
Showing posts from June, 2014

perl precompiled regex question -

Do I actually get any benefit from doing the following (as opposed to $$ in both the actual regex PCR) If statement)? (Too many lines are in the real data set, but for example, just use the data. my $ defs = 0; my $ test = 0; my $ pcr = qr / \ s * [\ / \\]? \ S * /; While (& lt; data & gt;) {$ defs = ($ 1? 0: 1) / / lt; ($ {pcr}) / Definitions; $ Test = ($ 1? 0: 1) / / lt; ($ {pcr}) test /; print "defs: $ defs \ ntests: $ tests \ n \ n";} __DATA__

delphi - Enabling XP visual themes / visual styles kills performance -

While trying to modernize the presence of an older C + + builder / Delphi application, I enabled visual themes ( ) And was surprised how much of a performance hit topics were added. For example, for our primary setup page (an 11-tab, 200-control monster dialog that we do not want to repeat due to the time of development and repetitive costs): without Themes enabled: ~ 0.1 seconds menu item by clicking on the form shown to the form and its control (as measured by QueryPerformanceCounter), to make ~ 0.9 seconds (like That is shown) by stopwatch) Ultimate User Not really worth giving attention to A's. With the theme enabled: To build the form and its controls: ~ 1.5 seconds by clicking ~ 1.5 seconds in the form being shown menu item. The end user is very noticeable. I get similar results on both Windows XP desktop and Windows 7 VM. I know that the steps I can take to improve this particular case (such as loading the tab of the dialog freely or giving it a complet...

iPhone Development - sample code LazyTableImages manipulation problem -

UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle default style to support a textLabel and two detailTextLabel (this just one support), how do I customize it ? Awesome image - sample code link: THX: -) . I want to change the UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle default style to support a text label and two statement textlabel (this only support), how do I restart it? Instead of using the pre-built style, add the contentView property of the property to the UILabel example as a sub-view. By adding just subviews to contentView , you want to add whatever labels you want, wherever you want.

Incrementing an Integer in SQL Server -

Any HTML question here, every time I change a specific record in a SQL Server 2008 R2 table, I want to increase a RevisionId record. I ; To do this, I am using the following syntax: updateTable SET RevisionId = (SELECT RevisionId to be set WHERE id = @ id) +1 WHERE id = @ id; BTW, I'm putting it in a trigger so that it is done automatically, but when this code works, it sounds too tight - is there a cleaner way to do this? You do not need internal selection: Update Table SET RevisionId = RevisionId + 1 WHERE ID = @ ID

mysql - Using a single wiki table for multiple subject tables -

I have come to know if someone can help me to understand whether I have been working with wiki content for many topics I'm doing well using a table, therefore: Table wiki ==> Wiki_id wiki_content wiki_language wiki_user_id table homes home_dearth home_names house_year home_space == & gt; Wiki_id Table Architect arch_id arch_name arch_born arch_died == & gt; Wiki_id I think that if I use it then this could be the right way: SELECT * FROM homes WHERE house_id = '123 Join the homes at INNER Wiki. I Wiki_id = wiki.wiki_id But I do not have experience on databases. The wiki structure is quite similar in both cases, so I'm wrong using a wiki table for two different tables? Can future problems be faced on this DB design solution? If wiki information is directly related to houses and architects then I have no problem connecting them with foreign keys I see. It is one of the many relationships for many institutions, as long as they are related, it i...

iphone - Parsing a RFC 822 date with NSDateFormatter -

I am using an NSDateFormatter to parse an RFC 822 date on the iPhone However, specify the optional element in the date format There is no way to do it. There are some optional parts in RFC 822 specification which are breaking the date parser, if nothing works, then I have to write a custom parser to follow the specs. For example, the name of the day in the imagery is optional. Therefore both dates are valid: Tuesday, 01 December 2009 08:48:25 +0000 format is parsed with EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH: Mm: ss z December 00 08:48:25 +0000 format dd MMM yyyy HH: mm: ss z Parsed with> This is what I am currently using: + (NSDateFormatter *) rfc822Formatter {static NSDateFormatter * formatter = noil; If (formatter == blue) {formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; NSLocale * enUS = [[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier: @ "en_US"]; [Setter Sitelokel: NUS]; [Annus release]; [Format setDateFormat: @ "EEE, DD MMM yyyy HH: mm: SS Z"]; } Return formo...

c# - Can I get a byte[] from a BitmapImage in Silverlight? -

I am trying to represent something behind the image between the Silverlight and WCF service. If possible, I want to pass the System.Windows.Media.imaging.BitmapImage , this means that the client does not have to make any conversions. However, at some point I need to store this image in a database, which means that the image representation should be able to change from byte [] . I can read the array in MemoryStream and create BitmapImage by byte [] using BitmapImage.SetSource (). I / code >. But I can not find any way to change - from bitmapImage to byte [] on the other side. Do I have something clear here? If it helps at all, the conversion code can run on the server, i.e. it does not need to be silly-secure. Use this: public byte [] GetBytes (bitmap) Image bi) {intelligent bitcake wbm = new writable bitmap); Return wbm.ToByteArray (); } Where public static byte [] ToByteArray (The WriteableBitmap BMP) {// Init buffer int w = bmp.PixelWidth; Int h ...

sql - MySQL - Unable to create column -

I am using MySQL 5.1. When I'm trying to add a new column, this kind of error throws, The database name is "ebly". Error code: Error in rename '1025' Evil \ # sql-98_477 'to'. \ Ebill \ user '(errno: 150) (0 ms has been taken) This is my SQL query: option table `ebill` 'User' column `User_Password` varchar (25) null Where is the problem? See here for an answer:.

java - export a report in ms word(97-2003) without using RTFExporter in jasper reports -

I have a report that requires the use of the Jasper Report in the pure word format (97-2003). But Jasper uses RTFXPorter to export the report in DOC format, but I have read the report using POI, it says that it is not a pure word. How can a person prepare a report using Jasper's reports? help please! will allow you to generate .doc files from Jasper. The term for the Aspose.JasperReports is the only known solution on the market, from JasperReports and JasperServer to Microsoft Word Document (DOC), Office Open XML (OoXML, DOCX), Rich Text Format (RTF) Creates possible export reports from open documents. Text (ODT), Web page (HTML) and plain text (TXT) format. It is quite expensive, though.

.net - Strong name is must -

Is it necessary to give a strong assembly a strong name before putting it into GAC? I recommend that you find a very good explanation about strong naming and signing. This article states that you can delay signing of an assembly and still can file the assembly in GAC.

