mysql - What is the best LALR parser generator for C++ that can generate meaningful error messages -

I'm looking for the best solution for the LRR parser generator for C ++ which I really generate a good error message Will allow. I really hate syntax errors which generate MySQL and I want to get a parser in it and want to change it with a "lint" checker which only me

  error 1064 (42000 ): There is an error in your SQL syntax; To use near 'users one' on line 1, check the manual related to your MySQL server version for correct syntax I / it's working on Mac or Linux. 

Why do you need an LLRR? One of the advantages of the LL.K. parser is that they can often be easier to generate clear error messages. Most grammars that can be parsed by the LLR parser can be easily re-processed by an LLP (K) parser.

is a popular LLL (K) parser generator that can generate C ++ (as well as the number of other languages):

Language application error message And the quality of the recovery strategy is often different between professional application and an amateur application. Error retrieval is the process of retrieving the input stream or by changing the consumer symbols from the syntax error until the parser can not restart in a known position. Many hand-made and many non-LL-based identifiers emit less than optimal error messages, while the ANLR generated identifier automatically emits very good error messages and retrieves wisely, as shown in this chapter. .

, including many.


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