
Showing posts from February, 2015

When executing batch file from Java Runtime, native DOS commands fail to run -

When I execute the batch file directly in the DOS, everything goes as expected, but when I run from the Java runtime If I execute a batch file, it will only execute those commands that start jar files (i.e. it not runs any native dos commands a problem It is that I do not have any console to know why this is happening. I am thinking This is a permission problem, but I do not know. The Java code being used looks something like this: runtime.gettime (.exec) "C: \ targetFolder \ myBatch.bat" "); // (Simplicity was edited here.) The batch file looks something like this (noticeable that I did it simple Made): myBatch.bat: call java myjar jjar blah blah --- yes --- copy outputFile.out outputFile.bak --- no = mkdir testDir --- no / Call java myJar.jar blah blah --- yes call someOther.bat --- none --- yes Ainon is going well and I'm looking forward results --- No line not to run, but I do not know why not b / c no console to tell me. Thanks for any ...

unit testing - How should I organize Python source code? -

My first project is a queue that runs a command line experiment in multiple threads. I am starting to get a very long file, and I want to break it. In general, I'm looking for: How do Python programmers organize multiple source files? Is there any special structure that works for you? My specific questions include: Should each class be in a different file? How can I organize unit tests relative to source code? Where should I place a doctor's remark, especially for command-line operations? If I use multiple directories, how do I import clients between them? Perhaps I can draw some conclusions here by testing and error, but instead of good P> It's great for something that you want to start with because it contains details of organizing large python code base. If you come here from Google and are trying to figure out how to split a large source file into multiple, more manageable files, I will briefly summarize the p...

java - How do I pass a reference to the outer class to a method in an inner class? ( Or how do I pass "this" to an inner class? ) -

मेरे पास निम्न वर्ग हैं: निजी वर्ग LanePair {public int cameraNumber; सार्वजनिक नेस्ट 1, नेस्ट 2; सार्वजनिक लेनपेयर स्थिति स्थिति = लेनपियरस्टैटस। आईएमएआईएफओएफ; टाइमर टाइमर = नया टाइमर (); सार्वजनिक लेनपेयर (इंट कैमरा नम्बर, नेस्ट नेस्ट 1, नेस्ट नेस्ट 2) {this.cameraNumber = cameraNumber; This.nest1 = nest1; This.nest2 = nest2; } सार्वजनिक शून्य startTimer () {status = LanePairStatus.TIMER_ON; टाइमर। शेड्यूले (न्यू टाइमर टास्क) (सार्वजनिक शून्य रहित) (दोएस्कफ़ोरलाएंक्लियर (/ * मैं इस वर्ग (लेनपेयर) को यहां पारित करना चाहता हूं * /);}}, 6000); // 6 सेकंड} सार्वजनिक शून्य रोक टायमर () {timer.cancel (); }} बात यह है, मैं समझ नहीं सकता कि यह कैसे करना है। कोई सुझाव? संबंधित: दोएस्कफ़ोलालेन क्लेयर (लेनपेयर.इस); चूंकि आप यह का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते हैं (यह टाइमरटस्क का संदर्भ देगा), लेकिन आपका अज्ञात वर्ग किसी के साथ मौजूद नहीं हो सकता लेनपीयर का उदाहरण, उस उदाहरण को लेनपेयर द्वारा संदर्भित किया जाता है।

arrays - Allocation order on the stack -

मैं यह सी कोड चला रहा हूं #define STACKSIZE 65536 char d [STACKSIZE] ; अगर (((इंट) और [[STACKSIZE-1]) - ((इंट) और डी [0]) + 1! = STACKSIZE) {Printf ("स्टैक स्पेस आरक्षण असफल \ n"); बाहर जाएं (); } Printf ("% d से% d से% d बाइट्स के लिए आवंटित \ n", & amp; d, d + sizeof (d), sizeof (d)); ऑटो इंट ए = 3; Printf ("अब स्टैक पॉइंटर% d \ n" पर है, & amp; a;); और मुझे -4262832 से -41972 9 के आबंटित आउटपुट के रूप में मिलते हैं ताकि 65536 बाइट्स के लिए अब स्टैक पॉइंटर पर -4262836 है इसका अर्थ है कि "a" सरणी के बाद स्टैक पर रखा जाता है लेकिन अगर मैं एक चर लंबाई सरणी (एक सरणी जिसका लंबाई रन टाइम में सेट किया गया है) का उपयोग करते हैं तो मुझे विपरीत व्यवहार मिलता है: ए को सरणी से पहले स्टैक पर रखा जाता है। यह कोड है (यह है एक ही है लेकिन सरणी का आकार रनटाइम में सेट होता है) #define STACKSIZE 65536 int i = 1; चार डी [i * STACKSIZE]; अगर (((इंट) और [[STACKSIZE-1]) - ((इंट) और डी [0]) + 1! = STACKSIZE) {Printf ("स्टैक स्पेस आरक्षण अ...

