debugging - How do I skip a breakpoint a set number of times in Java's jdb? -

How do I leave a breakpoint number set multiple times in jdb?

With the help of jdb this indicates:

  !! - Repeat last order & lt; N & gt; & Lt; Order & gt; - Repeat commands n times # & lt; Command & gt;  

When I try to quit the breakpoint several times, like this:


Or like it:

  80 runs  

jdb barfs:

  main [1] 80p & gt ; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing to hit breakpoint hit: Main [1] & gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended. The event in the event "event-handler" on java.lang.NullPointerException ( at Tty.TTY.vmInterrupted ( at ( at ( & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended & Gt; Nothing suspended  

What's going on here? How do I get the desired behavior?


  & gt; Version JDB Version 1.6 (JSEE Version 1.6.0_16) Java Debug Interface (Reference implementation) Version 1.6 Java Debug Wire Protocol (Reference implementation) Version 1.6 JMM debug interface version 1.1 JVM version 1.6.0_17 (Java HotSpot (TM) client VM, To clarify, I'm debugging remotely, for example, my first window starts like this:  
 % java -xdebug -xrunjdwp: transport = dt_socket, address = 8000, server = y, suspended = nlzwpdecomppress  

and my second window starts like this: / P>

 % jdb-connect com.sun.jdi.SocketAttach: hostname = localhost, port = 8000  

Unfortunately, breakpoints conditional breakpoint in JDB or "every ann iterations Do not offer any fancy features like "Stop". However, since you are connecting remotely in any way, you may want to consider using the debugger in your editor, Because most editors will allow you to connect to remote machines. Since most debugging tasks are done in JVM, and only performed by the editor, it will not be much slower than JDB.


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