jpa - JPQL: InnerSelect causes PersistenceException (HibernateException: Errors in named queries) -

I try to use an internal selection, but only get the exception "Hibernate exception: Errors in named query"

Both the institutions:

  Public class A implementation serializable {@Id @Column (nullable = false) @ Generated Values ​​(strategy = generation type.INNNTTIT) Private Long ID ; } Public Class B Serializable {@Id @GeneratedValue (strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) Private Long Id; @JoinColumn (name = "FK_A_ID", nullable = true) @ManyToOne Private AA; }  

causes the exception in this query:

  Choose one from where (select from BB to B)  

but there is no exception:

  Select one from one where no AIDs (1, 2, 3)  

Any idea what is wrong? Thank you very much ...

The reason was appearing on the other output:

  QuerySyntaxException: "Tablename is not a map"  

This error was logged and is not available in exception.


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