम परिणाम को असमान के रूप में मूल्यांकन के रूप में मूल्यांकन कर सकते हैं। मुझे यहां समस्या दिखाई नहीं दे रही है त्रुटि प्रदर्शन से संबंधित है; एमएसडीएन का कहना है कि मुझे ISNULL () का उपयोग करना चाहिए - लेकिन शून्य के साथ तुलना में एक बराबर की तुलना हमेशा सही है, सही है? क्या मुझे कुछ याद आ रहा है, या क्या चेतावनी सिर्फ गलत है? मुझे लगता है कि यह WHERE खंड की बात कर रहा है यह कह रहा है कि आपके दोनों पैरामीटर और आपके कॉलम शून्य हो सकते हैं, इस स्थिति में आपके WHERE क्लॉज अब सही / गलत के लिए मूल्यांकन नहीं करता है अपने नलएबल कॉलम को एक में फ़नल करके जो कि हमेशा एक मान परिभाषित किया गया है (ISNULL क...

c++ - Mailslot with string -

I need to give a message in different parts, so I used the ostrinstream. Now I have a std :: string or const * char to send by mailslot. I have tried many ways to do this but every time I get wrong messages I send messages by mailSlot and receive it and it is sent through the console Want to know a solution to show? My code is for generating and sending mail: std:: ostringstream dew; OSS & LT; & Lt; "RE" & lt; & Lt; "01" & lt; & Lt; "01: 01: 02.350" & lt; & Lt; "Remote 01 - MSG Descarta"; Std :: string alarms = oss.str (); Const char * a = alarm.c_str (); ASSERT (ListFile (HMLLOT, AND A, STRELEN (A), and DUBIEstCent, NLL), "Messaging is impossible."); To get more messages: four alarms [42]; DWORD bytes read; Acetate (reflex (Hmless Lot, and Alarm, Stellen (Alarm), and Bytes Reid, Faucet), "Impossible to read file. Error:" & lt; I would like to use a std :: cout or printf ...

c - Copying a 2D array of char * to user space from kernel space? -

कर्नेल अंतरिक्ष में, मेरे पास निम्न है: char * myData [MAX_BUF_SIZE] [ 2]; मुझे एक कर्नेल विधि परिभाषित करने की आवश्यकता है जो इस डेटा को यूज़र स्पेस में प्रतिलिपि बनाता है, तो मैं इस पद्धति को परिभाषित करने के बारे में कैसे जाना होगा? मुझे निम्नलिखित मिल गया है, लेकिन मुझे पूरा यकीन है कि मैं क्या कर रहा हूं। asmlinkage int sys_get_my_data (char __user *** डेटा, int rowLen, int bufferize) {if ( पंक्तिलेन & lt; 1 || बफर साइज़ & lt; 1 || पंक्ति लैन & gt; MAX_BUF_SIZE || बफर आकार & gt; MAX_BUF_SIZE) {वापसी -1; } अगर (copy_to_user (डेटा, मायडाटा, पंक्तिलेन * बफर साइज़ * डेटाकॉन्टर * 2)) {printk (सभी मिनेफाइल प्राप्त करने के लिए उपयोगकर्ता विफलता में कॉपी करें) \ n "); वापसी -1; } वापसी 0; } सहायता आपकी टिप्पणी के अनुसार, ये चार * * मान नल-टर्मिनेटेड स्ट्रिंग्स को इंगित करता है। अब, आप केवल उस संपूर्ण fileDataMap मेमोरी ब्लॉक यूज़रस्पेस पर कॉपी नहीं कर सकते हैं - ये सिर्फ यूजरस्पेस को चार * मानों का एक समूह देते हैं जो कि कर्नेल स्थान में इ...

how to develop desktop base software? -

I want to develop Desktop Base software in C # NET which only produces reports and reports are exported in any format May be. That software will be dumped in the CD / DVD and distributed to all customers and they will install it in their PC (Stand Alan PC). And that would be the installer, the client could install itself. My problem is that I want to make this database because this software will be installed by a third person. Therefore, when anyone installed it, then the database should be installed, all the data should be imported into the database. Second, I have to send monthly data to them (the database has been exported) that they will be copied in specific / past folders and the system only imports (that file (data files) of my development software Is it possible if yes? Please guide me because I am a new visitor in the VS field, but in Oracle 8 years And Java has a 3-month programming experience. It is not impossible to do this. It seems that you want to inte...

