How Do I Show images on Asp.Net Website with Linq Query? -

I can add images to my website without any problems. With my code below..I am using linq and c # ....

  ImageDatabaseDataContext imdb = New ImageDatabaseDataContext (); Doshiyalar DS; Katilymi Katie; Secure Zero btnEkle_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {If (FileUpload1.FileContent! = Faucet) {String dosyaAdi = Guid.NewGuid (). ToString (); Byte [] icerik = FileUpload1.FileBytes; String dosyaTipi = FileUpload1.Posted file Content type; Try {ds = new dosyalar (); Katie = New Katichi (); Kt.AdSoyad = txtAdSoyad.Text; Kt.BolgeMudurlugu = txtBolgeMudurlugu.Text; Kt.Gorevi = txtGorev.Text; Kt.NoktaAd = txtNoktaAd.Text; Kt.NoktaTuru = txtNoktaTuru.Text; Imdb.Katilimcis.InsertOnSubmit (kt); Imdb.SubmitChanges (); Int idsi = kt.KID; Ds.DosyaAD = dosyaAdi; Ds.DosyaICERIK = icerik; Ds.DosyaTIP = dosyaTipi; Ds.KID = IDE; Imdb.Dosyalars.InsertOnSubmit (DS); Imdb.SubmitChanges (); } Catch (Exception pre) {lblHataci.Text = ex.Message; }}}  

This is my do I show my images that I was saving on SQL Server? With linux queries on asp.Net website?

Thank you for your reply ...

The solution can be used until you receive the contents of the image from the database until the question. It does not depend on any linq-to-sql.


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