mysql - generate DBF files -

More info: / p> One to run me in pendrev Portable database is required I do not know that DBF is a better solution. I like my SQL but I find it difficult to find a portable version I am currently working with XML, but I do not know how to do a query. TDBF is one of the most used (and still maintained) packages: - Silverlight Multiple Application Debugging -

मेरे पास एक ही समाधान में तीन सिल्वरलाइट 3 अनुप्रयोग हैं मेरे होस्टिंग प्रोजेक्ट में मेरे पास तीनों परियोजनाओं के लिए एक अलग पृष्ठ है I जब मैं पृष्ठों के बीच नेविगेट करता हूं, तो केवल सिल्वरलाइट ब्रेकपॉइंट जो हिट हो जाते हैं, वे मेरे आरंभिक पेज को लोड करते हैं। यह समस्या केवल हाल ही में शुरू हुई है। मैं एक ही समय में सभी चांदी के प्रकाश परियोजनाओं के बीच डिबग करने में सक्षम था। कोई विचार? मैंने क्लाइंटबिन फोल्डर को हटा दिया है, मैंने सभी फ़ाइलों को हटा दिया है और स्रोत नियंत्रण से पुन: प्राप्त किया है। कुछ भी काम का नहीं लगता। "समस्या अभी हाल ही में शुरू हुई है"। क्या बदल गया? यहां कुछ अनुमान दिए गए हैं: - आप विंडोज 7 में अपग्रेड कर चुके हैं आपने कुछ और मेमोरी इंस्टॉल की कुछ अन्य मेमोरी गज़लिंग ऐप अब नहीं चल रहा है जब आप परीक्षण कर रहे हैं। डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से IE8 कम से कम 2 प्रक्रियाओं को चलाएगा। ब्राउज़र फ़्रेम के लिए एक और आंशिक टैब की सामग्री के लिए जैसा कि आप अधिक खिड़कियां और टैब खोलते हैं, IE वर्तमान में उपयोग की जा रही सेट में नई प्रक्रियाएं ज...

rest - How rails issue put method on update? -

edit.html.erb file, scramble ready, I do not specify any code PUT method PUT method? This would be best estimate for sending the form for form_ : Take the following code for example: & lt;% form_for @user | Form | & Gt%; If @user is a new record, then this POST request is / user If @user is an existing record, then it will send the PUT request to / user / 12 (if 12 = @

c# - .NET StandardInput Sending Modifiers -

We have some legacy software that depends on sending keystrokes in the dos window and then scraping the screen. I am trying to recreate the software directly by redirecting the input and output stream of the process to my application. From this part I have worked fine: _Process = new process (); {_Process.StartInfo.FileName = Application; _Process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True; _Process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = True; _Process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; _Process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; _Process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; _Process.OutputDataReceived + = New DataSavedAventHandler (_Process_OutputDataReceived); _Process.ErrorDataReceived + = New DetorIsevieveHandler (_Process_ErrorDataReceived); } My problem is that I need to send some command modifiers such as Ctrl, ALT and Space, as well as F12-12, for this process, but it is certain how I I can send the original text and I get the response right. I need to emulate these modifiers....

jquery - How do I parse this JSON? -

I am using a book API which gives var _OLBookInfo = {"ISBN: 234234234234234": {"BB_key": "ISBN: 234234234234234", "Preview": "NewView", "PreviewOoral": "", "info_url": "http : / / "," Details ": {" Publisher ": [" W SDFsdfsted "]}}; $ How can I get access to this easily by using the callback parameter of Get () , for example, -> Publisher Update $ .post ("/ home / lookupbook", {query: lookuptxt.val ()}, function (data) {warning (data) ; // Proper JSN Data Warning (Data D Description. Publishers [0]); / tells, details. Publishers [0] is zero, "Jason"); You do not need to parse JSON string in JS. Just look at the $ .getJSON () method. Example: $ GetJSON (URL, Data, Function (Response) {Warning (Response ['ISBN: 234234234234234'] Description. Publisher...

regex - PHP Dynamic Regular expression? -

I'm relativly new to regular expression, but I managed to create a work expression to validate the dates (without Leap year, and people who register 30 or 31 points valid for one month.) This is expressed: / ^ \ d [1-31] ​​{2} \ \ D [1-12] {2} \ - \ d [1900-2009] {4} $ / But I would like a dynamic regular expression such as: $ yearspan = (date ("Y") - 110) "-". Date ("Y"); / ^ \ D [1-31] ​​{2} \ - \ d [1-12] {2} \ - \ d [$ yearSpan] {4} $ / When I try to use this expression, I keep telling me that the compilation has failed because there is a range of sequence in the character range. I am using this expression to validate the date of birth, and it would be good not to update it every year a year. Any suggestions? You can do this with the PHP date and time functions