templates - TemplateField.ItemTemplate -

TemplateField tf1 = नया TemplateField (); Tf1.ItemTemplate = ??? इस संपत्ति को प्रारंभ करने के लिए कैसे? मैं प्रोग्राम के रूप में तो क्या करना है यह करने के लिए की जरूरत है? आप आमतौर पर मार्कअप में बात की इस तरह करना होगा: & lt; TemplateField ... & gt; & LT; ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; एएसपी: टेक्स्ट बॉक्स ... / & gt; & Lt; / ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; / TemplateField & gt; या डिजाइनर का उपयोग करके एक ही बात करें। उदाहरण निम्न प्रकार है। टिप्पणी की-आउट मार्कअप के रूप में codebehind करता है एक ही बात का उत्पादन: & lt;% @ पृष्ठ भाषा = "सी #" AutoEventWireup = "true" CodeFile = "Default.aspx.cs" विरासत में मिली = "_Default"% & gt; & Lt;; DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // डीटीटी एक्सएचटीएमएल 1.0 ट्रांसक्रिप्शन // एन" ""> & Lt; html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt...

objective c - How to detect iPhone OS version in the app? -

I would like to detect the iPhone OS version in the app, you can also post the sample code. I tried to use a macro, which did not help. If you want conditional compilation, then you need to use macros: #if __IPHONE_8_0 // & gt; = Version 8.0 #else // & lt; To check on runtime, use: Float Vir = [[[UIDwise Diasdive] Systemversion, version 8.0 # ndif or alternatively, to check it at runtime ] Float value]; If (ver & gt; = 8.0) {// only applies to version 8 or above} - Rich client choice for an intranet web application with 5000+ users -

For an intranet web application with 5000+ users, we need to develop highly interactive (as much as possible a few postbacks) clients. Therefore, performance problems can arise, what will be your choice and why? - asp.NET web form + jQuery / Ajax - ASP.NET web form + Silverlight - ASP.NXTMVC + + Jacti / Ajax - ASP.NET MVC + Silverlight - - WPF - SmartClant You can suggest any other libraries (only for the Net World) Please share your troubles. + commercial reporting tool (for example: telleric) + pure ASP Reason: This is an intranet application, speed in terms of bandwidth and page size is not an issue, and it is not a concern to see. For reporting, this is the reason for the use of control Is very good because you can tie the data very quickly and easily ... if you put it on the top then telecenter j From some commercial reporting tools, I think you will get pretty stable and robust system Unfortunately, and jquery do not work well ...

c# - Shorten commands? -

क्या कमांडों को कम करना संभव है, जैसे ... this.ExampleCommand1। ExampleCommand2.1; this.ExampleCommand1.ExampleCommand2.2; this.ExampleCommand1.ExampleCommand2.3; से उदाहरणशॉर्टन = "this.ExampleCommand1.ExampleCommand2"; ExampleShorten.1; ExampleShorten.2; ExampleShorten.3; ? var उदाहरण = यह.उदाहरण कमांड 1 .ExampleCommand2; ExampleShortened.1; ExampleShortened.2; ExampleShortened.3;

Free icons sets for common file types -

I'm looking for a set of normal file-type icons , such as Word Document, PDF, XLS, TXTT, etc., in the size of 16 ~ x16 ~ pixels This can be of use: - How can I return the primary email address associated with the logged on user's current Outlook profile? -

I know, this is a strange question, let me tell you the correct email address, let me explain further. .. I am writing a COM add-in for Outlook 2007. Creates one of the specials and sends an email to a specific address and all works well. However, to be able to include themselves in the list of recipients it is necessary for the sender to have an option. More than one person will be running this way, I can not set the email address of the sender manually and this feature Just like to add a check box to enable. How to find the email address of the person sending the email to me only a bit. It is working, I can do it with AD query against user login, but work for non-domain users The need to do this also requires another method. To put it in more detail: By using VB, how do I return the primary email address associated with the current Outlook profile of the logged-on user? application. Session Current User.Edress Center Gettext change. Primary SMTPdender or RDOSেশন. ...

php sessions and determining if x value has been selected via sessions -

The problem, I want to use sessions, but I'm having problems applying sessions to my $ food array like If the user chooses a pizza, I do not offer him or her sandwich, similarly if the user selects a sandwich, then I do not give the user a pizza. I also want to know that the user has already selected a pizza or sandwich $ food = array ("pizza" => $ _POST [ "Pepperoni"], "sandwich" = & gt; $ _ POST ["cockpit switch"]); // How do I set up every $ food element as it will get its own session? // In addition to checking if $ food ["pizza"] is selected or not? ($ $ [[Pizza "] ')) ($ $ [[pizza"]') = $ _SESSION ('$ food [pizza]'] '' echo '' is already selected as pepperoni ";} and { Echo "Select a pizza";} In relation to the structure of the code above, ps, and syntax I know that there are many problems, this is the reason I ask for help Thank you for Fleming, Newbi...