How to escape a period for php and mysql question? -

OK, that's what I am doing, I am trying to avoid this period so that I can 8em would add font and for example in my code, instead of a simple number font, a 2.5M font I tried to avoid this script in three different ways but I think I am doing it wrong. Here's my font size in the script. $ min_size = 1; // $ 8 $ max_size = 2; // change 2.5 and here is the part of the script that displays the font size. $ tags = tag_info (); $ Minimum_count = minutes (array_values ​​($ tag)); $ Maximum_ count = maximum (array_values ​​($ tag)); $ Spread = $ max_mount - $ minimum_count; If ($ spread == 0) {$ spread = 1; } $ Cloud_html = ''; $ Cloud_tags = array (); Forex Currency ($ tag = $ gt; = count as $ tag) {$ size = $ min_size + ($ count - $ minimum_count) * ($ max_size - $ min_size) / $ spread; $ Cloud_tags [] = '& lt; A style = "font-size: 'floor ($ size).' Em '.' 'Class =" tag_cloud "href ="

java - Steps to "Mavenize" a Eclipse or NetBeans project with the help of Subversion? -

The process of creating eclipse and netbeans projects usually works manually, if all files are under modification control So I'm thinking of writing an ant script which uses svn commands to rearrange the files in the copy of the work according to standard Maven directory layouts. This will retain all the file revision history. If all files are moved to the right places, the new directory structure will be committed simultaneously. (Rather than implementing many small steps in the repository). Do you know the resources that can help me find the right 'migration' strategy for standard eclipse or netbusiness projects (including web projects)? For example, an overview of Eclipse and Netbeans directory structures will be helpful for standard Java and Web / EJB projects. I wrote a tool that you should get some path. This is called 'amnow', it will scan any existing project and will generate a customized version of any 'src' directory that finds it. ...

Does Android provide widget like the iPhone UIPickerView -

I think the iPhone's UIPCair VIP is a good idea and easy to use on a mobile phone. I'm weird that Android SDK Why does not the same effect widget provide? Or maybe it's a clone to clone on Android? Any help ... Thanks ... FWW, I'm the same Was looking for the thing, and I found this -> I have not used it yet, but I am thinking about giving it a whirl.

ruby on rails - Is calling a partial an expensive operation? -

Can I use as much as I want to partially or should I avoid getting my ideas crawled Do you have to stop the traffic yourself? There is a clear overhead using partial but it's not something you should worry about. There are partial files when you present partially without any action, then your action "cost" 1 file (this is not entirely true, but it is easy to clarify). If your action offers 4 partially, then you end up with the cost of 5. This means, you have 4 additional IO calls and the actual cost for each call depends on your server load, server performance and so on. But does this cost difference? In my experience, 99% times no. In addition, the benefits of partial use in terms of code readability and maintenance are generally worth choice. If performance should be an important feature, then you should probably seek speed and improvement somewhere else. Remember: Ruby is not a super fast programming language and code expression always takes precedence...

Python values with units -

I need to keep track of units on float and int value on python, but I do not want to use an external package Quantity or like others, because I do not need to work on values. Instead, what I have to do is to be able to define the floats and the interses, which has an entity attribute (and I think this simple thing A new dependency for Wants to add o). I tried to do this: class float (float): __oldinit__ = float .__ init__ def __init __ (self, * args, ** kwargs): If kwargs in 'unit': Self.unit = kwargs .pop ('unit') itself .__ old thing __ (* args, ** kwargs) but it does not work at all: [37]: A = floatindt (1., unit = 1) ----------------------------- ------ ---------------------------------------- TypeError traceback (most Recent call final) / user / tom / You might be looking for something like this: Class unitflot (float): def __new __ (self, value, unit = none): return float .__ new__ (self, value) def __init __ (self, value, unit = none): self....

sql grouping... thing -

I have this data: ID country type city country volume Some Dat SomeDate1 SomeDate2 1 Canada Ontario Type1 1 01/01/2009 02/02/2009 03/03/2009 2 Canada Ontario Type 2 1 01/01/2009 02/02/2009 03/03/2009 3 Germany Berlin Type 1 1 03/01 / 2007 02/01/2008 04/03/2006 4 Germany Berlin Type 1 3 03/01/2007 02/01/2008 04/03/2006 I need output: Country country quantity DAT 1 Some DAT 2 1 Canada Ontario 2 01/01/2009 02/02/2009 03/03/2009 3 Germany Berlin 4 03/01/2007 02 / 01/2008 04/03/2006 SomeDate1 as MIN, (SomeDate2), as "Some Text"> SELECT MIN (ID) as SomeDa,

excel - A couple of questions about Word macros -

I need to get a list of names from Excel and insert them into a Word document, a document printing per name. Some text in the document and a bookmark named "name" The code is below. First, if I want to know how long is the list of names in Excel spreadsheets and grab that, instead of hardcoded numbers is possible. Second, I do not understand how I am already inserting it inside the document. . When I enter text in a bookmark, it gets attached after the bookmark, so if I keep adding names, they all stack together It may be clear with the code: sub-insertar_nombre () Dim Excel Excel.Application dim Planilla Excel.Workbook dim Hoja Excel.Worksheet set excel = CreateObject as in the form of ("Excel.Application") Dim file name String dim fname as application with Application.FileDialog (msoFileDialogOpen). AllowMultiSelect = false .Title = "S Eleccionar Documento de Excel ".Show the selected files filename = fname Planilla = Excel.Workbooks.Open (f...

parsing - yylval and union -

What is the purpose of the union in yacc file? Is this directly related to Yilwell in the Flex file? If you do not use Yellwell, you do not need to use the union? Its purpose is to consolidate various types of objects in nodes emitted by union flex. Are allowed to For example, to better understand you: % union {int intValue; Float flat value; Four * stringValue; } in .y if you want to give basic support for int , float and string type. What can you do with it? Two things: First of all, you can set the correct value automatically when generating a token. Think about the file .l of the previous example, you can have it: [a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9 ] * {Yellwell .stringValue = strdup (yytext); Return identifier; } [0- 9] + {yylval.intValue = etymology}; Return INTEGER; } [0- 9] *. [0- 9] + "F"? {Yylval.floatValue = new yytext; Return floyet; } Additionally you can use the value directly in your flex grammar : nexp: nexp '+' Nexp {$ & lt...

