c++ - Using AlphaBlend() and FillRect() -

So, I am using to copy a rectangle with a Actimaimap other ().

This works, but there is a problem whenever I use the FillRect () function, then the alpha value in HBITMAP exits from 0. every time.

So I have to reset Get_BBits (), alpha to 255, and then Set-B-Beats (), after all types of calls, Filler like Win32 api Filler ()

So, there is a way to go to make a HBRUSH or draw values ​​FillRect () to Touch alpha channel Acbiaitimapi?

With the exception of Alfabilde ... Bitblat only another GDI function any kind of alpha which is Will preserve the channel.

Your choices are basically so:

  1. Switch using Dibaisekshn it will not solve the basic problem of overwiting GDI API alpha channel, But as a DIBSection, you can avoid the expensive DDB-> DIB-DDB-change necessary to make alpha channel patch up to you. Disksigns provide you access to an HBITMAP and a memory section, where bitmap bits with Rhit is.

  2. Use an alpha familiar painting API instead of GDI.


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