How to use regex in a c#, specifically getting the data inside a double quote? -

For example, we just want to get the data from double quotes in the list of strings: string result = string Empty; & Lt; String & gt; Wire = new list & lt; String & gt; (); Strings.add ("string = \" string \ ""); String.ed ("stringwithspace = \" string with location \ ""); Strings.add ("untrimmedstring = \" untrimmed string \ ""); String.ed ("other contimed string = \" here it is \ "); Strings.add ("number = \" 13 \ ""); Strings.add ("empty = \" \ ""); String.add ("whitespace = \" \ ""); Stringbuilder z = new stringbiller (); Forrest (string x in strings) {if (string in the double string inside x) {// regex here z.append (x + "\ n"); }} and the result will be: string = "string" stringwithspace = "string with location" untrimmedstring = "untrimmed Any way we can do this? Or something is...

python - Scaling an image to its parent button size in GTK? -

I have a GTK layout in which there is a widget on the left side of a HBox that I want the maximum height and one VBox With the right three buttons, each has only one image and no text. Images are a GTK stock icon, and they have stock storage type. Using the extension = true, fill = button packing without images is really the height that I want - with an arbitrary small width and an image of 1/3 of the left half of each HBox, They are either too long - 3 * ICON_SIZE_MENU is too long in too many topics - or if I force the height request of the button, then they are cut. I will not raise them to the size of the original legs. Do I have to make my pixix for every stock icons that I am using (and if the size changes, then they are reborn)? Or can GTK fit the button instead of other ways rather than fitting the image independently? Since images have stopped some pixels from fitting in every subject, so what is the way to disable the clipping button? This application is written usin...

iphone - When is a Cocoa callback given controll? -

I'm searching around the web for the answer to this one but the other side I was unable to get the answer It is quite normal that there is a possibility that I am missing some keywords here. Either way, the problem is as follows: When the callback function in the ObjC (iPhone) is controlled? Does this happen that the hierarchy is responsible for the reinforcement category? Can it be done in the middle of any other function call? For example, we take NSURLConnection , we do not know or can not predict when it is happening didReiveiveResponse or others Call callback methods, can it be a case that I got didReiveiveResponse in the middle of any other function? (Extremely skeptical, but unable to get information about callback for end of run loop) Cheers, Caspa Is it possible that Resize Response is in the middle of another function? No, one Code is not executed in parallel to the thread. Runlop executes all messages and dispatches them in sequentials. . Even A...

objective c - Selector element does not have valid object type (Cocoa touch) -

I am trying to anonymize on the collection of objects and I am creating an annotation for each code such as this code But the } closure of the loop } I get this error is not a valid object type in the selector element . what does this mean? for (PPI myPOI App DelegatePoices) {CLLocationCoordinate2D location; place. LETITUDE = [ double value]; place. Lame = [myPOI.lon double value]; Region.span = period; = location; Homeology * locAnn; LocAnn = [[location entry alloc] initWithCoordinate: location]; [Add MapView Notation: locAnn]; [MapView Set Region: Animated Area: Yes]; [Space release]; } I can also find variable size object can not be started In the beginning of the loop, the example variable latitude (and also LAN) is preserved. Has been announced . What have I done? thanks What is "POI"? An object? If so, you are not declaring "myPOI" as an indicator of POI you want: POI * myPOI ... If Poi is an object not , you ...

c - Detecting attached USB devices under Mac OSX -

Firstly a statement: when it comes to programming for Mac, I am a newbie. Although I have an assignment that requires USB communication with the device, so I thought I would start with the basic thing. I created the code, made it and participated from the terminal, it starts and writes: matched with seller ID = 1351 and product ID = 8193 Searching for devices. Launch the Walking Loop. However, if I plug in and exclude USB devices (I tried: iPod, GPS, mouse) nothing is written on the screen, however much I understand Even when I connect and disconnect a device. What am I doing? Thanks in advance. You can also use system_profiler SPUSBDataType on the terminal

variables - Python raw_input into dictionary declared in a class -

I'm incredibly new to Python and I really need to be able to do this job. I want to ask the user through raw_input what is the module and the grade and then it has been put in the grade in the student's class already defined in the dictionary. I do not know what to do! thank you in advanced! students = [] # All student objects (database) def print menu (): Print "------ Main Menu ------ \ N" "1. A Add Students \ n "" 2. Print All Students \ n "" 3. Remove Students \ n "" -------------------- - \ n "Classroom Student: First name = "" last name = "age = 0 studentID =" "degree =" "grade = {" module name ":" "," grade ":" "} def setfirst_name (self, first name) : Self.firstName = firstname def defFirstName (self): back to self First name DRF setLlastName (self, last name): self.lastName = lastName def getLastName (self): return self. Unknown Df set deg...

