ruby - Rails Community Engine plugin unit tests fail -

Community Engine has installed locally on my Mac, but when I try to install it on my web server I am giving it some trouble. When I run rake test

  $ [~ / projects / polis] # rack test --trace (/ home / Mculp / projects / polis) ** exam Start (first_time) ** Execute the exam ** Exam demand: Units (first_time) ** DB: Call: Exam (before_time) ** Call: abort_if_pending_migrations (first_time) ** Call the environment (first_time) ** Perform execution ** Perform DB: execute abort_if_pending_migrations ** db: test: ready ** invoke db : Exam: Load: (First_time) ** Call DB: Exam: Pure (First_time) ** Invite Environment ** Execute Db: test: purge ** test invoke: functions (first_time) ** Click on db: Test: prepare ** Execute the exams: functionals / usr / bin / ruby ​​-i "/ home / mculp / projects / polis / lib" -i "/ home / solution / projects / policies / tests" "/ usr / Lib / ruby ​​/ gems / 1.8 / gems / rake-0.8.4 / lib / rake / rake_test_loader.rb "** Seeking the exam: integration (first_time) * applicant db: exam: prepare ** execute the exam: one / Usr / bin / ruby ​​-i "/ home / mculp / projects / polis / lib" -i "/ home / mculp / projects / poli s / test" "/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/ Gems / rake-0.8.4 / lib / rake / rake_test_loader.rb "Error running tests: units!  

Any ideas?

It seems that your paste may be small, I do not see a backtrace

What you should do is compare your local gem list to your server machine, and see if anything is standing near you or not. See versions of gem dependence specifically for community engines (desert, ramic, hippocrot, etc.).

You can also try to use the branch of the community engine edge, which we are using in production.

See how it goes.


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