wordpress - sidebar covers footer in internet explorer 6 and 7 -

I have designed a template for WordPress, the problem is that when the Sidebar takes some time, then Internet Explorer 6 and 7, Website address: (in Persian), but if you look at it in Internet Explorer 6,7 you will see the sidebar logo footer, for example in this page:

But the website is fine in other browsers, what's the problem?

float in css

if you are using clear: both; to make sure & lt; Div id = "main_content" & gt; should not be floating

The only sidebar should be set with the float: left , if you want the right sidebar, then you float: right .

See how to design a two column liquid.

+ --------------------------------------- ------ + + HEADER (no float) + ----------------------------------- ---------- + + Sidebar float: left + content (no float) + -------------------------- ------------------- + footer (no float) + ---------------------- ----------------------- +

You are currently on the page like this

  + --------------------------------------------- + + Header (No float) + ------------------------------------------- - + Sidebar float: left + content (float: right) + --------------------------------- --- --------- + footer (no float) + ----------------------------- --- - 


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