php - How to have pages without filenames (e.g. http://localhost/site/logoff) -

I have a test site, I want to log off the user, but it looks ugly to see: Localhost / site / index.fp? Logoff = Y 'is a new one in PHP, and it's probably very clear how to do it, but ... How do I do this? I want a logoff link to go to 'localhost / site / logoff' Any help would be appreciated. Thanks This is usually done by mod_rewrite. Good luck, Fabian Take a look at more examples and beginners page.

osx - Mac OS X web sharing and Django -

I have created a web app with Django and I'm running it on the localhost (), my question is, How can I access the Mac OS X's web sharing or something using the world? Thanks First of all, I strongly I recommend that you do not serve any website from your Mac. This is a very bad idea. Both Mac OS X web sharing and Django's included http servers (which I believe you are using) are for testing purposes only, for many reasons related to speed, security et al. Which is clearly too long to post here (but I hope someone is) :) Second, it is already open to the world: Anyone can connect to your computer Is loopback 1 (unless you are netted). This, again, it is quite useful to test (and your friend / colleague / owner) test it temporarily , but again it is not fit for production use. .

objective c - memory management: am i doing something wrong here? -

In my iPhone application a very small number of cases, I get an accident after the loop in the code given below Is: ABAddressBookRef AddressBookEnter = ABAddressBookCreate (); CFMutableArrayRef abContacts = (CFMutableArrayRef) ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople (Address Bookinit); // All contacts get the array of CFArraySortValues ​​(abContacts, CFRangeMake (0, CFArrayGetCount (abContacts)), (CFComparatorFunction), ABPersonComparePeopleByName, (Zero *), ABPersonGetSortOrdering ()), NSArray * copypeople = (NSArray *) abContacts; NSMutableArray * tempTheadlist = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; For (; I & lt; i = 0 int copypeople.count; i ++) {NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; ABRecordRef record = [copyEople ObjectOutIndexX: i]; If (Blah Blah) [tempThreadList addObject: someObject]; [Bridge release]; } // End of accident after loop ends (tempTheadlist.count> 0) [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector: @selector (loading_pictures :) toTarget: auto withObjec...

Securing ClickOnce hosting at Amazon S3 -

I'm hosting my click-on deployment with Amazon S3. How can I (or restrict) my users (network)? I wanted to see if I can restrict it by IP but do not do this with Amazon S3. Any recommendations? My users are all on the Windows domain. Consider CloudFront's private content feature. Not only will you be able to provide your content more efficiently in many geographic locations but this will allow you to restrict access by IP. More information in our

windows - How stable is dokan sshfs? -

People have reported BSOD on 7 windows (64 bit). For some reason unknown to me, my explorer on winxp sp3 (32 bit) becomes unstable and freezes on time if I browse a lot through Docon SSHFS drive. Have you ever encountered a problem with the sshfs doken driver? Just want to get your opinion on your stability? Yes, BSOD at x64 in general, 100% on my windows vista x64, everybody time! is unstable because it constantly sends the customer with you. Your connection is very slow and / or the operating system and / or explorer is improperly threaded. As soon as you disconnect sshfs, you come back to normal. EDIT: New version is for x64 by February 2010. Now it works on x64, but you have to replace the extububate which installs the installer from one given in the zip file.

Printing sub strings from command line arguments, in C -

यह काम क्यों नहीं करता। printf ("% s \ n", argv [1] [3]); यह काम करता है? printf ("% c \ n", argv [1] [3]); % s क्योंकि % s प्रारूप विनिर्देशक Printf तर्क है कि एक निरर्थक स्ट्रिंग है आप printf एक एकल वर्ण - argv array के दूसरे तत्व में चौथे वर्ण दे रहे हैं। यदि आप उपस्ट्रिंग प्रिंट करना चाहते हैं चौथे चरित्र से स्ट्रिंग के अंत तक, आप भी ऐसा कर सकते हैं, आपको उस वर्ण में एक पॉइंटर मिलना है: printf ("% s \ n", और argv [1] [3]); या, यदि आप चाहें: printf ("% s \ n", argv [1] + 3);

python - How to auto-run a script -

I have created a script that tells me what to wear in the morning on the basis of weather (i.e. rain lashes if it will rain , Heavy jacket if it will be cold, etc.). I have a fairly basic programming experience with Python and the script works perfectly, but I want to be able to create a file, which I will be able to click just two times from my desktop and run the script automatically. My goal is to be able to simply click [some] in the morning and it will run the script automatically and tell me what to wear thanks It worked for me on Snow Leopard: - Press the Pyro script on the desktop. - Right click on the script file, and select "Get Info" - Find "Open With", and select "Python Launcher" from the dropdown box Now clicking the script file will run the script in a new terminal Window I'm not sure which version of OS X comes with the Python Launcher application. If you do not have it, you can solve it with a few additional step...