Validating XML parser for Flex/actionscript? -

Is there a valid XML parser for Flex / ActionScript? The XML class confirms that it has made XML well, but it is not that it adheres to the rules of the DTD. Java has a valid XML parser, but is there anyone for Flex / ActionScript? OK, good news, time for bad news The bad news first: Unfortunately not. Action Script DTD does not support any form of legalization. This XSL / XSLT does not support any form of verification or change. There are such projects that ultimately some of these may be possible (for one), but now you are out of luck. But, there is a good news (first of all): First of all, support both of the servers most of the time. This means that you can accomplish the same thing using the goal-trip on the server in the flash It's probably less than ideal, especially when dealing with large amounts of information, but it will guarantee continuous results. Secondly, Javascript supports both XSL and DTD functionality, if it is absolutely necessary, then you have...

objective c - Homework: Figuring Out a Calculator's Forumla -

So I have created a simple math program with C, but the work in my hand is a bit complicated where my knowledge is currently . I need to get the calculator here (calculator: appendix which covers it a little bit) and program it in the objc program. I have a hard time trying to get the weight / formula for this, hope to get the right help, how I can understand it. There is no point in wrapping dubbles in all implementation C's only NSNM. #import & lt; Cocoa / Cocoa H & gt; @ Interface GRE: NSObject @Emment @ Expimation GRE + (NSNumber *) Calculation: (double) Age: (double) IOP: (double) CCT: (double) VCD: (double) psd {double meaning 5 = 5.64301, betaaj = 0.23260; Double manneep = 24.1386, betaap = 0.09025; Double menu = -14.3349, BACACT = 0.71503; Double meanpsd = 9.76001, betapsd = 0.12376; Double median = 3.60828, betavakadi = 0.17689; Double S0_t = 0.91831; Double t_cct = -1.0 * (cct / 40.0); Double t_psd = psd / .2; Double t_vcd = vcd / 0.1; Double AgedCA...

path - algorithm to traverse points horizontally and vertically -

2D aircraft has n numbers. A robot wants to visit them all but can only take horizontal or vertical steps, how would it deliver them so that the total distance can be covered? This is where the distance between each pair of digits is. Y2-y1 + | X2-x1 (Rectiliner distance or is called) It basically means that there is no known skilled solution. On Wikipedia. The simplest algorithm is a simple cruel power discovery, where you calculate the distance for each possible permutation, and the minimum find is the time to run the O (N!) It will work up to about 10 points , But it will be very slow for a large number of digits.

user interface - How to group Widgets in my Qt app? -

Easy question (I hope!). This is my first Qt App and I am struggling with a group of elements at my Gui. I need about 8 standard quadets (label, edit, button) for each file object, which can be so eventually I have all the files inside QVBoxLayout inside QScrollArea Objects have to be inserted. But first of all I need to group them in some way. I realized that I could drag them with so many offsets on my main window, but it would not be very elegant. Do I have my file object any kind of canvas and everyone keeps a set of these widgets? Thanks for any guidance. A can be layout in QWidget and other widgets can be You can do the QWidget subclass, whatever you need (with a layout) and use the place you want. Or better (I think that depending on your requirements) is directly QScrollArea subclass, add whatever you need with layout, and then you can leave it in bulk: Class MyWidget: Public QScrollArea {Q_OBJECT Public: MyWidget (Const. Caststring and Filename, QW...

just php no javascript -

Just using php, is it possible to make a button through HTML that is responsive to user input For example, if the user clicks the button 4 times, something happens, or I need javascript. Similarly, if the user clicks on something different twice or three times, it seems that it is possible, if so, why do I need to read? Yes, it is possible with PHP only. You can take the position that has been put with it or put it back in the form so that it can be deposited with the next entry.

Overview of WCF binding availability -

Is there a place that provides a complete list of which WCF bindings are supported, in which there are scenarios. For example: NetTap is not supported in IIS 6 wshttpbinding is not supported in Silverlight (version 2?) Some binding In some cases binding is supported, but there is no functionality in compulsory The table you hang on Can he really be good on the wall? I have come to Acras a decision chart but it does not cover those things you want

c# - Build safe search conditions for SQL WHERE clause -

I need to create search terms used with WHERE clause. Has been sent to another application to execute as part. Because the position of search there can be quite complex (including sub-questions) I do not believe that by obtaining the application, they can parse them wisely to prevent SQL injection attacks. The best practices say parametric queries should be used. It works fine when you use command object to execute the query. In my case, I want to get that query string in it with the merger criteria, and I know that I am interested in what interest I am interested in, pars out it. Is there any way to do this? I work with MS SQL Server and currently replace all single citations with two single citations in the string obtained from just one collar. Is SQL injection attacks a better way to gain some level of security? Take a look at these 2 links And

Problem with MySQL query -

I have three tables users , friends , user 2 user 2 user 2 User2 user2 user2 is just like on facebook but when added the date user1 user2 as a friend After that date, only select posts to join posts friends. P.userid = f.friendid and s.time & gt; = F.friend_since WHERE f.myid = 'user1id' then after about the date it was added as a friend about user2 All posts in but the problem is that the posts of user1 and only user2 hides after the date added How can I do this?

SecurityException when making ajax call from only a certain machine? -

When a certain machine tries to reach my website, all AJAX calls fail. This is for all the browers on this machine, and none of the firewalls or software is enabled. What can be the problem here? Opera tells me that AJAX calls are returning a security Exception. Could this be due to a machine failing on AJAX calls? Do not use the full URL of your website in an AJAX call. For example, suppose and point to the same resource. If you call your AJAX URL , the user will fail to browse the call from the first place.

How do I get \0 off my string from C++ when read in C# -

I stuck here. I am developing a custom pipeline component for commerce server 200, but nothing has to do with my problem. In the setup of pipes, I give the user a Windows form to enter some values ​​for configuration. One of those values ​​is a URL for a SharePoint site. The commerce server uses C ++ components behind all this pipeline accessories, so the entered values ​​are inserted into an IDictionary and eventually Microsoft from C ++ DB is maintained through component. When I read the string during the pipeline execution, it has been handed over to C ++ in an IDWeb object I see my C # code sticking to \ 0 \ 0 I'm not sure Where are they coming from, but my code flies because it is not a valid URI, I am trimming the string before saving it and when I read it and touch it, I can not even get rid of it. Any idea that is being born due to this and how can I get rid of it? I would not like to hack it like white, but for whatever reason it is due. Thank you, blank I...

mysql - Using URL contents to send data(post or get) to a PHP page -

OK, I am creating a questionnaire application that is managed / managed by the same user. There, they can create more than one questionnaire, each set of different names and settings (registered users, questions, data etc.). At present, various tests are used by non-administrative users (test takers) by visiting /index.php?t=Questionnaire%20Name. Obviously, this is not the best interface to give to users. I would like the users to go to / queryonnaireName to use that test. I think it can be done with rewriting, but I do not know how to use it or where to start it. I have coded the whole thing in JS, PHP, and MySQL. Any help is appreciated Thanks. Here's an example you can go to: option + Rewrite on follow-up link:% {REQUEST_FILENAME} on the integration revision! -f Rewrite Convert% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d Recrite Array ^^ (. *) $ Index.php? $ 1 This file will be sent to index.php as .htaccess index.php in the same directory as you now call, And you can catch the URL...