Django FlatPages vs Django-CMS -

Without creating too much detail, I am creating a Django site and I want to implement a CMS solution page Lots of flexibility with layout, navigation and organization This will be used primarily for our documentation, and so far I have a lot of headaches to remove the in-in-out of Dygengo CMS trying. Is an experienced Django developer advised to use flat-pages instead? I am not a big fan of the results after check 404 of flat pages, but you can not use full- Without using the developed Django CMS, it can give enough power for flat-pages to work in this scenario. My approach is usually to just large enough to make it, unless some all feature is not needed outside of the box, Your profit may be different. Basically you think you're after Wiki?

c# - how to add a WebPart to all pages in a SharePoint site? -

I am using SharePiont Server 2007 Enterprise with Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, and I am using the Publishing Portal template I am I am using VSTS 2008 + C # + .NET 3.5. I want to know how to add a webpage to all the pages of a SharePoint site? Any reference samples? I want to use this webpart to display some general information (but information can be dynamically changed on all pages, and this is why I choose a webpage). There are two ways to do this on the basis of your situation. If the sites already exist, then by adding the Web Parts to you, repeat on the sites: If the sites are not present, Can be added to the site template:

performance - Pros/cons to using char for small integers in C -

Is there a disadvantage in using char for the small integer? What is the benefit other than occupancy / memory benefit? Specifically, the processor is likely to face with integer arithmetic on a char , better than or worse (a long / short ) int ? I know that this processor / system / compiler will be unique, but I am hoping to respond normally, or, at least, the normal case for 32-bit Windows and Solaris, I present I'm working on the system. I also agree that things like Overflow / Cover Problems have already been dealt with. Update: In Visual Studio 6.0, exactly like stdint.h Christopher has not suggested that one with windows on stacks (VS 6.0, debug build, 32-bit) Small benchmarking gives int and long to provide similar performance, which is almost twice as fast as four . The same test on Linux is similar to int and long running with GCC, and both are faster than char, though the difference is less clear. As a side note, I have not spent a lot of t...

Django: Generic one-to-many relationship with Contenttypes -

I am trying to make the following fit in Django ORM. A model with a publish which manages the publication of different types of content (other models). That's why I can easily Publish.objects.all () and order them according to date. I created a normal model as: publish class (models.Model): "" Intermediate model to display and manage various types of content "" "status = model .interfold (_ ('position'), option = STATUS_CHOICES, default = 1) Publish = Model DataTifield (_ ('Publish'), default = content_type = model.Forinzee (content) object_id = Models.PositiveIntegerField () Content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey ('content_type', 'object_id') The problem is that I want to attach it to different models, it should be a OneToMany relationship, because an article can only have a publication date. There is a general relationship, as far as I know, a ManyToMany relationship. I have tr...

PHP/MySQL - Improper stored data when submitted by users? -

First let me know that I have this script which allows users to enter more than one tag, for example separated by commas Gone html, css, php, mysql and stores each tag in the database and adds the question that was also tagged. But for some reason this tag is not related to the questions_tags table correctly, about which I am saying and a better explanation about what I have to do. To give below table layout below? Do I expect that I have explained it correctly? Can someone give me some examples of the need to change something in my script to solve the problem? What happens below this. Table: Question_tag id tag_ id users_questions_id 1 1 3 table: tag Id tag 1 html 2 css 3 php 4 mysql What do I want to do here below Table: questions_tags id tag_ id users_questions_id 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 Table: Tags ID Tags 1 HTML 2 CSS 3 PHP 4 ISSLL Here's my MySQL table. create table search ons tag (id INT unchecked precise attribution, tag_ id INT i...

java - Getting an input from command-line and passing it to a method -

I am getting a string ARE from the command line and it displays the user as an integer array. What can be the mistake here? import java.lang.String; Convert to public square array {string stray []; Public int [] Strostrointrerer (String Strawre []) {int intArray [] = New Int [Strawre.line]; {IntArray [count] = Integer.parseInt (strArray [count]) for (int count = 0; count & lt; strArray.length; count ++); } Return intArray; } Public Zero display array (int intArray []) {for (int j = 0; j & lt; intArray.length; j ++) {System.out.println (intArray [j]); }} Public static zero main (string [] args) {arrayConvert array_convert = new arrayConvert (); Array_convert.StrArrtoIntArr (args); Array_convert.displayArray (intArray); }} You forgot to save the intermediate result in the main category: public static zero major (string [] args) {arrayConvert array_convert = new arrayConvert (); Int [] intArray = array_convert.StrArrtoIntArr (args); Array_convert.displayArray (intA...

