grep -r in python -
I want to apply the unix command 'grep -r' to the arguments function. I know about the command .getstatusoutput (), but for now I do not want to use it. I came with: og for o in oswalk (dir) for og [o] [0] + "/" + o [grep_r (str, dir): def grep_r [ 2] If the os.path.isfile (o [0] + "/" + f) returns in [L] files for L in the open (F) if LLL]
But certainly does not use a regex, it just checks that 'str' has a space 'l' so I tried the following:
def grep_r (patterns, DIR): r = recompile (pattern) files = [o [0] + "/" + o for o. In the O for walking in the O (DIR) [2] if the OS is in the files for the F. path.isfile (o [0] + "/" + F)] returns (L for the f) if r. Match (l)]
but that does not work, it is not giving me any matches where the first thing was done. What changed? I got it one of nested loops I can divide the bunch, but I am more interested than being readable.
Python Two offer different primitive tasks based on regular expression: In the beginning of the string match checks for only one match, while the search was searched for any match in the string (this is the Perl by default).
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