Drupal: Create a custom page -

I am currently working on developing a drop site. I have created a custom homepage and it is a front page. However, I need to create a custom page for an internal page, meaning I just need a different design than the normal Drupal theme, but I'm not sure how to do it In an easy way that did not take much time)I have the design ready in HTML and CSS, but I need a custom page in the menu, so when I click on it, I take it to that design (though not the external link!)

I hope this was not confusing, but if you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them.

Thank you in advance for your help

  • Themed Functions
  • Create or By putting in a template, write the correct HTML.

Since you want a unique layout that you are looking at in a custom page. Http: //pl.php You can create a pageTap.FPP for any URL, which will allow you to modify the entire page HTML for that page or just touch it here and there.

Drupal has a flexible flexible system, so there are several ways to change markup. All this will need to go into your theme or module.

CSS overriding

You still have CSS files that are used in the Doppel site.

  • You can add additional stylesheets, but you may have problems with other style sheets conflicting.
  • You can remove all other stylesheets in templates.fpp or remove them from your page. Tpl.php, but then drupal_add_css will not work as well.
    • If you do so, you can create a link to your CSS file in
      • your markup
      • template.php
      • .tpl.php file.

    Fixed page

    If your purpose is to create someone on the page only, separate layout act With, the fastest and easiest way, our own To create the Page.pl.php file, and just write all your HTML there and forget what Drupal can do. This is not usually the best practice, but in this case, stuffing with the flexibility of Drupal can be a bit higher, especially if you do not know Duple well. You can possibly do this aproach with the naming convention of the page template, just add a file with your markup in your subject. This approach would be good for a stable site, but can be done with some other efforts for other pages. If you want to use a lot of modules, then this will not be the solution for you. Instead, you should see Thing functions / templates.fp and what can be done there.

    Change your Duplicate backend / admin theme

    If your purpose is to make backend themes, there are several modules for Drupal, probably the most probably these days are probably used. Even if this is not your objective, then it's a great module to make your backend slightly more user-friendly.


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