Getter Accessor not functioning, iphone sdk objective C -

I am trying to do a very simple job in this program. Once the launch of the App, I am trying to launch CLLocationManager and after getting updated, I am getting the current location. My app works in it that gets the current location, when I NSLog the current location it works fine. The problem is that I am trying to move this place from one object to another and it does not have any value when it is received.

I am looking at the accessory methods and I think that all these are correct in my program all types of operations I have tried to follow many examples but no one is working.

Here's some code.

This is the CL LevelenenderDelegate. The file is

@ Interface yogaAlive app Delaygate: NSObact & lt; UIApplicationDelegate, CLLocationManagerDelegate & gt; {CLLocationManager * locationManager; CLLocation * mycurrent location; Float cutlets; Float curls; BOOL locationDidUpdate; UIWindow * window; YogaAvailability Controller * View Controller; } @ Property (Nonomatic, Retaining) IBOutlet UIWindow * Window; @property (nonatomic, retain) CLLocationManager * locationManager; @protecti (nanatomic, assign) float cutlets; @protty (nanatomic, assign) float curls; @protecti (nanatomic, assign) CLLocation * mycurrentLocation; @protecti (nanatomic, raten) iBotlett Yoga Alliance VUIC Controller * View Controller; @end

This is an .m file

  @ synthesis view controller, location manager, colortus, curlons, micront space; - (zero) applicationDeffish: Launching: (UIApplication *) application {self.locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init] AutoWrecks]; LocationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest; LocationManager.delegate = self; [LocationManager startUpdatingLocation]; LocationDidUpdate = NO; [Add window] View: Controller view; [Window-making and knowledgeable]; } - (Zero) Position Manager: (CLLocationManager *) Manager UpdatesTolocation: (CLLocation *) Location from new location location: (CLLocation *) Old location {[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName: @ "currentLocationDidUpdate" object:; [LocationManager stopUpdatingLocation]; NSLog (@ "Core Location states that location is available"); Self.curLats = newLocation.coordinate.latitude; Self.curLons = newLocation.coordinate.longitude; Self.mycurrentLocation = newLocation; NSLog (@ "Current status is% @", [details of microform location]); }  

At this point it works, I found the location and found everything, but I need it in the other thing of that place and it seems that in the use of dot notation again All my attempts have failed Here it is. The object of h I need it inside.

  @interface school_space_lister_controller: UIViewController {CLLocation * currentLocation; } - (IBAction) btnBack_Clicked: (id) sender; @protecti (nanatomic, assign) CLLocation * current location;  

And here M is

  @implementation School_Location_List_Controller @ Process locations, close the school, current location; - (Zero) VisualElementsPower: (BOOL) Animated {NSLog (@ "registered for location events"); YogaAdvanced Allow * Updated = [[YogaAdvanced Allow]]]; CurrentLocation = Updated. Mycurrent location; NSLog (@ "Current position in nearby object is @%", [current location description]); [Super Viewer: Animated]; }  

It is at this point that I am confused. When I print it, it says that the current location is zero. Like it never got data.

Thank you in advance.

Your problem is this line:

  YogallarAutimizeMonimize * Updated = [[Yoglain's Appad Elacote] init];  

Here, you are allocating and starting a brand new object, which is completely different from the current representative of the application. If you want to receive an already existing application representative, use this:

  Update YogaAllase * Updated = (YogaApple Application Application) [[UIApplication shared application] Representative];  


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