iPhone MapKit error -

I've just started using the mogkit framework I've got a sample code.

But when I create the code, it returns the following error.

  / sourcecache / googlemobilemaps / googlemobilemaps-201 / googlenav / mac / loader .mm: 195 server returned error: 407  

this map does not show .

I am confused that there is an error in the code or there is some error with Google Service.

I have found a solution, we need to add credentials to the user's key piece here Code is

NSURLCredentialStorage * credentialStorage = [NSURLLreadedStable Storage Shared CredentialStorage]; // (1) NSURL authentication * new credentials; New Credential = [NSURL Credential Credential with User: @ "myUserName" Password: @ "My PWD" Persistence: NSURLCredentialPersistencePermanent]; // (2) NSURL protection site = mySpaceHTTP = [[Ansuarel security space alloc] initWithProxyHost: @ "ipProxy" Port: Port Type: NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPProxy realm: zero Pramanikrnmase: zero]; // (3) NSURL protection site = mySpaceHTTPS = [[Ansuaraarpiarsissapis Aelelo] Initvithproksihostः @ "Aipeepiarsisisi port" Port Type: Ansuarelprshikshnspesactiteepispiarosisiaiaram zero Pramanikrnmul: zero]; // (4) [credential storage set credential: new credential for protection space: myspace]; // (5) [credential storage set credential: new credential for protection space: myspace HTPS]; I've recovered the first shared credential storage (1), then I made my new name, password, and access to the persistence of new NSURLCredential for (2). Then I had two Ansuarel conservation site (3) (4): made for a HTTP connection to HTTPS connection

And finally, I thought Protection spaces to Anselel credentials (5) (6) Added shared credential storage for.

I hope this code can help you


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