arrays - Loading data from file in C -

I am struggling to load some numerical floating point data in C program in a program ... file In the floating point, the numbers with the accuracy of 3 decimal digits, each of which is in a row ... I wanted to load these values ​​in a float array and then count it something in ... though I used to call it a float Tried to load in the array, Ekin it did not properly stored values ​​... ie 123.45 as value were stored as 123.44999 or something .. but I do not want it. I tried to store it in an array of wire and then convert them into scaled integers but I can not get it to load in an array of strings I can tell where I am wrong. Everything I have done is something like this. Unsigned four ** data ............ data = molok (sizeoff (unsigned char *) * fileSize); ............ (Fif (FP) (if (fscanf (FP, "% s", and data [J]) == 1) // If changed, increment counter + + J;} ........... I am a newbie, so I am not so good with the indicators and when I load it in string array...

interface builder - Relationships vs. Attributes in Core Data -

Overall, I love core data yet, but there is a pigment in the system that I'm coming back, And the problems that arise when I decide to use relationships instead of attributes. For example, using cars, let me have the car unit and the manufacturer unit. Ideally, I can have a relationship between them, many cars with a manufacturer, and then when I'm setting up an editing page for cars, choose the manufacturer in NSPopUpButton User for It works, but it does not appear to save any value, so when I reload the editing page for that particular car, the manufacturer appears empty. Another option to save the data is to make the manufacturer an attribute, and then set the form to the same form (the manufacturer code which is fed into a NSPopUpButton list) Protects the creator in the car's data, but there is no inconsequential connection to connecting the manufacturer back, which is less than ideal. How do you make the most effective use of relationships and attribu...

pointers - Printf seems to mess the output of a simple C program -

मेरे पास अंश जोड़ने के लिए कुछ कोड है। #include & lt; stdio.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; stdlib.h & gt; Struct frac {int enumerator; इंट बेगुआ; }; Typedef struct frac frac_t; Frac_t * जोड़ें (frac_t * b1, frac_t * b2) {frac_t rfrac; Frac_t * p; पी = & amp; आरएफआरसी; (* P) ​​.numerator = ((* b1) .numerator * (* b2) .denominator) + ((* b2) .numerator * (* b1) .dinominator); (* पी) .डिनाइमेटर = ((* बी 1)। डिज़ाइनमैनेटर * (* बी 2) .डिनाइमेटर); वापसी पी; } Int main (शून्य) {frac_t b1 = {2,4}; Frac_t बी 2 = {1,7}; Frac_t * जोड़ = जोड़ें (और बी 1, और बी 2); प्रिंटफ़ ("% i% i \ n", ऐड- & gt; एन्यूमरेटर, ऐड- & gt; छोर); प्रणाली ( "थामने"); वापसी 0; } यह बिल्कुल ठीक काम करता है। इसका परिणाम है: 3 5, जैसा कि माना जाता है। यदि मैं एक "प्रिंटफ़" जोड़ता हूं तो यह पूरी तरह से मेरे परिणाम को खराब करता है: int main (शून्य) {Frac_t बी 1 = {2,4}; Frac_t बी 2 = {1,7}; Frac_t * जोड़ = जोड़ें (और बी 1, और बी 2); printf ( "इसके अलावा...

performance - What is the most efficient way to do look-up table in C# -

What is the most effective way to table lookup in C # Up tables such as 0 "thing 1" 1 "thing 2" 2 "reserved" 3 "reserved" 4 "reserved" 5 "no problem" Someone wants "thing 1" or "thing 2" to pass through 0 or 1. But they can pass some more, I have 256 such types of things and maybe 200 of them are reserved. Want to set it so what's most efficient? A string array or dictionary variable that receives all values ​​and then rounds up and returns values ​​to that location. I have a problem with this problem "safe" value I do not want to make those unnecessary "reserved" values ​​or else I can have an I statement against "reserved" all different locations , But now they can only be 2-3, can be 2-3, 40-55 and byte in all the different places. This statement, if uncontrolled is accelerated then My second option which I was thinking was a switch statement. And ...

