algorithm - Using finite automata as keys to a container -

I have a problem where I should be able to use finite automata as the granular container for each key actually auto Should be represented by the equivalence class, so when I search, I will get an equal otmoson (if such a key is present), even if the swap is not structurally identical.

An obvious final Sahara approach is definitely to use linear search with a equivalence test for checking each key. I hope that it is possible to do better than this.

I am trying to implement an arbitrary, but consistent order, and am trying to get a serial comparison algorithm. The first principles include sets of strings that represent automata. Evaluate the set of possible first tokens for each automaton, and apply an order based on those two sets. If necessary, continue to the next set of tokens, third tokens etc. The obvious problem of doing it naively is that there is an infinite number of tokens-set to check before equivalence is proven.

There are some ambiguous ideas to consider - first to reduce input automation and to use some sort of closed algorithm, or to convert it into regular grammar, incorporating some ideas from the spreading trees. I have come to the conclusion that I need to leave set-to-token lexical ordering, but the most important conclusion I have taken so far is that it is not trivial, and I'm probably better off reading any one Elses solution

I have downloaded a paper from CiteSeerX - but my abstract algebra is not good enough to know that it is still relevant.

It also happened to me that there can be a way to get a Hesh from Swaponan, but I have not given much thought to it yet.

Can someone read a good paper? - Or at least tell me what I've downloaded is a red herring or not?

I believe that you can at least get an authentic form from automata. For any two equal automatons, their least sized size isomorphic (I believe this is from the Mihill-Nerod theorem). It respects the isomorphism edge labels and course node classes (starting, accepting, accepting non-acceptance), this makes it easier than unexpected graphs isomorphism.

I think that if you build a spanning tree of at least automaton started from the initial state and order the output edges by your label, you will receive an authentic form For automation which can be washed later

Edit: The edges of non-tree should also be taken into account, but they can also be ordered by their label.


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