http - Should I use 404 Not found or 410 Gone for a bulletin board system, when a topic is deleted? -

I am creating a bulletin board system, and now I am implementing the 'Delete Subject' feature for the administrator. If a deleted topic opens, then the server can not detect it, so it should be 404. On the other hand, this topic is present some time ago, so I have to use 410. To implement 410, a new table called deleted_topics will be required, and more space is required, however, 410 I think it is better for search engines what do you think? Should I use 404 or 410?

404 not found

The server has requested - no indication whether the status is temporary or permanent. If the 410 (gone) status code knows the server, through some internally configurable mechanism, that an old processing is permanently unavailable and there is no forwarding address. This status code is usually used when the server does not want to disclose why the request has been rejected or when no other response is applied.

410 went

The requested resource is not available on the server and no forwarding address is known. This situation can be considered permanent. With the link editing capabilities, after the customer's user approval, remove the request-URI reference. If the server does not know, or there is no facility to set, the status is permanent or not, the status code 404 (not found) should be used instead. This feedback is cacheable, unless otherwise indicated.

The main purpose of 410 response informs the recipient of the work of web maintenance by informing that the resource is intentionally unavailable and that the server owner wants to remove the remote link of that resource. Such an event is common for limited-time, promotional services and resources of servers working on the server's site. Not all permanently missing resources are marked as "gone" or for marking any length - which is left to the discretion of the owner of the server.


Showing 410 to 404 A little more effort is required because to find out that it is 410 which you need to maintain at least the "ghost" of the previous page of your database, if this is not a problem for you, then I would like 410 "better" and I consider "friendly" because it presents more information if you keep the graveyard in your database Do not want trouble, so 404 is also acceptable.

I do not like the approach of Alohi to redirect to a different page. The final result appears as if the user accidentally ended the "Input New Topic" page (or whatever). It works, but I think a better solution with specific information for the case would be to create a custom 410 page (or 404 page, if you do not want to support 410). To wit. Your 410 should not just say "gone", should say "this post has been removed, there is a link for the same posts or there is a link to create a new post". The more information is not available in your "404", but it still can provide such information and a subset of links.

I think the "custom 410 page" comes close to being present "301" but one important difference is that your site's robot users (from a lot of ) !) Will get more precise position, and find out how to clean old links with your crawl index; It will ultimately save them and save you some unnecessary traffic.


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