c# - How do I receive mouse move events while showing a ContextMenuStrip? -

I am using ContextMenuStrip to show the user some options when they mouse Keeping the cell in the MouseMove from the table is going through the form of the control parameter in the table by calling the method (Control, Int, Int) method.

If the app is not active, then everything works with purpose; But if the app is active, then the firing ceases once, when MouseMove event ContextMenuStrip is shown.

How do I show mouse move events in ContextMenuStrip? I do not want to add hooks or to filter an application, I just want the inactive app behavior whenever the app is active.

This is not just a mouse capture, which would be easy to work around. There is an internal class called "ModelManFilters", which is activated when a toolstreet dropdown is displayed which filters out different messages. This works with WM_MOUSEMOVE using SetWindowsHookEx () This works when your app is not active because this hook is only installed when your form is activated.

None of these are accessible from your code, you have to use reflection. I think you can disable the filter using ModalMenuFilter.RemoveActiveToolStrip (). Take a look with the reflector is more likely to be caused by other problems.


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