visual studio - How to open file in existing Vim instance instead of getting "existing swapfile " warning -

I want Vime to reuse the current instance at present if it exists. Generally, Vim pops up a warning about an existing swap file. Specifically, this is to switch between Vime and Visual Studio (I know about Vimu, but this does not work with Visual Studio Express.)

Poster's solution:

Solution: A plugin in standard distribution of VIM It is: Runtime / Macro / Updating. Just copy it to the Wim Plugin directory.

Visual Studio also for unity Description: in VIM to add as the external device and assigned convenient keyboard shortcuts:

  • Title : Vim
  • command: C: \ Program Files \ Vim \ vim70 \ gvim.exe
  • argument: + $ (CurLine) "$ (ItemPath)"
  • Initial Directory: $ (SolutionDir)

Note I use slightly different settings so that the cursor is set to VS columns and centered in Vim:

  • Argument: + "Call cursor ($ (CurLine), $ (CurCol))" + " Valid ZZ " $ (ItemPath)
  • Initial Directory: $ (FileDir)

Then set VS to:

To effectively use both together and make sure that .NET does not complain about changing its files, get Tools> Options> Environment> Document and make sure that these two options Checked: When the file changes out of the environment, find the auto-load change And (if not currently modified inside the environment)

Vim set the end:

: set Otored

My solution < / Strong>

is identical, but different: it's one. Save in settings file and import Use - Server and - Remote call current war, re-use analog to current solution

 . & Lt; UserSettings & gt; & Lt; ApplicationIdentity version = "8.0" /> & Lt; ToolsOptions / & gt; & Lt; Category name = "environment_group" registered name = "environment_group" & gt; & Lt; Category name = "Environment_ExternalTools" class = "{E8FAE9E8-FBA2-4474-B134-AB0FFCFB291D}" package = "{DA9FB551-C724-11d0-AE1F-00A0C90FFFC3}" RegisteredName = "Environment_ExternalTools" PackageName = "Visual Studio environment package" & Gt; & Lt; Edited with PropertyValue name = "v & amp; amp; edited with em.Command & gt; gvim.exe & lt; / propertyValue & gt; & LT; PropertyValue Name =" V & amp; Amp; im.Arguments "& gt; - servername $ (SolutionFileName) --remote- up +" Call cursor ($ (CurLine), $ (CurCol)) "" $ (ItemFileName) $ (ItemExt) "& lt; / PropertyValue & Gt; & lt; PropertyValue name = "Edit with V & amp; Im.InitialDirectory "& gt; $ (ItemDir) & lt; / PropertyValue & gt; PropertyValue name =" Edit with V & amp; Im.SourceKeyName "/> & lt; PropertyValue name =" Edit with V & amp; Im.UseOutputWindow "> False  & lt; PropertyValue name =" Editing with V & amp; Im.PromptForArguments "> False  & lt; PropertyValue name =" Editing with V & amp; Im.CloseOnExit "> Incorrect  & lt; PropertyValue name =" Edit with V & amp; Im.IsGUIapp "> true  << PropertyValue name =" v & amp; Amp; Edit with im.SaveAllDocs & gt; True & lt; / PropertyValue & gt; & Lt; PropertyValue name = "Edit with V & amp; im.UseTaskList" & gt; False & lt; / PropertyValue & gt; & Lt; Property value name = "edit with V & amp; IMUUUND" & gt; False & lt; / PropertyValue & gt; & Lt; PropertyValue name = "edited with V & amp; em.Package" & gt; {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} & lt; / PropertyValue & gt; & Lt; PropertyValue name = "Edit with V & amp; im.NameID" & gt; 0 & lt; / PropertyValue & gt; & Lt; / Category & gt; & Lt; / Category & gt; & Lt; / UserSettings & gt;  


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