How can I create and maintain authentication sessions on an iPhone? -
Hello, I'm about to make an iPhone app whose account system will be. (Login Logout).
If there is a server side then how to manage session while your client is the iPhone
How can I do this ??
I use the library to communicate with my webservice.
This is the built-in ability to handle cookies, so I only log in with a post request and the cookie is set like a normal browser.
When your network connection is down, you may still be able to check a valid cookie:
SignInIn Cookie {cookies} {NSArray * cookieJar = [ [NSHTTPCookieStorage shared HTTPCookieStorage] cookies); (In the NSHTQ cookie cookie * cookie) {if ((([[cookie name] compare: @ "jernitagid"] == nosordedam) {return yes;}} no refund;}
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