wcf extensions - WCF: Message Framing and Custom Channels -

I am trying to understand how I will implement message frilling with WCF. The goal is to create a server in WCF that can handle the proprietary format on TCP. I can not use net.Tcp binding because it is only for SOAP

I have to type a custom channel that will receive the message in the following format. I will have an example message "5 ABCDE". Specifically I'm not sure how to framing in my custom channel

Here is some sample code

  class custom channel: IDPlace session channel {Private class pending {public Network Stream Stream = Zero; Public byte [] buffer = null; Public bool IsReading = false; } Private Communication State State = Communications State. Close; Private TcpClient tcpClient = null; Private message encoder encoder = null; Private buffer manager buffer Manager = Faucet; Private Transport Binding Element Binding Element = Null; Private Uri Uri = Null; Private pending pending read; Public Custom Channel (Uri Yuri, TransportBanging Element Binding Element, Message Encoderfactor Encoder Factory, Buffer Manager Buffer Manager, TCP Client TCP Client) {this.uri = Yuri; This.bindingElement = Binding element; This.tcpClient = tcpClient; This.bufferManager = Buffer Manager; State = communication space ready; } Start the public IAsyncResultTrraySave (Timespan Timeout, Async Callback Callback, Object State) {If (this.state! = CommunicationState.Opened) returns empty; Byte [] buffer = buffer manager. Tech buffer (tcpClient.Available); Network Stream Stream = TCP Client. Gatestream (); PendingRead = New pending {stream = stream, buffer = buffer, IsReading = true}; IAsyncResult Results = Stream.biz Reed (buffer, 0, buffer length, callback, state); Return result; } Public Bull Endry Resave (IASINCR results result, out message message) {int byteCount = tcpClient.Client.EndReceive (results); String Content = Encoding. ASCII.GetString (Pending Reid. Buffer) // Fraction Logic Message Here. The time around the end of the tree rescue can be a piece of message from the just reading reading buffer "5 AB", and for the second time the message may be received around it. The problem occurs when the endory reception is called for the first time, To be compelled to make, this means that there will be a partial message in the channel stack. 

What I really want to do is to ensure that my complete message in my buffer is "5 ABCDE", so that when I create a message in the endury reception it is a complete message.

Do anyone have any examples of how they are custom framing with WCF?

Thank you, Vadim

Framing at the wire level is not something that is wcf channel The model really cares;

I mean that it is your responsibility to ensure that your transport channel receives a "complete" message (streaming changes a little bit, but only to a point).

It seems that you are receiving an action directly on the underlying socket on your channel, and that will not do it, because it does not allow you to apply your own framing rules is.

In fact, the same receiving operation on your channel can very well translate to get more than one on the built-in socket, and it's fine (and you still have all the async , So it does not need to affect that part).

So basically the question becomes: How does the model look like to prepare your protocol? There is a wild guess, but it seems that the length of the message is prefixed with encoded length as the decimal length? (Looks disturbed).

I think your best bet in that case is to get your transport buffer data (say, up to 64KB data or whatever), and then check the buffer on each received operation. For that there are enough bytes to extract the length of the incoming message. If so, either read many bytes as necessary from the buffer, or flush the buffer and read several bytes from the socket. You have to be careful, depending on the work of your protocol, I believe that you can actually stop reading partial messages before they are required.


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