flash - AS3 ExternalInterface call using jquery -

I am calling a flash app that has been embedded in an html page using the external interface. The following code works fine (I'm using a button to test):

  $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("# button"). Click (function () {var app = document.getElementById ('ApplicationID') console.debug (app) app.pageUnloading ()})})  

then fix this flash application And prints:

  & lt; Embed ID = "ApplicationID" width = "600" height = "400" align = "middle" type = "application / x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage = "http: // Www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer" permission = "The same" domain "name =" Flexmoeder "bgcolor =" # cccccc "quality =" high "src =" ApplicationID.swf ">  

But when I element by id To get the jquery $ # method, I get a different object back:

  $ (document) .ready (Function () {$ ("# button") Click (Function () {var app = $ ("# ApplicationID") console.debug (app) ap. Page download ()})})  

I am told:

  ap. Page is not a downloaded function  

and the following is printed:

  [embed # ApplicationID]  

I have also tried:

  var app = $ ("# ApplicationID") Val () var App = $ ("# ApplicationID"). (0)  

But still no success. Does anyone have any ideas here?

  var app = $ ('# applicationID') [0]  < / Pre> 


  var app = $ ('# applicationID'). (0)  

  var app = document.getElementById ('ApplicationID')  
Should do the same thing as


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