Message Box in ASP.NET -

How do I display message boxes within the content page? After updating the profile..I want to display a message box in the content page ..

Please give your suggestion .. Thanks in advance.

To create a warning box outside the content content page, Trying to inject.

The only way one should work to do this is to inject javascript at the master page level.

To do this, you expose a method that behaves like the following:

  Public Zero ShowAlertMessage (string message) {string Warning = String. Format ("& lt; script language = 'javascript'> Alert ('{0}'; & lt; / script & gt;", message); Page Client script. Registry startupscript (this .gate type), "key", alert script, incorrect); }  

Then from the content page, you can call this method on the master object:

  Secure void UpdateProfile_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) { YourMasterPage Master = (YourMasterPage) Master; Master.ShowMessage ("Profile Updates."); }  

In this method, your message-box argument can also be explained for all your content pages.

One of the above warnings is that to reproduce the error that I see for me, I have tried every combination of master / content markup which I can think and can not find the error Any other examples given in other answers work happily for me.


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