unit testing - JTA: how to be test JMS and JDBC failures? -

We are currently testing the behavior of JATA failure, which receives messages using JMS on the system, He keeps them, and sends the results using another class. The whole thing is tied together using the spring. Current units use HSQLDB, Apache ActivMac and Bitronics for testing transactions management. Success with this has been limited, as most HSQLDB does not implement XA transactions. So here's a question: How do I simulate best database failures in transaction unit testing? What is the standard JDBC driver (for Oracle, say) to fail in the middle of a test? Nb is not a repeating test by pressing the power button :) It is necessary to decide what you really want to do the test - for example if you want to test that Oracle will deal with beta and XA transactions with the Beatronics, then DAO is joking, Duffim suggested by your help In this case you are not able to connect the connectivity between transactions Need to find a way to break and then see how Batronix /...

iFrame in jQuery UI dialog causes horizontal scrollbar on parent -

I am using the jQuery UI dialog to present content in a new iFrame. Everything works great except that the original window of the dialog is getting horizontal scrollbar, while the dialog is displayed (IE8). I had this problem & lt; Html & gt; Elements within the IFrame are being explained very broadly by the browser, even if the 580px divisor has only content on the page in the iframe. I have tried to add CSS to HTML and body tags. Iframe (such as width: 98% or width: 600px;) ... none of which seem to have any effect. Any suggestions below to open the dialog? $ ("a [providerId]"). Click (function (e) {e.preventDefault (); var $ this = $ (this); var $ width = 600; Var $ height = 400; $ ('& lt; iframe id = "companyDetail" class = " CompanyDetail "style =" padding: 0px; "src =" '+++ "" /> "). Dialog ({Title: $ this.attr (' title '), autoOpen: true, width: $ width, height : $ Height, modal...

assembly - Purpose of ESI & EDI registers? -

What is the real purpose and use of EDI & amp; I know that they are used for string operation for one thing. Can anyone give an example? There are some operations that you only DI / SI (or their extended) If you do not learn as ASM in 1985) of these are REP STOSB REP MOVSB ​​REP SCASB respectively , Repeated (= mass) are working for storage, loading and scanning. What do you do that you set SI and / or DI to point to one or both operands, perhaps put a count in the CX, and then there are such operations that are working on a bunch of bytes at one time. , And they put the CPU in automatic Because you are not explicitly loop coding, they do more (more generally) more efficiently than their hand coded loop. Just when you are thinking: how you set up the operation, again in a large closest block of storage memory, value can be something simple like punching; MOVSB ​​is used, I think, to copy data from one buffer (a bunch of well-bytes) to another; And SCASB is us...

iPhone trial period for app -

I have to apply the trail period in my app How to do this? Calculate store in NSDFault? Or some other? You can store a counter in the preferences in the mentioned, though that counter will disappear if the user Reset their phone However, I think that this is a bit apart from the point. Generally speaking, Apple is content with apps that have such functionality, so do not be surprised that your app is rejected instead of launching two different versions of your app, a " Lite "app and a" full "app lite app should have a low feature set, but it should never stop working.

jquery - Hierarchical Grid with MVCContrib -

I am trying to come up with the best solution to create a hierarchical grid in my ASP.NET MVC project. First of all, I looked at jqGrid, and it got the "PEDGrid" option which is absolutely which I see. However, what can I say, jqGrid is not free, and my client is not interested in buying licenses for it. "Trid Grid" page of Demo JqGrid can be found on this page under "New in Version 3.3": What are my other options for creating a hierarchical grid Are you So far I'm using Libraries MVC, MVCContrib, and jQuery, but I'm open to bring something else inside. I am sure that I too can do my own role if I have to do if I have to do my roll, what should I approach? thanks, ~ Justin OK Jeffar Thanks for the comment, I now understand something else about JackGrid Licensing. JqGrid is free which is not free, "jqGrid for ASP.Net" which is a different thing. So yes, I'm going to use jqGrid with the tree grid option and it ...

command line arguments - "Better option" from the python library, any list? -

I just found out the existence of the optparse module. I was always leaving individually, so I did not care to see anything better. It is clear, however, this option is more advanced, so I hope it will be the most preferred method in the future to get options from the command line. Anyway, this incident hit me. Now I am thinking that if there are modules or functions, then I am using it since the beginning of time, which is a better option in the standard library. On the choice of the "Compact and Quick Browse" list, "Previous Solution: Nicole. Better Solution: After Option (Python 2.x)"? Edit agreed in the form of CW marked Parsing the command line options. getopt, optparse, argparse Package Management: distutils, setuptools I suggest that this may be a good place to start such a list. Note that the option to replace Pip 389 is Argparse collections.defaultdict Works well in most places, you will use dict.setdefault , the archive module ...

