Eclipse (Aptana) Typing Lag -

I've been using Aptana for some time, and as of now I'm actually dealing with files, Actually big (500+ lines of code, which is too big for me, are a novice developer). Whenever I work with small files, I get a weird sensation that I am in front of "what" typing, but now I am pretty sure - when I write something and when I see the text appears on the screen I do not need this issue with Dreamweaver CS3, so I know that these files have the ability to edit these files, but the eclipse is still open.

I do not even know that when something is destroyed, if I suppress the backspace, then some characters have been removed before me, but then everything is "hanging". Once I release the backspace key, the characters that were shown to destroy all at once were instantly destroyed. This is what happens with the forward delete key.

I think this is an issue with Java because I feel like everything is "behind me" when I am using -

The computer is an Intel Pentium 4 3.2 GHz Prescott, which has 2 GB of DDR 400 RAM and Radian HD 3650 graphics card.

If someone knows how cool it is, I'm all ears (eyes?); If you can recommend different IDEs with Aptanas (I like Python, HTML, CSS and JS) with capabilities; I use guit for SIM, I will be happy to try it. Thanks! Aptana is a great software, but you are facing its loss: it is a memory hog.


I am using Aptana in a 4GB machine, but I remember that in your example, there is a single dropdown using the same configuration.

If you have no Aptana and Eclipe plugins), I suggest you buy more RAM and use an HD which is at least 7200 RPM. I am running in a Vista machine and it is without loss Works.

If you can live without Aptana, then check in the other Python IDE right here in question.

My 2 cents: I've used PyScripter for python, and it's great. PyScripter with Notepad ++ is a good and fast choice.

Good luck!


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