Stripes: I can pre-populate a form, but after submit the formBean is null -

I can pre-populate one object, client in my case, my strippers JSP form I am, but when I submit this form, then my object is empty. I have created a second "temp" object which is a parallel duplicate of client and retains its value, so I have a problem passing through an object in the request Can not see My form is as follows: & lt; S: form beanclass = "com.jameselsey.salestracker. Action.ViewClientAction" & gt; & Lt; S: Hidden name = "client A" value = "$ {actionBean.clientA}" /> & Lt; S: hidden name = "customer id" value = "$ {actionBean.clientId}" /> & Lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> Name: & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> & Lt; S: Text name = "" /> gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> Sector: & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> & Lt; S: Text name = "client.sector...

iphone - Strange delay with Navigation Controller behaviour -

I have the following set up in a navigation controller. There is a list of root categories (Bank, Hotel etc.) and each category has a child's view in which a table view of the objects (Bank A, Bank B etc.). When I select 'Banks', I look at my banks (the list coming out from the web service), but then I take a level to my root and select the 'Hotel', when the scene Loads (from web service), I still see banks, for about 1 second, before updating the view with the hotel list How can I stop the list of previous categories when I select a different category? Thanks Clear the array before loading the view, reloading Try to get ideas for

google cloud datastore - App Engine - why are there PhoneNumber, Link, Rating etc classes? -

I have not found any reason for the existence of some of the app engine classes, including a phone number, a link, postal post, A geopit, a rating etc. Why are they given special treatment? They do not have any smart - eg Geo Search I know that the link has more space than the string property, but the rest? See: Those types of 'semantic' types are those with python APIs The Java APIs for similarity are present. In Python APIs, they define special behaviors in relation to the .to_xml () method - for example, a PhoneNumberProperty issues this way:

jquery - How to integrate CKEditor into MVC -

What could be seen about the new version of FcodeEditor on CodeProject? In fact it is very easy to download the latest code from the first and make it a directory in your project Remove in (select I / script / ccditor). Then in your opinion, use the same code as "full sample" in it and it should work. Actually, the important steps are: Make sure you include the ckeditor.js file in your head or in your master page, though you do Want this This needs to be the exact location within your project (I will use the visual file dialog which you can pop up while editing an SQLite attribute in Visual Studio so that it is automatically linked to the file.) Keep it: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; CKEDITOR.replace ('editor1'); & Lt; / Script & gt; Right after your texture, make sure that the text of the ID is same as the CKEDITOR.replace () statement.

exception - SyntaxError inconsistency in Python? -

इन दो स्निपेटों पर विचार करें: प्रयास करें: a + a = सिवाय सिंटैक्स त्रुटि: प्रिंट "पहले अपवाद पकड़ा गया" । Try: eval ("a + a = a") सिंटैक्स त्रुटि को छोड़कर: प्रिंट "दूसरा अपवाद पकड़ा गया" दूसरे मामले में "दूसरा अपवाद .." कथन मुद्रित किया जाता है (अपवाद पकड़ा गया), जबकि पहले में नहीं है। क्या दूसरा कोई दूसरा ("सिंटैक्स एरर 2") से अलग है (इसे "सिंटेक्स एरर 1" कहते हैं)? क्या कोई भी तरीका है सिंटैक्स एरर 1 को पकड़ने (इस प्रकार संकलन-समय की त्रुटियों को रोकना )? eval में कोड के बड़े ब्लॉकों को लपेटना असंतोषजनक है;) पहले में मामला, अपवाद को संकलक द्वारा उठाया जाता है, जो इससे पहले कोशिश / छोड़कर संरचना भी मौजूद है (क्योंकि यह संकलक स्वयं ही होगा इसे पार्सिंग के ठीक ऊपर सेट करें)। दूसरे मामले में, कंपाइलर दो बार चल रहा है- और अपवाद तब उठाया जा रहा है जब कंपाइलर eval के भाग के रूप में चलाता है, बाद कंपाइलर का पहला रन पहले से ही है try / except सेट अप करें। तो, वाक्यविन्यास त्रुटियों को एक तरफ या ... - Should a content management system be used for small custom projects? -

I want to create content based website It will be a small and relatively simple site This will require custom data It will be done in ASP.NET, preferably in C #. I have a programming and database experience, so I can roll myself without any problems. In view of this, should this effort be made to learn and customize the content management system? What are business dislikes, especially for long? Anyhow I will go, it will be a fun learning experience, so I am essentially neutral on this issue. Edit: I am most concerned with being able to customize the underlying data structure of the site Yes, I need to do some research in CMS, but have not got time yet. Most commercial content management systems out there have a big footprint as well as a large footprint I will suggest something like small projects. Content management systems are an interesting animal - they are very complex and if you can somehow recommend to stop you from wasting many development time in bui...

