How to integrate TinyMCE is Struts application -

Can someone explain the integration of TinyMCE in the Straits app?

1.I downloaded TinyMCE

2. I added tiny_mce.js to my script folder. 3. In my JSP, I have added this line
& lt; SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript" SRC = "jsp / js / tiny_mce.js">

  1. I have just one text field named "Contact Comments"

I still do not see rich text boxes.

Ps: Do I have to keep the entire TinyMax folder in my Javascript folder in Project Settings? I just put timy_mce.js

This should be something like this:

 < Code> & lt; SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "Javascript" SRC = "jsp / js / tiny_mce.js" & gt; & Lt; SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "Javascript" SRC = "jsp / js / tiny_mce_config.js" & gt;  

And then you use the config file to specify the preferences of TinyMCE for that page. If you want TinyMCE to change any text box, then you need priority:

  mode: "textareas",  

my whole For example, configure:

  tinyMCE.init ({// general option mode: "textres", theme: "advanced", plugins: "table, paste, fullscreen", relative_serls: true Convert_arls: Wrong, // We can put Google Maps into expanded_gupta_alments in the page: "Iframe [noise | width | ur "Theme", "Table", "Topic", "Top", "Theme", "Top", "Theme", "Theme", "Theme", " Theme "," Top ", Theme_Advanced_Tallbar_line:" left "});  

I think you should read the TinyMCE document a bit more carefully, all of it has been explained. / P>


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