regex - Simple question, comma delimited id's to array in php 5.2 -

I have a comma delimited string id which is coming in and I want some quick way to divide them into the array. I know I can decode it hard, but it is only gross and in vain. I do not know anything that I have to learn again and I can not find a simple example anywhere on the internet, how to master in regular expressions in 2 hours or something. fgetcsv is only applicable for one file and str_getcsv is only available in PHP 5.3 and above. So, am I going to write it by hand or is there something that will make it for me? I like a simple regex solution with a little clarification, as it does, why this happens. $ string = "1,3,5,9,11"; $ Array = explosion (',', $ string); View Returns an array of strings, each of which is a string of strings that is divided on the boundaries formed by string delimiter.

browser - Float align display:inline problem -

& lt; div शैली = "प्रदर्शन: इनलाइन;" & gt; & Lt; टेडेरेआ पंक्तियां = "10" cols = "50" & gt; & lt; / textarea & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; div शैली = "फ्लोट: सही;" & gt; शेष वर्ण: 300 & lt; / div & gt; यह फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स या IE में काम नहीं कर रहा है। टेक्स्ट शेष अक्षर "इनलाइन" सीमा के भीतर नहीं है, बल्कि उसमें से युक्त डिवा में से 100% हो जाता है। इस तरह से कुछ हासिल करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है जहां पाठ को पेररेअए में सही से पहले इसे आज़माएं। & lt; div style = " प्रदर्शन: इनलाइन; पाठ-संरेखण: सही; फ्लोट: बायां; "& gt; & Lt; textarea cols = "50" पंक्तियों = "10" & gt; & lt; / textarea & gt; & lt; br / & gt; शेष वर्ण: 300 & lt; / div & gt;

java - What is wrong with runing app in tomcat server? -

Recently I created a Maven based web project and used Tomcat as an application server to debug. . But after the run application from the project context menu, Tomcat directly means Mergery. The worst thing is that he created several passive threads and they Can not kill all manually And the status of the tomato can not be detected by netbones, it can not be stopped and restarted. I have to restart my system to clean it My system is Fedora 12 x 86 ... Java version SUN JDK 6 update 17. NetBeans verison 6.7.1. I tried to create a bug about this, but the netben's developer rejected it ... I am very surprised that this is a tool to use NetBeans to develop the web app. There is a great stop. Today I used JBoss 5.1 in the latest NetBeans 6.8rc1 and it also suffered the same problem ... I have tried to adjust VM parameters and allot more memory but no No effect I have deployed many seam samples on Zebus 5.1 through the Seam Ent Build script, and there is no problem in it....

sockets - How do I compare two timestamps in C? -

I am writing a socket program that keeps the fifa queue for two input sockets. While deciding the queue for the service, the program draws the most recent timetable from each queue. I need a reliable method to compare two timetable structs. I tried to use timercmp () , but my version of GCC does not support it, and the documentation says that the function is not compatible with POSIX. What should I do? Googling Timetable From that page: It is often necessary to subtract two types of Type Strait timewak or Structure Timespack. The best way to do this is to do this also on some strange operating systems where TV_SC member has an unsigned type. / * Due to the 'straight time' values, decrease x and y, store the result in RESULT. If negative is negative, otherwise return to 0 * / Int timewell_subtract (result, x, y) structure timel * results, * x, * y; Continue updating * / If (x-> tv_usec> TV_Usek) after updating {/}> {int nsec = (y-> tv_usec - x-...

geolocation - How does iPhone do geo locating? -

Since the iPhone has 3 generations, what is the geographic detection system (WiFi, GPS, any other way?)? I am developing the iPhone recently, so I want to think deep about this. (I need a list of all the ways to find out and a specific introduction) thanks The iPhone / iPod Touch is provided by a non-GPS geographic location engine. In most cities, they have operated mostly roads with their geographical location wings to make WiFi numbers in comparison to GPS, and this is primarily the data that the iPhone uses to achieve its correction. It is also interesting that Skyhook uses the iPhone to "auto-select" its access point database if they receive a point that is not in their database, or if they are considered otherwise Refine the data. I talked about this technique to Skyhook's Kate Immbec a few times, and I am surprised that they do not use GPS in combination with WIFI triangle to improve mapping data, But it seems that this is not the case. He said, p...