c# - XAML Treeview, how to displayed nodes horizontally instead of vertically -

I am something new in XML and I try to try to display the previewview rather than horizontally vertically I.e. Header 1 item 1 item 2 items 3 headers 2 item 4 instead of header 1 item 1 item 2 item 3 header 2 item 4 It's not really as simple as it seems, I was able to move the headings horizontally ... Le code & lt; Grid & gt; & Lt; TreeView ItemsSource = "{Binding Kids}" & gt; & Lt; TreeView.Resources & gt; & Lt; Hierarchical dataTypeplate dataType = "{x: type local: ApplicationListViewModel}" item source = "{binding child}" & gt; & Lt; StackPanel Orientation = "Horizontal" & gt; & Lt; Text block text = "{binding title}" /> & Lt; / StackPanel & gt; & Lt; / HierarchicalDataTemplate & gt; & Lt; DataTemplate DataType = "{x: type local: ApplicationViewModel}" & gt; & Lt; StackPanel Orientation = "Horizontal" & gt; & L...

c++ - Passing an iterator to another function -

I was wondering what would be the best way to accomplish something like that ... // shuffle through a list if (afu) {remove fence (this); } Zero Exit (std :: list : iterator) {it = listName.erase (this); ... // Other items related to cleaner deleted cleaner} I do not think the price will work here near. Obviously what I want to do I call the baller to stay in the right iterator position. What is the best option passed by reference? Iterators usually pass by value. I get RemoveBar () back to the new Iterator.

java - How can we make a movable sentence? -

For example, in my main frame, want to have a sentence like "system" which can move from the left side of the frame To the right side or bottom How can i do it I Think You are trying to apply a sliding text You can use the timer class to set your label (or whatever component) status. Timer Times Every time, you can increase the situation or reduce it, the rest depends on your choice. And I should also say that you should be more clear when asking questions.

datagrid - Silverlight Data Grid -

Is there any way to revise my datagrid line on a property change ?? I want when one of the values ​​in the row changes, then row background for flicker. You can again template the "template" property in your datagrid. Add an element of light, which encapsulates the elements of a row, and when you add an item, you can make it alive. It can be a bit of work, but it is definitely possible style x: key = "animated data growsro style" target type = "data: datagridro" & gt; & Lt; Setter Estates = "Template" & gt; & Lt; Setter.Value & gt; & Lt; ControlTemplate TargetType = "Data: DataGridRO" & gt; ...

c++ - Is UnregisterHotKey() important for clean up? -

I think that after registering some system-wide hotkeys with simple question, register hotkey, () To clean them or can I get out of my application without worrying about it? MSDN is unable to say, or I think it is wrong, anyway: I realize that I should move forward and call for the protection of an ostricher host, but if anyone knows otherwise This will be useful to know. Thank you! If MSDN does not explicitly tell you to unregister, then it is possible that leaving the bus Although MSDN is usually very good at pointing to such things, I also use RegisterHotKey and I'm always sure to call UnRegisterHotKey when my application ends as you never get Do not know that You have problems with the future version of Windows, it is better to be safe from IMHO.

python - Bind different ip addresses to urllib2 object in seperate threads -

The following code binds the socket specified in IP address to the main program globally. import socket truth_socket = socket.socket def bound_socket (* a, ** k): sock = true_socket (* a, ** k) sock.bind (sourceIP, 0)) back Sock socket.socket = bound_socket Suppose the main program has 10 threads, each running with a urllib2 example thread inside. How to bind 10 different IP addresses in each urllib2 object? You can define a dictionary mapping thread identifier for the IP address or threading Use local () to define the thread in the global object: socket_data = threading.local () socket_data = bind_ip = any true_socket = socket socket def bound_socket ( * A, ** k): sock = true_socket (* a, ** k) if socket_data.bind_ip is not: sock.bind ((socket_data.bind_ip, 0)) return sock.socket = bound_socket def thread_target (bind_ip): Rest code for socket_data.bind_ip = bind_ip # bind_ip [...]: thread = thread (target = thread_ target, However, note that it is rather dirty hac...

C++ Duplicate Symbol error when defining static class variable in XCode -

I have a static class member who has increased the constructor. According to the rules, it is declared in the classroom and defined outside. It should be completely legal Any ideas why I am getting a duplicate symbol error? class player {Personal: Static In Newsplayer; Public: Player () {numPlayers ++; }}; Inte Player: :: numplayers = 0; The problem is that you are not separating your partitions with your definition. Consider: Class Player {Private: Stable in Newplayer; Public: Player () {numPlayers ++; }}; The above code only announces the existence of "numplayers" in the "player", however, "player :: numplayers" does not reserve any place or assigns memory address. However: int player :: numplayers = 0; The above code is a definition - it reserves the space for the object player :: numplayers and specifies a unique address for that object. Such a program violates a rule-rule once it appears more than once. What is most likely happening...

dependency injection - Inversion of control domain objects construction problem -

As I understand, IoC-container is useful in building application-level objects such as services and factories. But domain-level objects should be made manually The Spring Manual tells us: "Usually does not configure objects in the container, because it is usually the responsibility of the DAO and there is business logic for creating / loading domain objects." Good. But what if my domain "Fine" object depends on some application-level object. For example, I have a UserViewer class (User User, User Constant Constraint) class. There is a user domain object that can not be injected, but UserViewer also needs high-level objects injected by the UOC-container. I want to inject UserConstants from IOC container, but also me UPDATE It seems that I was not quite accurate with my question What exactly do I need to do this example: class UserViewer (user user, user service service) , where the user has been passed as the parameter and service are injecte...

java - Using a boolean variable in while statement -

एक नौसिखिया सवाल मेरे पास जावा कोड का निम्न भाग है: आयात acm.program। *; आयात करें java.awt.Color; आयात। *; पब्लिक क्लास यूफो ग्राफिक्स प्रोग्राम {निजी GRect ufo_ship; बूलियन हैनोटलास्ट; सार्वजनिक शून्य चलाने () {सेटअप (); // स्थान ufo_ship को प्रारंभिक स्थिति में हैनोट Lost = ufo_ship.getY () & lt; 200; // चेक अगर ufo_ship // विंडो के निचले किनारे के ऊपर है जबकि (hasNotLost) {move_ufo (); // चालें ufo_ship} showMessage (); // दिखाता है कि कार्यक्रम समाप्त} // शेष विधियों यहाँ हैं} जब मैं इस कोड को चलाता हूँ, आयताकार ufoship बंद नहीं होता है जब यह खिड़की के नीचे तक पहुंचता है। मुझे लगता है कि यह इसलिए है क्योंकि यह केवल एक बार ufoship की स्थिति की जांच करता है, और हर बार जब आयत चलता रहता है। क्या यह केवल लिखने के बिना इसे सही करने का कोई तरीका है (ufo_ship.getY () & Lt; 200) ? हैनोट लिस्ट = ufo_ship.getY () & lt; 200; & lt; - वेरिएबल को अभिव्यक्ति निर्दिष्ट नहीं करता है, लेकिन उस अभिव्यक्ति की गणना करने के लिए मूल्य, इसलिए यह निश्चित रूप...

