objective c - Generating a VERSION_STRING from major/minor/patch/build defines for use in a plist -

I have a plist that has been processed with a precompiled header file and used "variable" VERSION_STRING in it some time As the CFBundleGetInfoString key, the value for the CFBundleGetInfoString key is: MyProduct VERSION_STRING Copyright © 2009 MyCorp

In MyHeader.h (which is set as Info.plist prefix header I would like to be able Where to have VERSION_STRING in form MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.BUILD

  #define MAJOR 1 #define MINOR 0 #define patch 0 #define build 23  

I feel unable to do this for some reasons. Maybe I can be one of those moments

Reveals that there is actually an Apple Tech note on it and I am resolving a lot of problems. Therefore, whoever comes to it and is facing the same problem, I was checking


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