php - Safely getting card number for payment gateway -

I have a payment gateway API for bluepe. My application is in PHP. I have a transaction with this kind of code I am able to process:

BP-> is the card number with process (1111111111111111, .....) 111111111111111.

Process Function

How can I get a card number safely from the user?

Where I replace 111111111111111 with a variable that fills in with that user.

You must ensure that both card numbers (from the user) and card number (s) on an SSL connection Sending in your gateway) I think your gateway will not allow it in any other way, so * perhaps * is already secure on the transaction

CC data anywhere store Also, you need to buy an SSL certificate for your web server, and make sure that All sensitive information sent is encrypted (https: //)You can create an SSL certificate yourself, but it will not make your users feel safe from a filthy fuzzy. It will also not verify who is claiming your site.


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