.net - jquery ajax error cannot find url outside of debug mode -

I used some jquery.ajax method to connect to a .NET web service that I received some code two weeks ago Has been doing. Here the code snippet is causing me trouble ...

  if (MSCour.AppSettings.OFFLINE! == 'TRUE') {$ .ajax ({url: url, data: json, Type: "Post", Content Type: "Application / Jason", Timeout: 10000, Datatype: "Jason", // No "Jason" We will parse the success: Function {race} {if (! Callback) {return; } / * // *** Use the JSN Library so that we can fix MS AJX dates * / var results = "" if (RAS! == "") {try {result = $ .valvalJSON (res); } (E) {Results = {}; bare = true;}} / * // *** The bare message is the result * / If (bare) {callback (result); return;} / * // *** top-tier object node in wrapped message / *** strip it off * / for (different attributes in result) {callback ( Result (properties); break;}}, error: function (xhr, position, error) {if (position === 'parsererror') {} else {return error;}}, complete: function (res, status) {If (callback) {if ((position! = 'Success' and status! = 'Error') || condition === 'parser' || (Status === 'Timeout' & amp; res! = = '')) {Try {result = $ .secureEvalJSON (res); } Catch (e) {result = {}; Plum = True; } Callback (ridge); }} Return; }}); }  

The URL variable at this point is equal to /testsite/service.svc/GetItems

Now it is where my problem is ...

While excluding this site from debug mode through Visual Studio, I have no problem connecting to the database through the web service and both of my viewers to see, update and update all my data. When I go to the normal web server for the same site, on the same page, no data is showing up, when I apply a break in firebug on the error portion of the above code, then this information is found in the image below. is.

I find that 404 appears to be an error, but when I look at the server, all the files are in the right place ... working together with this fact That's it works in debug mode, I think I'm slowly getting crazy who is trying to find these codes. Needle in the heap of grass

the web Open the config and add or confirm the following:

  & lt; Web Services & gt; & Lt; Protocol & gt; & Lt; Add name = "html gate" /> & Lt; Add name = "http post" / & gt; & Lt; / Protocol & gt; & Lt; / Webservices & gt;  


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