php - Embedded SWF in Facebook with MochiAds Loader, access FB flashvars? -

I have a flash game that has been embedded on Facebook but requires access to the flowerswaves Facebook passes all the embedded games Is it though I'm using the Mokids preloader which means that _root.fb_sig_user is always undefined? How do I get the variable? stage.loaderInfo.parameters.fb_sig_user Is my best guess and it does not work. Try it .. paramList = LoaderInfo (this. Root.loaderInfo). Parameter; Trace ("FB_CIG_UZ"]; FB_session = New FacebookSession Youthil ("API_key", "APIICTR", stage.loaderInfo);

c# - Fixing .NET code generation of properties for user controls -

मेरे पास एक प्रकार की संपत्ति है IEnumerable & lt; SomeClassIWrote & gt; उपयोगकर्ता नियंत्रण में जब मैं एक जीयूआई में इस नियंत्रण का उपयोग करता हूं, तो .डीसाइग्गर सीएस फ़ाइल में लाइन होती है: theObject.Property = नया SomeClassIWrote [0]; किसी कारण के लिए कंपाइलर चेतावनी का कारण बनता है: वस्तु का प्रकार 'SomeClassIWrote []' को 'System.Collections.Generic टाइप करने के लिए परिवर्तित नहीं किया जा सकता। IEnumerable`1 [SomeClassIWrote] '। यह मेरे लिए एक रहस्य है क्योंकि मैं हर समय के रूप में एरेयंस पास करता हूं, और कंपाइलर ने कभी भी शिकायत नहीं की है। इसकी कीमत क्या है, मेरे पास एक डिफ़ॉल्ट है संपत्ति के लिए निर्दिष्ट शून्य के मूल्य, लेकिन मैं एक डिफ़ॉल्ट मान सेट करने से पहले मुझे एक ही त्रुटि मिली। मैं इसे कैसे ठीक कर सकता हूं ताकि विजुअल स्टूडियो शिकायत न करे और मुझे हर बार अनदेखा करने और जारी रखने के लिए कहें डिजाइनर को ऊपर खींचें? संपत्ति के लिए कोड: [डिफ़ॉल्टवॉल (नल)] सार्वजनिक आईएनआईमेरेबल & lt; SomeClassIWrote & gt; द प्रॉपर्...

javascript - Changing parent window's URL from IFrame -

I have a situation where I have web apps on two different servers, where app 1 would have an app 2 in IFrame is. Any link in app 2 can be the target = "_ parent" attribute, which allows those links to open in the top window. However, I can not find any way to get the same behavior in javascript. I found that the child can call Javascript on the original frame using the parent frame () , but it does not work in IE8 or FF3. 5. I found out how this security model works. But it sounds weird that I can not do this in javascript that I have a simple & lt; A & gt; What can I do with the tag? Strong> Is there any way to do this? I know, but (as far as I know) it only works in Firefox Example Server 1 / test.html & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function myCallback (foo) {warning (foo); } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt...

c# - VOIP functionality (real time voice streaming across max of 5 users) over Silverlight 4.0? -

Video and micro support have been received as SL 4.0 ... How likely is it to provide VOIP? What are all related challenges? Part of the solution recently was an older Java port of older versions of Specs (c. 2003). Has been provided in the form of port. I have played with it, and it definitely works (eg, 10x or better compression) However, you will still need to stream those packets to one server, and any of the RTP / RTSP / SIP or RTMP Silverlight implementations will also not be visible, so at this time you have to roll your network. Stream container support In addition, unless you want to have all your users wear headphones, Programming you want to cancel acoustic echo, and another bowl. There are some very good open source implementations (eg, Speexdsp), but they are all straight to C, and are hard for port. So you are there as yourself. In the next few months / years all of these are likely to be answered for some open source, but so far these pieces are not there.

php - SOAPClient throws fault when passing too much data -

I've got a simple class that returns results from selection classes. DB user only chooses the privilege The class is made available through SOAP so that 3 parties can query the database to create reporting tools. The problem is that PHP SOAPClient throws a simple exception when I try to select too many rows, with about 10 columns of table, with the small pieces of data, I select only 80 rows I can do The total size of the return soap reaction is 134KB, which is clearly not too much ... I have used the max_input_time , memory_limit and max_execution_time , but there is nothing ... Why does SoapClient fail? Error thrown: ( Fatal error: Unkoot sapfalft exception: [client] It looks like we did not find any XML document There is an error in the SOAP client class I did not manage to fix it. I wrote default_socket_timeout in the manual, but its only effect was that The simplicity was gone I solved the problem with curls, and these settings Handmade XML with: ...

javascript - Photoshop-like, embeddable web based image editor? -

The above really did not answer what I was searching for. I am looking for an online image editor that I can embed in my pages, so that users can edit images and submit them. I flash it Upload the file to fetch an image or remote URL Photo editing Magic stick / pen / pencil / brush / etc Text editing Hmm may be a winner @ So far All features are required and some other additionally, they allow you to embed the app. I will test it, go out and see how it moves.

strange double to int conversion behavior in c++ -

The following program displays the full conversion behavior strange double am what I see in c ++: # include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main () {double D = 33222.221; Printf ("d =% 9.9 g \ n", d); D * = 1000; Int i = (int) d; Printf ("d =% 9.9g | I =% d \ n", d, i); Return 0; } When I compile the program and runs me, then I see: g ++ test.cpp ./a.out d = 33222.221 D = 33222221 | I = 33222220 Why am I not equal to 33222221? Compiler version GCC 4.3.0 Floating Point presentation is not nearly as accurate (only in special cases). Every programmer should read it: In a nutshell - your number may be 33222220 after 33222220k999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999998 (or something like that), which is insignificant.

sql server - Is there a way to parse a Google search string to a table variable in T-SQL? -

Is there a way to parse Google search string in a table variable in T-SQL? By Google search string I mean, plus sign (requirement), zero mark (excluded), and exact phrase (double quote) operators. For example, the following search string: one-two + three "four five" - ​​"six seven" + "eight nine" "ten eleven twelve" will be parsed in the table variable which I can use to generate T-SQL volume: operator STRING one - two + three four five - six seven + eight nine ten eleven twelve Thanks! Parser is well written in any language by using the state machine. Nothing like getting the lube of your sins in order to put a small pacer in the morning: Declare it (maximum); Announce @t table (operator four (1) blank, token varchar (max)); Set @s = 'one-two + three' four five '- "six seven" + "eight nine" "ten eleven twelve"'; declared declared @state varchar (100); declared @operator char (...

memory management - Best way to track changes on a website for visitors' information -

So I have been put forward to pursue a website, in which it is important that the visitors will be able to see the exact changes The times they visited (i.e., some form of tracking system which can also be kept secret occasions, which can also be accessed) In my opinion, I do not use Wikipedia Can not really be the right tool ) Navigate simple're thinking something like history tab, except in addition to viewing the actual changes. This is what is commonly used as "audit tables" Which can be used by the auditor to see who, and who has changed. If you search for tips on creating audit tables, you will get these useful questions:

internet explorer - Can an IE8 Accelerator be made to launch a process? -

I want to create an IE8 Accelerator that will launch Remote Desktop (MSTCC) with the hostname as the selected text but Accelerator I have seen the browser directly for URL only. What an Accelerator Launch mstsc.exe? Apparently there is only one thing you can "launch" URL, as described is.

php - Sieve of Eratosthenes Algorithm -

I did a search and did not find any information about this implementation which I have seen. function sieve ($ head) {for ($ i = 11; $ i & lt; $ top; $ i + = 2} {if ($ i% 3 == 0 | | $ I% 5 == 0 || $ i% 7 == 0) {continue; } "$ I Echo; }} Yes, I know that it just prints, but this is not an important part. What is the main danger for time or other times? EDIT: Is there any other problem beyond scalability? Also thanks for the comments about moving forward with Prime Minister Search. The main danger of this is that the scale scale is not returned to a large number once in a large number Will go You need to move the list of modules ups with search.

