c# - ASP.Net MVC: How can I easily change the tab color of my navigation menu based on the tab that I'm on? -
I want to apply my navigation tab to some people on this site, and I have heard that it uses ASP The tax was made Net MVC if I am on stackoverflow.com/users, "user" is orange in comparison to the menu tab and all others are gray, just like if a different tab is selected.
I am very good to tamper the CSS. Change colors when adding or removing / authoring items in the menu container, but the tab is not familiar with how to change the color of the tab based on the page At i Is there any quick and dirty way to accomplish this?
Assign a unique ID to the body element of each page (e.g. & lt; body id = "Users">
). ASP.NET MVC can be written as body tag on your master page:
body id = "& lt;% = ViewData [" bodyId "]% & gt; & Gt;
and see Then in your NAV markup, Then do something like this in CSS: This will specify your "current page" styles with a tag with any tag that is tagged with body tag ID Matches / P> in the administrator's methods for each pageData ["bodyId"] = "user"; To specify the id dynamically for each page,
body # users a.users, body # another-page a.another-page {/ * in which you Include rules for wanting to show the current page tab * /}
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