delphi - Determine the parent process of the current app -

I have written this utility (exe) which can be said from within this host application and I like it The utility can only be called from the host application. Running it out or from a different host should immediately end the utility. Is there a way to find out the process of starting my process? Thanks for the reply. You can use the function to enumerate the process list that is running and then The function for which the identifier is the process that created this process (its basic process). Check out this example. Psapi, Windows, TLHLP32, uses SysUtils; Function GetTheParentProcessFileName (): string; Conf Buffer Size = 40 9 6; Var handle snapshot: Thandal; Enterprise Process: Process Entry 32; Current process ID: DWOD; Handlift Prokr: Thandal; Parentprosses ID: Dedorf; Parental processing: Boolean; Parent Proclam: String; Starting parent processing found: = false; Handle snapshot: = ContentHold 3 snapshot (TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); // handle the process if HandleSn...

iphone - How can I create a custom "pin-drop" animation using MKAnnotationView? -

I have an example of MKMapView and want to use custom annotation icon instead of standard PIN There is therefore the icon provided by MKPinAnnotationView, I have set up is called a subclass CustomMapAnnotation called MKAnnotationView and override - (void) drawRect: this works to draw a CGImage. Trouble comes when I try to repeat the functionality supplied by .aimatesDrop MKPinAnnotationView; I love to show my mouse slowly, in the top and to the left-to-right order, when annotation is added to the MKMapView example. here - (zero) drawRect: for CustomMapAnnotation, which works when you just draw UIImage (which is the second line): - ( Zero) drawRect: (CGRect) rect {[super drawRect: rect;); [(Event (conviction *) Self annotation. Draw the least icon: Rect; if (new annotation) {[Voltage of itself]; New Innovation = No;}} when you animateDrop method to add so much trouble: - (minus) animated {CGContextRef myContext = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (); CGPoint finalPo...

multithreading - Is there a C# equivalent to Java's CountDownLatch? -

क्या जावा के समकक्ष सी # है? .NET फ़्रेमवर्क संस्करण 4 में नया वर्ग शामिल है।

objective c - Finding memory leaks while running iPhone unit tests -

I know how to test the unit on the iPhone - Logic tests that run during the construction phase of the "iPhone Unit Test Bundle". . I know that to detect memory leaks using devices - in XCode, run with Menu-> Run-> perf tools-> Leaks. How do I both? I want to run unit tests and to detect memory leaks in them. If I try to select only the unit test bundle as the target and then "Run with Menu-> Run-> PRF Tools-> Leak" I have not been running an app load in the simulator but the unit test. The best I can come up with, my actual app target includes the same unit-test files and just opens them to the runtime from the app, any better ideas? There is no need to check the leaks because they have started and are torn down freely By form If you are trying to debug the leak by running the unit test and seeing leakage, then you are probably better off using anything like XX3.0 as a cleavage static analyzer.

c# - HttpWebResponse returns 404 error -

How to ignore Httpwebresponse 404 error and continue with it? It is easy to find exceptions in input because it happens when it is very rare. I assume that you have a code somewhere, such as in your code: http web response feedback = request. Gateresons () HTTP Webbations; Change it with: http web response response; Try {response = request.GetResponse () as HttpWebResponse; } Catch (WebException pre) {response = ex. Answer as HPS WP; }

max - Help on "GROUP BY clause" error -

Anybody can help me with this error "The column 'Sales.' Is invalid in the selection list because It's not contained in either an entire work or group by volume. "... I spent a few days understanding this error but failed :( My query: - SELECT SE. [No_], SH. [Selling customer no.], SH. [Selling contact number], SH. [Selling customer template code], Max (A [version no.]) Leave SAH as Sales [Sales Archive] at A (SH [DOCUMENT TYPE] = A [DOCUMENT TYPE] AND SH. [ANY_] = A [ANY_] AND SH. [DOCK_NU_JOZ] = A. [ Doc_no_size]] where (sh [document type] = '0' and sh [order] = '1') The" max "function requires a group if you have a non-all column. So you have to add a group. [Any_] .... In addition to Your query has been reformatted so I can read it easily - it's OK - SH [NO_], SH [Sell-to-Customer Number], SH. [Sellers contact number], SH [Selling-from customer template code], Max (A [version no.] SAH dropout [Sale archive] A on ...

