wcf extensions - What is WCF dispatch pipeline message flow -

I am trying to gain a better understanding of the dispatching process of WCF, especially the impact and effect on various expandable points. From the web pages listed below, it appears that WCF will do the following sequence in the following sequence that a message sender has been passed by the channel stack.

  • Operation Selector
  • Message Formatting
  • Parameter Inspector
  • Operation Invitation.
  • I am trying to find I have some options to solve a problem and in a way I am thinking that message inspector, operation selector, message formatting and operation invite To use the combination of Unfortunately, my observation indicates the sequence of execution, as follows:

    1. Operation Selector
    2. Message Inspector
    3. Operation Invoicer (Invoke ())

    I can understand a small difference where a custom invoice allocated the input () method is called before formatting the message because Ndesh formatting section essentially requires the message set to deserialising appropriate action to the method arguments (AllocateInputs the invoker to pass to) specifies that the method many parameters.

    The part that throws me is the reverse of the order between the message inspector and the operation selector. It seems logical for me that the message inspector can be run in advance because they work on the message while the Operation Selector determines which message is targeted for which service operation.


    • Is it due to the release of various versions or WCF?
    • Is this because the WCF does not actually specify the Extensibility Point Execution sequence?

    Reference pages:
    - Zulfikarar weblog

    MSDN service station December 2007

    Nigolas Allen's Indigo blog

    Note: my apology link for not providing may not be more than one, because I am still a noob =)

    < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text">

    To determine the actual order, which is executed in the code, look for traceing and generating trace logs for WCF. It can be enabled by adding it to the config file:

      & lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; System.diagnostics & gt; & Lt; Sources & gt; & Lt; Source name = "System.ServiceModel" switchValue = "notification, activity tracing" publicize = "true" & gt; & Lt; Listeners & gt; & Lt; Add name = "traceListener" type = "System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener" initializeData = "c: \ log \ traces.svclog" /> & Lt; / Listeners & gt; & Lt; / Source & gt; & Lt; / Sources & gt; & Lt; /system.diagnostics> & Lt; / Configuration & gt; As far as the WCF's affability point, Carlos Figuira (one of the WCF engineers on Microsoft) in a post, details of almost all extant points in WCF () have been given.  

    The ordering is listed in the WCF Runtime section of this post:

      1.2. WCF Runtime 1.2.1. Message Block I [client / dispatch] messinxpector IPAMMTI Inspector 1.2.2. Mapping between message and operation parameters I [client / dispatch] message format 1.2.3. Mapping between messages and CLR functions I [Client / Dispatch] Operation Selector IOperationInvoker 1.2.4. Installation Build IInstanceProvider IInstanceContextProvider 1.2.5. Error handle IErrorHandler 1.2.6. Others ICallContext Initializer ICNLL Interactive  

    I think the order of operation in the WCF should be clear.


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