c# - Linq Return Filtered Children -

I have a 'duh' moment where it seems that it should be straight forward, but I do not think so right understanding. I have a simple archive: Category name --- & gt; & Lt; Category & gt; (Children of this category) I want the user to be able to filter by category. During the name hierarchy retention. for example. My class --- & gt; Category .name, "ABC" --- & gt; Category .name, "123" --- & gt; Category: Name, "CDE" If User Type C, Filter should be returned My Category --- & gt; Category .name, "ABC" --- & gt; Category name, "CDE" My attempt is far off var v = vm.CategoryList Where (P => gtcategoryItems any. (Q = & gt; q.Name.Contains (SearchText))); It will filter and return all category names that include items that match the category, but I still have a list of full child category, which is unfilled What am I missing? You need to call select and return a...

php - Curl cookie handling -

Is it possible that not every user can use the same cookie? Because it is good that I store the cookies I get, but this cookie will be used by everyone, and this should be because it is a login cookie. Charlie the client makes a request "Post-Text" itemprop = "text"> The server sees the request and asks "Hey, does this client send me a cookie?" The server cookie does not appear, so it sends a response with some stuff, and then the cookie the client ( Browser) sees the response and says, "Look, a cookie for me, I save it better" The client next request the same server, She sends the same cookie The server sees the request and asks "Hey, does this customer send me a cookie?" The server sees the cookie at this time, and does a few different things about what's in the cookie, and then sends a response with the cookie The client sees the response and says "Look, a cookie for me, lets me...

wpf - What's the shorter xaml syntax for Multibinding using StringFormat with multiple bindings? -

एक बाध्यकारी के लिए, हम इसका प्रयोग करते हैं: & lt; TextBlock & gt; & LT; TextBlock.Text & gt; & Lt; मल्टीबाइड स्ट्रिंगफ़ॉर्मेट = "{} {0}" & gt; & Lt; बाध्यकारी पथ = कर्मचारी नाम / & gt; & Lt; / MultiBinding & gt; & LT; /TextBlock.Text> & Lt; / TextBlock & gt; या छोटा वाक्यविन्यास: & lt; टेक्स्टब्लॉक पाठ = "{बहु-बाध्यकारी स्ट्रिंगफ़ॉर्मेट = \ {0 \}, बाइंडिंग = {बाध्यकारी पथ = कर्मचारी नाम} } "/ & gt; अब, यदि आपके पास मल्टीबीनिंग है: & lt; TextBlock & gt; & LT; TextBlock.Text & gt; & Lt; मल्टीबाइड स्ट्रिंगफ़ॉर्मेट = "{} {0}, {2}" & gt; & Lt; बाध्यकारी पथ = "कर्मचारी नाम" / & gt; & Lt; बाध्यकारी पथ = "आयु" / & gt; & Lt; / MultiBinding & gt; & LT; /TextBlock.Text> & Lt; / TextBlock & gt; मैं सोच रहा था, इसकी कम सिंटैक्स क्या होगा? & lt; TextBlock Text = "{MultiBinding StringFormat =...

implementation - Representation of enums -

How does 'behind the scenes' work in programming languages? I guess there is a different way of representing these datatypes in each language. In Java, you can use the == operator, for example: public class TestEnum {Private Enum test {foo, bar} public static zero main String [] args) {System.out.println ( ==; // Return is true}} What an amplitude changes during an initial ==? Or is the single value singleton? Are there C # leverage emoms similar to Java? Do databases behave differently than programming languages? java enum s still be an object to pair Use a lot of but work with == . The original (also see effective Java ) can provide some insight, but it will show you how they do it.

PHP Dates in local time -

I have a hosting account on a United States based server. I produce an output file with a date / time I want to do what is local for me (in England, UK). How do I change the date / time in my local time and save the light of day when appropriate? Thanks date_default_timos_nets ("Europe / London"); This will handle the conversion for you page.

How to screen capture screenshots or movies on the Linux framebuffer -

How can Linux on Linux get frame buffers, screen shots or movies? Is there any device to do this for the running program, or should the program be written and possibly controlled, frame buffer also captures capture and recording? If so, how will this program? Many tools to do this, for example and; Consider sources for both of them, either writing one or more of your own will be easy, which captures video rather than just snapshots. However, I would suggest that to write the framebuffer program written between synchronizing the capturing frames (and partially writing one, or skipping Or ...)

Sql Get the last 6 -

I need a SQL query that also uses the record ID to get the number of times for the last 6 times of the trip. Does. / P> The records in the table are of the following types, RecordInd notphotite day and time 1001 1 12/11/2009 14:11 1001 2 13/11/2009 12:11 1001 3 14 / 11/2009 11:11 1001 4 16/11/2009 14:11 1001 5 17/11/2009 14:11 1001 6 20/11/2009 13:11 1001 7 25/11/2009 09:11 I need a query that only shows the last 6 vist and in one line. If you are working with SQL Server And select from the top 6 record id, no overtime, day and time by DESC .

