php - Signup with email authentication, only 30% are activated? -

I am using php and mysql and my site is in flash (full flash site)

I have a website that allows users to sign up. Registration process, including sending "Activation Email", click the link to activate the account.

The first two weeks were fine. In about 2000 users, 1800 users are active After that, active users are dropped by about 30%. Example: 1000 user signups were active only 300.

First of all, I got this problem because the email could not reach Yamail, MSN and Gmail users. (Most of my members are Yemel (Yahoo), Hotmail / MSN (Live) and Gmail (Gmail)). I tried signing up to use ymail and hotmail, but I did not get any activation email. I contacted Yahoo and MSN, eventually my email can go.

However, my signup statistics are still showing, the active users are only 30%, which makes me very confused. I contact my hosting company, ask them in your IP whitelist. And they did this.

I need your advice / help on the following questions:

  • How to check that the problem is there? What email is not delivered? The user receives the email but does not click on the activation link? I'm using php mail funstion and this is my header:

      $ headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' "\ R \ N "; $ Headers = 'Content-type: text / html; Charset = UTF-8 '"\ r \ n"; $ Headers = 'From: admin & lt; \> ' . "\ R \ n"; $ Headers = 'Return-Receipt-to: Bounce & lt; \> ' . "\ R \ n"; $ Headers = 'Reply: Admin & lt; \> ' . "\ R \ n"; $ Return_path = "\ \";  

    (I hide my domain name, and I add a backslash inside the e-mail, if not, email does not look weird)

    Glitch Header?

    • What can I do to improve my registration / registration activation process?
    • You must provide the "-f" parameter for your return path mail () function :

        mail ($ this-> recipient, $ subj, $ this - & gt; body, $ this-> compose_headers (), '-f'. Options: Obj () -> Mail-> return_path); In addition, for best results, if the sender has a public domain name like, then the return path should be some 


      , you should definitely check logs (/ var / log / mail *) what is happening.


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