Zend framework: how to migrate a site -
I am trying to copy the site from production to a localhost environment created on the ZF site. All files and DB content were copied but I got a blank screen
general.host = "localhost: 8888" db.adapter = PDO_MYSQL dB .params.host = localhost: 8888 db.params.username = Bla db.params.password = bla db.params.dbname = db_name
$ frontController-> Register Plugin (new initiator ('development')); There are some basic instructions in
.htaccess but if I put something random on the top then I do not get internal server errors, so I do not think it also reaches the .htaccess stage . Edit:
I have the code below in the bootstrap but still get a blank page. Very fast, it loads at least
$ frontController-> Register Plugin (new initiator ('development')); $ FrontController- & gt; ThrowExceptions (right); // Dispatch the request using the front controller {$ FrontController-> Try (); } Hold (exception $ exception) {exit ($ exception-> getMessage ()); Try adding this line before running the sender () on the front controller object. $ frontController-> throw exception (true);
Exceptional system is almost always inactive on the throwing system, so by enabling it, you can tell more about the nature of the problem.
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