.net - add control using javascript -

मैं एक एएसपी: लेबल और एएसपी: टेक्स्टबॉक्स जावास्क्रिप्ट के माध्यम से एक पृष्ठ पर नियंत्रण करें। & asp: लेबल आईडी = "lblone" runat = "server" & gt; & lt; / asp: label & gt; अगर मैं यह सिंटैक्स लिखना चाहता हूं या इस लेबल को आंतरिक HTML का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं तो फिर ऐसा तरीका हो सकता है .... मैं इसे जोड़ना चाहता हूं बटन पर क्लिक करें इवेंट ... और आईडी को 1 और अगली बार 1 + 1 क्या इसे एएसपी .नेट नियंत्रण की आवश्यकता है या क्या यह सिर्फ सामान्य HTML हो सकता है? यदि आप एक एएसपी .नेट नियंत्रण चाहते हैं, तो इन्हें डिजाइन पर, सर्वर पर प्रदान किया जाता है, इसलिए या तो निम्न तरीकों में से एक का उपयोग कर नियंत्रण जोड़ें: 1) सिंक्रोनस पोस्टबैक (सामान्य पोस्टबैक) 2) एसिंक पोस्टबैक (जावास्क्रिप्ट पोस्टबैक जो पृष्ठ नेत्रहीन ताज़ा नहीं करता है लेकिन फिर भी एक पोस्टबैक करता है) 3) पारंपरिक एजेएक्स आप शायद पहले से ही सिंक पोस्टबैक की कोशिश कर चुके हैं क्योंकि आप यह उल्लेख कर रहे हैं कि आप यह जावास्क्रिप्ट में करना चाहते हैं। तो ऐसंक पोस्टबैक ...

c# - WCF - Client callback vs. polling for "keep list of subscribers" -

After "text" itemprop = "text"> I want to create a simple client-server instance in WCF. I did some tests with callback, and it works fine till now. I played around a little with the following interface: [ServiceContract (SessionMode = SessionMode.Required, CallbackContract = typeof (IStringCallback))] Public Interface ISubscribeableService {[OperationContract] Zero ExecuteStringCallBack (string Values ​​); [Operation Contract] Subscribe to Server Information (Client Information C); [Operation Contract] Unsubscribe from server information (Client notification C); } This is a simple example. Adjusted slightly, you can ask the server to reverse the server strings and subscribe to all the customer callback calls to "execute a string callback" Now, here comes the question:. I want to implement a system where all the customers "register" with the server, and the server can "ask" if they are still alive, you will implement this wi...

Adding and removing a division using JavaScript -

& lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; Var num = 2; फ़ंक्शन addElement () {var नी = document.getElementById ('myDiv'); Var newdiv = document.createElement ('div'); Var divIdName = 'मेरा' + संख्या + 'div'; newdiv.setAttribute ( 'आईडी', divIdName); Newdiv.innerHTML = 'Subject-' + num + '*: & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "text" id = textbox "' + num + '" /> & lt; a href = \' # \ 'onclick = \' निकालना एलेमेंट ( '+ divIdName +') \ '& gt; निकालें & lt; / a & gt;'; ni.appendChild (newdiv); num = संख्या + 1; } फ़ंक्शन निकालना एलेमेंट (divNum) {चेतावनी (; Var d = document.getElementById ('myDiv'); Var dd = document.getElementById (; d.removeChild (दिन); के लिए (var i = 0; i & lt; d.childNodes.length; i ++) {यदि (d.childNodes [i] .id == {d.removeChild (d.childNodes [i]); }}} & Lt; / स्क्रिप... mvc - Service Layer to Automatically identify database to use -

I am working on the MVC application. The app is structured as follows: Data Web MVC Services - Business Rules SQL database is using the data layer to use LinqToSql. When a user logs in to the application based on the user name, then I can do a lookup to see which organization they fall, depending on the organization, the database change is the same, if the user If the organization is 1, then it should use DB 01 or if User Organization is 2 then DB 02. Both users have common DB which they also use. My question is really, how can I automate the selection of the target database? I think this is to do with the layer of services. When starting the data class, I used to pass the target DB in the connection string. However for doing so, I will have to present an active user token in the form of a parameter for the service layer, that is, this address for the Org id / etc service. On the web project I am using IModelBinder to bind tokens it stores in session. ...

