storyboard - WPF PropertyPath Issue - Cannot resolve all property references in property path -

I am struggling to get a Sampreshi path to work - that I've had a change in window resources I am trying to impress through a storyboard - Also in window processing ...

Here property property I am using ...

  (Viewport2DVisual3D.Transform) (Transform3DGroup). [0] (RotateTransform3D.Rotation) (AxisAngleRotation3D.Angle)  

Edit: .. Thanks Anurags I've got a bit ahead of suggestions ... (Viewport2DVisual3D.Transform). (Transform3DGroup.Children) [0]. (RotateTransform3D.Rotation). (AxisAngleRotation3D.Angle) is

But it does not point to

"Rotation property a DependencyProperty with" errors

Can someone put me back on track?

This code is in full ...

& lt; Window x: Class = "WpfApplication1.Window1" xmlns = "" xmlns: x = " Xaml "height =" 300 "width =" 300 "& gt; & Lt; Window.Resources & gt; & Lt; Transform3DGroup x: key = "Worldwide Translation" & gt; & Lt; RotateTransform3D & gt; & Lt; RotateTransform3D.Rotation & gt; & Lt; Axis angle Rotation 3DX = "0,1,0" Angle = "0" /> & Lt; /RotateTransform3D.Rotation> & Lt; / RotateTransform3D> & Lt; / Transform3DGroup & gt; & Lt; Storyboard x: key = "Mystoryboard" & gt; & Lt; DoubleAnimation Storyboard.Target = "{TemplatedParent Binding}" Storyboard.TargetProperty = "... (Viewport2DVisual3D.Transform) (Transform3DGroup.Children) [0] (RotateTransform3D.Rotation) (= the AxisAngleRotation3D.Angle)" "0.0" to = "360" Period = "0: 0: 1" /> & Lt; / Storyboard & gt; & Lt; MeshGeometry3D x: Key = "squareMeshFrontLeft" positions = "- 1, -1,1 1, -1,1 1,1,1 -1,1,1" TriangleIndices = "0 1 2 0 2 3" TextureCoordinates = "0 , 1 1,1, 1,0 0,0 "/> & Lt; DiffuseMaterial x: key = "visualhostmitry" brush = "white" viewport 2divisional 3D Isvisualhostatricity = "true" /> & Lt; /Window.Resources> & Lt; Viewport3D & gt; & Lt; Viewport3D.Camera & gt; & Lt; PerspectiveCamera Status = "0,0,10" Liquidation = "0,0, -1" /> & Lt; /Viewport3D.Camera> & Lt; Viewport 2 Divisual 3D Content = "{static resource visual host metric}" geometry = "{static resource square meshfrantLift}" & gt; & Lt; Viewport2DVisual3D.Transform & gt; & Lt; Static resource resource = "Worldwide" /> & Lt; /Viewport2DVisual3D.Transform> & Lt; StackPanel Background = "Blue" width = "80" height = "80" & gt; & Lt; Button height = "30" margin = "20" & gt; & Lt; Button.Content & gt; Blurb & LT; /Button.Content> & Lt; Button.Triggers & gt; & Lt; Event Trigger Routing Avent = "Button." Click & gt; & Lt; EventTrigger.Actions & gt; & Lt; StartStoryboard Storyboard = "{static resource mysternboard}" & gt; & Lt; / BeginStoryboard & gt; & Lt; /EventTrigger.Actions> & Lt; / EventTrigger & gt; & Lt; /Button.Triggers> & Lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / StackPanel & gt; & Lt; / Viewport2DVisual3D & gt; & Lt; ModelVisual3D & gt; & Lt; ModelVisual3D.Content & gt; & Lt; Ambient light color = "white" /> & Lt; /ModelVisual3D.Content> & Lt; / ModelVisual3D & gt; & Lt; / Viewport3D & gt; & Lt; / Window & gt;

First of all, use 3D keyframe animation instead of double animation.

or correct your StoryBoard

instead (Transform3DGroup.Children) using syntax TargetProperty See also:


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