- Login control - error -

There is a login control on your ASP.NET (2.0) page. I handle such Logingin events have:

  protected void login L_logingin (object sender's cancel Aventarj e) {// Get the database and searches the user if (Ughrtebl! = Null & amp; Ughrteblkros Kkount & gt; 0) {int userID = convert. ToInt32 (userTable.Rows [0] [ "UserID"]); HttpCookie userIdCookie = new HttpCookie ("UserID", userID.ToString ()); Response.AppendCookie (userIdCookie); } And (e. Canal = true;}}  

found in the user database. E. Canceled at the end of this function is still set to false. But then LoginError. log is not one of them appears on the failure page me how to debug not know that it: (

have you certified event?

  & lt; asp: Login ID = "Log 1" run = "server" on authorized = "Mayonatiket" & Gt; Private Zero MyO nAuthenticate (object sender, AuthenticateEventArgs e) {bool Haadikrit = false; isAuthenticated = YourAuthenticationMethod (Login1.UserName, Login1.Password); e.Authenticated = isAuthenticated;} private bool YourAuthenticationMethod (string username, string PWD) Insert {// Code Which applies the site-specific custom // authentication method.}  


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