Is there a Java package to handle building URLs? -

I'm specifically looking for some code in Java which takes the Map object And convert it to a query string that I can add to the returning URL. I'm sure there is a library that does it more, but I can not find it with Google Search faster than anyone Know what this will do? I found a solid and versatile library to handle HTTP in Java though, there is a sample class here, The URL that can be sufficient for building query string: import; Public class QueryString {Private string query = ""; Public query string (hashmap> string, string> map) {Iterator it = mp.entrySet (). Iterator (); While (this hasNext ()) {map.Entry pairs = (Map.Entry) (); Query + = URLEncoder.encode (pairs.getKey (), "utf-8") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode (pairs.getValue (), "utf-8"); If (it.hasNext ()) {query + = "& amp;"; }}} Public QueryString (object name, object value) {query = URLEncoder.encode (name.toString (), ...

iphone - How do i set placeholder char(%)? -

Objective-c ... I want to represent placeholder character (%) but my code is not ... . NSString * base = @ "style type = \" test / css \ "& gt; div {width: 100 \%} & lt; / style & gt; & lt; body & Gt;% @ "; NSString * html = [NSString stringWithFormat: base, @ "hello world"]; NSLog (@ "% @", HTML); 100%} Actual: div {width: 100} is what That's wrong? Try this: NSString * base = @ "& Lt ; Style = type = \ "test / css \" & gt; div {width: 100 %%} & lt; / style & gt; & lt; body & gt;% @ & lt; / body & gt; "; The complete list of format specifiers is.

.net - NumberFormatInfo to format string -

Does any number (or currency) format know how to get the string (like "###, ### , ## 0.00) From the .NET NumberFormatInfo class? My research says so far that it should be made manually with the Noformat Info class, but it seems strange to me that Microsoft (or anyone else) has for this purpose Nothing written, so far. Try it: Var number = System.Globalization.CultureIn Fo CurrentCulture.NumberFormat; String format = string.format ("{0} {1} {2}", String.joined (number number group checker number, number group size. Select (group => new string ('# ', Group)), Number.NumberDecimalSeparator, new string (' 0 ', number.NumberDecimalDigits));

MODX - Making multiple snippet calls on a page returning differeny output -

I have created a snippet that draws data from the database table and displays it in the table format snippet an ID parameter , And it is added to the SQL query. My problem is that if I get more than 1 snippet call (sometimes the table data is required for different IDs displayed on an ID) on the same page, all table data is past The last database created by the snippet is similar to the call. What do I need to do to make the snapet database call and keep them all display your content? I have not tried to cache the page except [! Can you please help me? Thanks Div> Try it at the end of the snippet: mysql_connect ('host', 'user', 'passing'); Mysql_select_db ('db_name'); You must specify the connection criteria of the course.

java - Jama.Matrix ClassNotFoundException -

I'm trying to use the jam package in my code in linux. In my main category, I am trying to use the matrix class. Here is my main square: import jams. *; Class main {public static zero main (string [] args) {matrix a = new matrix (3,5); }} I am not using any IDE, my makefile is: JC = Javac -classpath $ (CLASSPATH): Jar / Jama-1.0. 2.jar .SUFFIXES: Java .class .java.class :. $ (Jesse) $ (JFLAGS) $ * Java classes = \ \ \ \ \ \ default: classes Class: $ (classes: Kjawa =. Square) clear : $ (Rm) *. Class my jar file. / Jars / directory under And when I run I get the following main production sefa @ sefa- laptop: ~ / Desktop / courses / cs578-NLP / CS578Project / source main exceptions to $ Java thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: JAMA / matrix Main.main ( in Java due to the $ at ( Jama.Mat...

Can not read xml data into flash -

I write a simple XML code, and I try to read the XML file in Flash, but I'm "undefined" Production. The codes are the following: Do you know how to boil the problem? Thank you. XML file (test.xml): & lt ;? XML version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-885 9-1'? & Gt; & Lt; Comment & gt; & Lt; Gt; & gt; Tom & lt; / Gt; & Lt; To & gt; Peter & lt; /> & Lt; Title & gt; Reminder & lt; / Heading & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; Do not forget me at the end of this week! & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Comment & gt; Flash program: xmlDoc = loadXMLDoc ("test.xml"); X = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName ("for") [0]; T1.text = x.childNodes [0] .nodeValue; Honestly, John Are you sure your Content XML file just this one line? Tom Peter's reminder does not forget me this weekend! If yes, then this may fix your problem or if your tags are missing in the question, then th...

algorithm - N-Queens ProbIem..How far can we go? -

एन-क्वीन्स समस्या: यह समस्या बताती है कि आकार एन द्वारा शतरंज बोर्ड एन मेरा सवाल है: एन के अधिकतम मूल्य क्या है जिसके लिए एक प्रोग्राम उचित मात्रा में जवाब की गणना कर सकते हैं? या अब तक का सबसे बड़ा एन क्या है? यहां CLPFD (Prolog) में मेरा कार्यक्रम है: उत्पन्न ([], _) । उत्पन्न ([एच | टी], एन): - 1. एच में एच, उत्पन्न (टी, एन)। Lenlist (एल, एन): - लेनसूची (एल, 0, एन) lenlist ([], एन, एन)। Lenlist ([_ | T], पी, एन): - पी 1 पी पी 1 है, लिनलिस्ट (टी, पी 1, एन)। क्वीन (एन, एल): - उत्पन्न (एल, एन), लिनलिस्ट (एल, एन), सुरक्षित (एल),!, लेबलिंग ([एफएफसी], एल) नॉटैक (एक्स, एक्स): - नॉटैक (एक्स, एक्सएस, 1)। notattack (एक्स, [], एन)। नॉटैक (एक्स, [वाई | वाईएस], एन): - एक्स # \ = वाई, एक्स # \ = वाई - एन, एक्स # \ = वाई + एन, एन 1 एन + 1, नोटैटैक (एक्स, वाईएस, एन 1) । सुरक्षित ([])। सुरक्षित ([एफ | टी]): - नोटैट (एफ, टी), सुरक्षित (टी)। यह प्रोग्राम केवल ठीक काम करता है, लेकिन जो समय लगता है वह एन के साथ बढ़ता रहता है। यहाँ एक नमूना निष्पादन है: ? - queens (4 , एल)। एल = [2, ...

