c++ - Mailslot with string -
I need to give a message in different parts, so I used the ostrinstream. Now I have a std :: string or const * char to send by mailslot. I have tried many ways to do this but every time I get wrong messages I send messages by mailSlot and receive it and it is sent through the console Want to know a solution to show?
My code is for generating and sending mail:
std:: ostringstream dew; OSS & LT; & Lt; "RE" & lt; & Lt; "01" & lt; & Lt; "01: 01: 02.350" & lt; & Lt; "Remote 01 - MSG Descarta"; Std :: string alarms = oss.str (); Const char * a = alarm.c_str (); ASSERT (ListFile (HMLLOT, AND A, STRELEN (A), and DUBIEstCent, NLL),
"Messaging is impossible.");
To get more messages:
four alarms [42]; DWORD bytes read; Acetate (reflex (Hmless Lot, and Alarm, Stellen (Alarm), and Bytes Reid, Faucet), "Impossible to read file. Error:" & lt; << GetLastError ());
I would like to use a std :: cout or printf to read this mensage.
Regards, Landro Lima
Save c_str is safe The string objects that are not modified, but it is next to the point of the problem is that instead of a string instead of an indicator you are giving an indicator of an indicator instead of a string. Change & amp; A & amp; amp; Just another alarm in the alarm.
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