How can I modify the Book Copy module in Drupal 6 to change the name of the copy to a different name? -

By default, the book copy module will create a new book with the same exact name that it is copying, it can be confusing. And in fact, one of the site developers is accidentally removed from the original book, which was a reference in the menu and left the site in such a way and in a strange situation. In addition to the original name, this problem has never happened again. I dug through the code but just could not understand it. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! You can use the hook_book_copy_alter () Book_copy_copy_book ( ) : ... // is the function signature: hook_book_copy_alter (& amp; $ node, $ oldbid, $ newbid); Drupal_alter ("book_copy", $ node, $ bid, $ newbid); ... Therefore, in a custom module, you can apply the following to get a changed title on the new node: function Your module_book_copy_alter (& amp;; $ node, $ oldbid $ newbid) {// Adjust the title ... $ node- & gt; Title = 'Copy'. $ Node- & gt; Title; ...

jquery - Hide row ... from column -

मेरे पास यह & lt; table & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; ... & lt; / टीडी & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; ... & lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; td वर्ग = "डेटा" & gt; ... & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; ... & lt; / टीडी & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; ... & lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; td वर्ग = "नोडाटा" & gt; ... & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; ... & lt; / टीडी & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; ... & lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; td वर्ग = "नोडाटा" & gt; ... & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & Lt; / तालिका & gt; JQuery के साथ , जब एक पंक्ति (tr) में "noData" वर्ग के साथ एक कॉलम (टीडी) है, तो मैं पूरी पंक्ति छिपाना चाहूंगा कि इस तालिका का परिणाम होगा > & lt; तालिका & gt; & LT; टीआर ...

sql - MySQL to PostgreSQL: GROUP BY issues -

So I decided to try PostgreSQL instead of MySQL, but I'm facing some minor conversion problems. It was a question to me that samples are from four tables and spit them out on the result. How am I at the loss of expressing it in PostgreSQL and especially in Django, but I'm leaving for that one more quesiton so bonus points if you can Django-fy, but no Do not worry if you only pure it SQL link, Linksksated, Linkskurl, Linksktitle, as the user works .username, category.title, SUM (votes.karma_delta), SUM (IF (Exclude external left in user_vote form from link (votes.user_id = 1, votes.karma_delta, 0)) link `` `` users` user` `(` link `` `` `user_id``` user` .````) Include `` categories` at category` (`links` .`category_id` =` category`.`id`) Join the outer exits at `votes` votes`` (` votes`.`link_id` = `links`. `Id`) Where ( = votes.link_id) by votes.link_id command group (sum (votes.karma_delta) - 1) / pow ((TIMESTAMPDIFF (Acoaar link. could, now ()) + 2) , 1.5) D...

iphone - Get the identity of the image loaded at the centre of the screen currently? -

I contentsize equal size is a UIScrollView with loaded in the 1280 * 1280 25 images. When I scroll and meet one end, I want to know the identity of the image which is currently present in the screen center. I used the code below to load the images in ScrollView. How can I understand this? (i = 0; i & LT; 5; i ++) {if (j == 5) {tx = tx + 1; X = X + 256; Ty = ty + 5; Y = y-1280; The} (j = 0; j & LT; 5; J ++) {imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage: [UIImage imageWithData: [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: [NSURL URLWithString: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "http: // stage.discoveritalia. Ty] it / tiles /% d /% d /% d.png ", zoom, tx,]]]]; Frame = [image view frame]; Frame.origin.x = x; Frame.origin.y = y; [ImageView set frame: frame]; [MyScrollView addSubview: imageView]; Ty = ty-1; Y = y + 256; [ImageArray insertObject: imageView atIndex: I * 5 + j]; [See image release]; }} I can get the URL back, this will solve my problem immediately. Is there any way ...

java - How to register multiple servlets in web.xml in one Spring application -

I want to define two servlets in my spring web.xml - one application for html / jsp pages, and one The web service for which the external application will be called by the web here. Xml is: & lt; Servlet & gt; & Lt; Servlet-name & gt; Myservlet & lt; / Servlet-name & gt; & Lt; Servlet category & gt; Org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet & lt; / Servlet category & gt; & Lt; Load-On-Startup & gt; 1 & lt; / Load-on-startup & gt; & Lt; / Servlet & gt; & Lt; Servlet-mapping & gt; & Lt; Servlet-name & gt; Myservlet & lt; / Servlet-name & gt; & Lt; URL pattern & gt; * Htm & Lt; / Url pattern & gt; & Lt; / Servlet-mapping & gt; & Lt; Context param & gt; & Lt; Ultimate Name & gt; ContextConfigLocation & lt; / Lastname & gt; & Lt; Ultimate Price & gt; Web-INF / User's service- servlet.xml & lt; / Super-valued & gt; & Lt...