cocoa - nstableview + cannot show partial file names -

I am using Table View Control in I control, I show file / folder details, if I file / folder I reduce the size of the name, so it does not show partial file / folder name (characters can be shown in the column). If there are many words in a file name, there is not enough space to show the word, then that word is not shown at all in the word instead of showing some characters (either a word is displayed completely, Or not at all) I want to know how to solve this issue. Thank you very much. Set the line break mode of the text cell in the column, either the attribute in the IB or the attribute inspector SetLineBreakMode: by using the message in the cell.

algorithm - Using finite automata as keys to a container -

I have a problem where I should be able to use finite automata as the granular container for each key actually auto Should be represented by the equivalence class, so when I search, I will get an equal otmoson (if such a key is present), even if the swap is not structurally identical. An obvious final Sahara approach is definitely to use linear search with a equivalence test for checking each key. I hope that it is possible to do better than this. I am trying to implement an arbitrary, but consistent order, and am trying to get a serial comparison algorithm. The first principles include sets of strings that represent automata. Evaluate the set of possible first tokens for each automaton, and apply an order based on those two sets. If necessary, continue to the next set of tokens, third tokens etc. The obvious problem of doing it naively is that there is an infinite number of tokens-set to check before equivalence is proven. There are some ambiguous ideas to consider - first t...

64bit - How can I do 64-bit arithmetic in Perl? -

I'm a pearl nebie, Can I just use 64-bit arithmetic in Perl Am I For example $ operand1 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF; # 48 bit value $ operand2 = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF; # 48 bit value $ result = $ operational 1 * $ operand 2; I'm basically looking for a replacement for int64_t perl. If there is a sign or signature, is there any way to mention it? Yes, but you need to compile the Pearl with 64-bit support. mvc - How to write test case for mvc action filters? -

I have an action filter that I get from the link given below There is something called " ExpectedAccount Authorization " For this, I have to write a test case. How can I do this? Some blogs have been created which I have read that we need to copy httcontext. How can I duplicate it? What do I need to do? Is there any link for this? Do not use the [RequiresAuthentication] attribute from Rob's blog, that means a very old MVC The pre-release version is. Use the Inbox feature instead. Since [authorized] attribute is written by the MVC team, you do not need to check the unit of reasoning. However, if you want, you can verify that it is applicable to your controllers or tasks, just type or MethodInfo if you are interested in, then call GetCustomAttributes () method to get the example of AuthorizeAttribute . You can observe the examples of those expectations you expect. If you want, you can see the information about how to write your own filter. In addition, you c...

webkit - Detect closing of mobile Safari -

I am creating a webpad which uses video servers: & Lt; Img id = "vidsrc" src = "video.cgi" /> This works and when the app is saved as a webpage using "Add to Home Screen", the app closes expectantly and receives the server push It stops doing. While running on mobile safari, the page will have to stop it from shutting down. I am trying to figure out how to stop the user to click on the Home button and close the mobile safari. So that the push in the background does not start. Because of working with me, video. Cgi editing is not an option and using video.cgi in iframe is not a good solution due to some other functionality in page / app onBlur and onClose does not seem to do it, and I'm thinking that in some way there is an HTML page or good stuff in it that can know that Mobile Safari has been discontinued. Unfortunately, you can not ... the web application does not have permission to access the device's software So, you...

c# - Error when asynchronously waiting for process to exit -

मुझे निम्न कोड के साथ त्रुटि मिल रही है: var p = new process ( ); P.EnableRaisingEvents = सच; P.StartInfo.FileName = this.CommandLine; P.StartInfo.Arguments = this.CommandArgs; P.Exited + = नए इवेंटहाँडलर (ऑनप्रोग्रामएक्सिट); p.Start (); जब यह कोड निष्पादित होता है, प्रक्रिया शुरू होने के कुछ ही समय बाद, मुझे फ्रेमवर्क के भीतर एक त्रुटि मिलती है: System.Digagnostics.Process.TermWaiter.WaitForTerm () पर NullReferenceException। अगर मैं लाइन "p.EnableRaisingEvents = true" निकालता हूं, तो कोड बिना किसी समस्या के निष्पादित होता है, लेकिन अभी तक की गई घटना को कभी नहीं निकाल दिया जाता है। अगर मैं कोड को synchronously "p.WaitForExit ();" कोड ठीक काम करता है, लेकिन प्रोग्राम बंद होने की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा है। कोई भी विचार? यह शायद जरूरी है कि यह कॉम्पैक्ट फ्रेमवर्क (v 3.5) में है। अपने परीक्षणों में मैं सीई 5.0 चलाने वाले डिवाइस पर बस कैलकुलेटर (\ Windows \ calc.exe) चल रहा हूं।

REST friendly WCF Endpoints in .NET 3.5 -

I wanted to make the other friendly URL with the end points of my WCF service by avoiding the use of SEC. I know that I can be completed by adding .svc using the IIS rewrite module. Do anyone know the better way to do this? Please note that I can not use .NET 3.5 and .NET 4.0 (such a system can not use Routing in .NET 4.0). The WCF REST starter kit is no longer supported and the suggested upgrade path uses ASP.NET Web API That ASP.NET is part of MVC 4.0 and can be found Unfortunately, the Rewach module is currently doing this without using Thunder Sector is no way. A team is available working on the WCF REST starter kit in MS who is looking to implement this functionality. During a Microsoft DevDays presentation I started this year on the subject, Ron Jacobs confirmed that the ability to do this will be available only in Framework 4.0, and there is nothing under the rewrite module The only way to do this is to

MySQL is SELECT with LIKE expensive? -

The following question is about the speed between choosing an exact match (example: INT) What's the difference? The main reason I am asking this is because I am trying to decide whether to leave the ID out of the current project is a good idea. For example: http: // mysite com / article / this-is-an-entry Do you think I have long time Will I experience any performance issues? Should I keep the ID? Note: I would like to keep users to keep it easy to remember. For example, if they write they will be redirected to the right. About the number of pages, to say that I am approximately 79,230 and the app is growing fast as if 1640 entries per day are called An INT comparison string will be faster than comparison (varchar) comparison, similar comparison is slow because it includes at least one wildcard. Whether it is important in your application or not, it is difficult to tell what you told us. Unless it i...

