How do I embed sharethis javascript into another javascript file? -
Basically here I have the code, it adds the existing button to the share button. Now what I want to do, the image of Twitter (on the right)
Share javascript:
& lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; {Function () {function replaceAll (text, stra, strb) {while (text.indexOf (stra)! = -1) {text = text.replace (stra, strb);} return text;} var share = {" Html ":" << a ; \ N \ t \ t & lt; / tr & gt; \ n \ t
Sharethis button Javascript that I am trying to add:
script type = "text / javascript" src = "http: // w. / button / sharethis.js # Publisher = 394f24b1-b257-4daf-a92d-334c05a91b58 & amp; amp; type = Website & amp; amp; buttonText = More% 20Services & amp; post_services = Email% 2Csms% 2Caim% 2Cmyspace% 2Clinkedin% 2Cfriendfeed% 2Cwordpress% 2Cblogger% 2Ctypepad% 2Cbebo% 2Clivejournal% 2Cxanga "& gt; & Lt; / Script & gt;
Can anyone help me do this? Thanks
Can you guys tell me where the new code should go?
Since you are already using jQuery, just use
< / Div>
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