java - Element not recognized on page until a manual click on the page occurs -
I am looking for an element on a web page using my xpath. Xpath is correct and the element can be found only if I manually click on the page for the first time if I do not do this before the statement, then it will not get the element.
I have tried many attempts to focus on the page:
selenium.selectWindow (null); Selenium.firivant (xpath, "focus"); Selenium.Click (element on page); Selenium.mouseDown (); Selenium.mouseUp ();
After completing these tasks, the statement will still not be able to find the element, but if I maximize the page manually and click anywhere on the page, then say the statement The element is found. Can anyone help me with this?
I am using this element to find:
selenium.isElementPresent ("// div [@ class = 'sample_class']");
Instead of using XPath, the CSS selector for that item.
Use selenium.isElementPresent ("css = div.sample_class"); as your selector. Saucelabs explained this very well on
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