c# - nullpointer for yahoo openid request, but not google (dotnetopenid) -

I'm programming an open-end handshake with Yahoo and Google alright, but Yahoo throws a null pointer :

Stack trace:

  System.NullReferenceException: Object context is not set for an instance of an object DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.Extensions.ProviderAuthenticationPolicy.PolicyResponse.DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.imessageWithEvents.OnReceiving () in c: \ Users \ andarno \ git \ dotnetopenid \ src \ DotNetOpenAuth \ OpenId \ Extensions \ ProviderAuthenticationPolicy \ PolicyResponse.cs: DotNetOpenAuth at line 18 9 OpenID Channel Elements Extension Bidding Element. & Lt; GetExtensions & gt; In d__a.MoveNext () c: \ Users \ andarno \ git \ dotnetopenid \ src \ DotNetOpenAuth \ OpenId \ ChannelElements \ ExtensionsBindingElement.cs: line 20 9 Dotnet Opanoth. OpenID Channel Elements: Extension Binding Element C: \ Users \ andarno \ git \ dotnetopenid \ src \ DotNetOpenAuth \ OpenId \ ChannelElements \ ExtensionsBindingElement.cs in line 151.ControlIncomingMessage (Ipotocolals Message Message): DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.Channel.ProcessIncomingMessage (IProtocolMessage Message ) in c: \ Users \ andarno \ Git \ dotnetopenid \ src \ DotNetOpenAuth \ messaging \ Channel.cs: line 906 at DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.ChannelElements.OpenIdChannel.ProcessIncomingMessage (IProtocolMessage mess age) in c: \ Users \ andarno \ Git \ dotnetopenid \ src \ DotNetOpenAuth \ OpenId \ ChannelElements \ OpenIdChannel.cs: in line c DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.Channel.ReadFromRequest (HttpRequestInfo HttpRequest) 171: \ Users \ andarno \ Git \ Dotne Topenid \ src \ DotNetOpen \ Messaging \ Channel.cs: DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.RelyingParty.OpenIdRelyingParty.GetResponse (in line HttpRequestInfo httpRequestInfo) in line 377 c: \ Users \ andarno \ git \ dotnetopenid \ src \ DotNetOpenAuth \ OpenId \ RelyingParty \ OpenIdRelyingParty . CS: line 48 in OpenNet Open 9. OpenID.RealingParty OpenId ReleasingParty Getrespons () c: \ users \ andarno \ git \ dotnetopenid \ src \ DotNetOpenAuth \ OpenId \ RelyingParty \ OpenIdRelyingParty.cs: on line 478 Frendelkuaikkantrolrskoth C: Open Aidretrontr. Dooprocessor (IExecutionContext reference) C: \ Development \ Friendly \ Friends UI \ Controllers \ Auth \ OpenIdController.cs: Bistro on line 41. Controllers Object controller Process configuration (HttpContextBase context, Aisioteks request requesting) in C: \ Development \ Bistro \ b Istro.Core \ Controllers \ AbstractController.cs: line Bistro.Controllers.MethodDispatcher.InvokeMethodDirect (HttpContextBase context, string request Point, IContext requestContext) 41 at C: \ development \ Bistro \ Bistro.Core \ controllers \ MethodDispatcher.cs: (HttpContextBase reference on line 221 Bistro.Controllers.MethodDispatcher.InvokeMethod, string requestPoint, iConText requestContext) C: \ development \ Bistro \ BistrokCore \ controllers \ MethodDispatcher.cs: Line 119  

Applicable code:

  var opener = new opender Lingparti (); IAuthenticationRequest request = openid.CreateRequest (GetEndpoint ()), New Realm (realm), new URI (returnUri); // Some additional data request.AddExtension is required (New ClaimsRequest {email = DemandLevel.Require, FullName = DemandLevel.Request, PostalCode = DemandLevel.Request}); Try {Request.RedirectToProvider (); } Hold (ThreadAbortException) {}  

get code (and source of exception)

  on OpenID = new OpenIdRelyingParty (); Var response = openId.GetResponse (); & Lt; - The exception is here  

What gives? The strange thing is that the Yahoo piece was working recently, and I have not changed the library version ...

It seems that this is a problem on the end of Yahoo!:

3.3.1 handles it.


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