Why is SQL Server Compact Edition missing from the list of server types in SQL Server Management Studio 2008? -

I have 'SQL Server Compact 3.5 Service Pack 1' and 'SQL Server Management Studio 2008' (SSMS) installed on both PC. In the past, I was doing 'SSL Server Compact Edition' in SSMS in the 'Connect to Server' dialogue from the list of 'Server Type' list. This entry is currently missing and I am not able to restore it. Apparently there are two ways it can be. 'SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1 query tools' has been uninstalled. Select 'Repair' option 'SQL Server 2008'. For details check under the section titled 'SQL Server Management Studio 2008 Integration'. The solution for both reasons is to restore the 'SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1 query tools'. The installation package has been named 'SSCESqlWbTools' and can be found on either 'SQL Server 2008' or the installation media.

C++ vs Java constructors -

जॉन सी मिशेल के अनुसार - प्रोग्रामिंग भाषाओं में अवधारणाओं, [... ] जावा गारंटी देता है कि जब कोई ऑब्जेक्ट बनाया जाता है तो एक कन्स्ट्रक्टर को बुलाया जाता है। [...] यह एक जावा विशेषताओं के रूप में बताया गया है जो इसे अपने व्यवहार में सी ++ से भिन्न बनाता है तो मुझे तर्क होना चाहिए कि कुछ मामलों में सी ++ क्लास के लिए किसी भी कंस्ट्रक्टर को कॉल नहीं किया जाता है, भले ही उस वर्ग के लिए एक ऑब्जेक्ट बनाया गया हो। मुझे लगता है कि ऐसा होता है जब विरासत होता है, लेकिन मैं एक उदाहरण समझ नहीं सकता यदि आपका वर्ग परिभाषित करता है कम से कम एक कन्स्ट्रक्टर, तो भाषा आपको किसी कंसट्रक्टर को कॉल किए बिना उस प्रकार के ऑब्जेक्ट का निर्माण करने की अनुमति नहीं देगा। यदि आपकी कक्षा किसी निर्माता को परिभाषित नहीं करती है, तो सामान्य नियम यह है कि कंपाइलर द्वारा जेनरेट किया गया डिफ़ॉल्ट कन्स्ट्रक्टर को बुलाया जाएगा। जैसा कि अन्य पोस्टर का उल्लेख है, यदि आपकी कक्षा एक पीओडी प्रकार है, ऐसे मामले हैं जहां आपका ऑब्जेक्ट अप्रकाशित नहीं छोड़ा जाएगा। लेकिन ऐसा इसलिए नहीं है क्योंकि कंपाइलर ने ...

vba - How to determine which DLL an Excel UDF is coming from? -

Is there any way to fix an Excel session, which is coming from the UDF DLL? There is a bunch of DLLs loaded by default, I wanted to set for every UDF, where it was defined. If UDF was not defined in DLL but via VBA, is there a way to determine which XLA or XLS was defined? Thank you very much for taking some time to read it. Anthony I got the answer on the Microsoft website. GetDLLList = Application.RegisteredFunctions End Function

html php and select box simplification -

Is it a better way to use HTML and PHP? If I have a billion worth, it would be a bad way of setting them, will not even mention about taking time? I'm a new one, and I'm pretty sure there is a better way, though, my method seems to last for a long time, I'm pretty sure it's easy to set up And that's what I want or ask? & lt; Choose name = "dimes" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "" & gt; - Select Dimes --- & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = ".10" & gt; 10c & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = ".20" & gt; 20c & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = ".30" & gt; 30c & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = ". 40" & gt; 40c & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = ". 50" & gt; 50c & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = ".60" & gt; 60c & lt; / Optio...

oop - Calling Functions in Objects with Javascript -

मेरे पास इस तरह परिभाषित ऑब्जेक्ट है: ब्लाह = {hideTimer: null, setTimer : फ़ंक्शन () {this.hideTimer = window.setTimeout (Blah.hidePopupInner, 500); // Greasemonkey} के कारण विंडो के माध्यम से किया जाना चाहिए, छिपाना पॉपअपइनर: फ़ंक्शन () {लॉग ("यह?" + यह); }, HidePopupInnerPublic: फ़ंक्शन () {Blah.hidePopupInner (); }} समस्या यह है कि killTimer में 'यह' ब्लाह में सेट नहीं है अगर मैं कहने के लिए लाइन को बदलता हूं this.hideTimer = window.setTimeout (ब्लाहाइडरपॉपअप इननर पब्लिक, 500); तो 'यह' ब्लाह की तरफ इशारा कर रहा है, इसलिए छिपाना टाइमर का उपयोग किया जा सकता है। प्रत्येक विधि के लिए एक 'सार्वजनिक' विधि बनाने से समस्या का हल होता है, लेकिन चाहिए एक आसान समाधान हो ...? ध्यान दें : यह सब Greasemonkey में है, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि यह एक सामान्य जावास्क्रिप्ट प्रश्न है। इसे हल करने के लिए, समय के निर्माण के दौरान आप अनाम फ़ंक्शन और दायरे के संदर्भ का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। (कोड ...) SetTimer: फ़ंक्शन () {var _this = this; This.hi...

php - using JQuery with mySQL confusion -

Hello, I have code like this, what I'm doing is first selects with MySQL data and the first selection Based on, using jQuery, I'm populating the second one. Now, my question is, can I use the same combos_get.php to populate the second selection based on user selection from the second selection? If yes, then please see the 'Traps at this point' comment, where I am confused about getting the data on the third selection. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Link href = "style23.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" /> & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; & Lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div align = "left" style = "position: full; top: 10px;" & Gt; & Lt; Select...

Access to the contents of a QuickTime Movie Track's Edit Atom? -

क्या QuickTime मूवी ट्रैक की सामग्री को एटम एडिट करें (यानी। सामान्य में और अपने संपादित करें सूची एटम (अर्थात 'elst' ) की सामग्री में विशेष रूप से QuickTime (C) API का उपयोग करके 'edts' ) लक्ष्य को किसी भी ट्रैक को अपनी अवधि और समय के साथ किसी भी ट्रैक में पहचानना है। मैं क्विकटाइम संदर्भ पुस्तकालय (विरासत और वर्तमान दोनों) की जांच कर रहा हूं चीयर्स, / P> मेरे अपने प्रश्न का उत्तर देने के लिए: एक ट्रैक की संपादन सूची की सामग्री (यदि किसी भी), अर्थात किसी ट्रैक में मौजूद संपादन / सेगमेंट GetTrackNextInterestingTime () API फ़ंक्शन (code.h से कोड ripped) के माध्यम से निर्धारित किया जा सकता है: / * * GetTrackNextInterestingTime () * * उपलब्धता: * गैर-कार्बन सीएफएम: QuickTimeLib 2.5 और बाद में * कार्बनलिब: कार्बनलाब 1.0 और बाद में * मैक ओएस एक्स: संस्करण 10.0 और बाद में * विंडोज: में qtmlClient.lib 3.0 और बाद में * / EXTERN_API (शून्य) GetTrackNextInterestingTime (ट्रैक ट्रैक करें, लघु रोचक समय फ़्लेग्ज, समय मूल्य समय, निश्चित दर, टाइमवेल...