iphone - How to delete row in TTTableViewController (Three20) -
There are three great libraries, it's very easy to work with tables. But one difference which I saw - is the extinction of rows with animation I spent many hours trying to do this, and this is what I am doing:
// current index patch Get UITableView * table = [super tableview]; NSINXPath * IndexPath = [Table IndexPathforesSocked Road]; // Delete the line in the data source TTLIIdDataSource * Source = (TTLIIdDataSource *) auto data source; [Remove Source.itemsAbjectEarthx: indexPath.row]; // Delete the row from the table with the animation [Delete the tableWind XPPath: [NSArray arrayWithObject: indexPath] withRowAnimation: UITableViewRowAnimationFade;; Error appears after this code: [NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]: Index (0) Beyond Boundary (0)
I inherited the class I'm using TTTableViewController And I do not apply datastoreleget or tableview align because I am using as many as three 20s as possible. So, that's how I create a data source:
for (in NSARE * albums) (TSTBRLJIEGITEM * items) [TTTBULIJEGITIM ITMITET: @ "name" image url: @ "image url" default Image: Zero Image Style: Tttieee (goal) URL: Selector URL "" where I actually tap on a line "] [Table Item addObject: item];} Self.dataSource = [TTListDataSource dataSourceWithItems: tableItems];
I have read this article () But no help from this: (
So, I know that it is very easy for the gurus from this site. Give me an advanced sample of how to do this
Thank you
The first thing I spot is that when you are not in table editing mode then you have a table Removing the line.
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