php - Get factors of a number -

I need to get two factors (x) of given number (x):

< Ul>
  • x * y and lt; X = y should be close to as much as possible
  • X and Y should be as close as possible to each other.
  • Example:

    • n = 16 => x = 4, y = 4
    • n = 17 => x = 4 , = Y = 4
    • = 18 => x = 6, y = 3
    • n = 20 => x = 5, y = 4

    Any language but primarily PHP will do.

    Edit - Clarification

    I want to make a rectangle, the width of X units * y units are high that its area is close to possible as n to X and Y integer if n is a prime number then the factors of n - 1 are acceptable.

    Your specifics were not enough, you had said that you wanted the factors, yet your tests In the case of 4 is not a component of 17

    The following pseudo code prefixes that a factor accurate (if (N modulo I) == For the range i {range (sqrt (n)), 1) / code>

    i.e. <{x = iy = round (n / i}}}

    A simple SQL Statement will work to ensure that the number is The ni is close together, meets together, but does not guarantee that they are the factor.

    x = y = round (sqrt (n)) < / Div>


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