c# - Issue with fetching value from registry -

Hello I'm displaying the version value from the registry. To bring value from the registry, I have done the following code. // where WrmSpoAgentRoot = @ "software \ syscon \ point monitor"; String Keyspace = Sporitizer. WRMSpoAgentRoot; Registry Regke = Registry.Localachin OpenSub (KeySpot); But I want to take this value into property..then I created a property "Wrmversion". But when I am specifying this value, the 'regkey' variable is not assigned in the property property means that the intellisense 'regkey' variable (the name 'regkey' is not present in the current context) is not causing public string Wrmversion {get m_wrmversion; } Set {m_wrmversion = value; }} Private string m_wrmversion = string) regkey.GetValue (SpoRegistry.regValue_CurrentVersion); Is there a way to specify value in the property Write this assignment inside a constructor. Let's say that the name of this class is Fobar. You should write: ...

unix - Searching code files for a particular string -

I am using Ubuntu Karmic as my operating system and I repeatedly use my project folder I have to search, to see if it has any file folder or its subfolders I currently use the search command to find it, and have written a script that searches the string im as a parameter is. find -exec grep -l $ 1 {} \; But the problem with it is that it does not work with the wire to be a place in them, so there is no way to discover different strings from space, or what Is there any available tool that works? Thank you. How are you implementing your script? If you want to find different strings from space, then you need to invite as follows: % / 'Search String' Br> and also to change the invitation to search them: Find. -exec grep -l "$ 1" {} \;

php - Using an flash MP3 player (any one) on Codeigniter? -

How can I embed a flash mp3 player (step-by-step) to use the codicator is? I'm trying for a few hours now with no success. I am very disappointed someone please help me please thank you The easiest I've come to on is that. It is based on JavaScript rather than Flash, but it still gives the user a nice interface. It scans the page in search of a link to MP3 files and loads them into the player, and degrades well in the absence of JavaScript.

sql server - combine date and time column problem -

SQL सर्वर 2005 का प्रयोग दिनांक समय 20060701 090000 20060702 020000 20060703 180000 ... दिनांक / समय> दिनांक और समय दिनांक दिनांक varchar प्रश्न की कोशिश की कन्वर्ट का चयन करें (डेटटाइम, कन्वर्ट (चार (10), दिनांक, 103 ) + '' कन्वर्ट (चार (8), समय, 108), 103) तालिका से चुनें कास्ट (DATEADD (डीडी, 0, DATEDIFF (डीडी, 0, तारीख)) + '' + DATEAD (डे, -डेटेडफ ( यह सीमा मान से बाहर के रूप में त्रुटि दिखा रहा है। इस समस्या को कैसे हल करें। > एसक्यूएल क्वेरी सहायता की आवश्यकता सबसे पहले, आप एक VARCHAR में DATETIME क्यों संग्रहीत कर रहे हैं? यह मदद करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए

.net - Unit Testing the Data Access Layer -

I want to test the data layer, how do I go about it? I'm using NUnit for my business object testing. Should I use fake items (which I have never done before)? If someone can guide me in the right direction, then I appreciate any input. Using the mock object depends on your unit test. If you do not want to initialize several objects to test an object, you can use fake to simulate the behavior of other objects. To test DAL objects, you must reset the DB state every time. As the test running on your database will create several records that can change the status of the DB.

CSS flow justified text around an image -

एक छवि के चारों ओर पाठ प्रवाह करने के लिए tring: HTML & lt; div & gt; & Lt; span id = "photo" & gt; & lt; img src = "photo.png" & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; span id = "text" & gt; Lorem Ipsum, blah, blah, blah ... & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; सीएसएस #photo {float: left; margin: 0px 8px 5px 0px;} #text {text-align : सही;} ** छवि के चारों ओर पाठ बहता है, लेकिन यह उचित नहीं है (संरेखण छोड़ा गया है)। अगर मैं पाठ तत्व को छोड़ दिया है, तो संरेखण सही है (उचित, जैसा मैं चाहता हूं), लेकिन फिर पाठ छवि के चारों ओर प्रवाह नहीं होता, बल्कि यह छवि के नीचे बहता है - मैं इसे कैसे ठीक कर सकता हूं? text-align संपत्ति वास्तव में संलग्न ब्लॉक तत्व पर आधारित है, इनलाइन तत्व नहीं है तो इसे संलग्न ब्लॉक में ले जाएं: div {text-align: justify; } इसमें देखें: यह प्रॉपर्टी कैसे ब्लॉक की इनलाइन सामग्री गठबंधन का वर्णन करती है। मानों के निम्नलिखित अर्थ हैं: (जोर जोड़ा गया)

sql server - How to get only numeric column values? -

Use of SQL Server 2005 I want to get only numeric values ​​from the table Column 1 12345 asdf 2312 ase acd ..., tried select numeric (Column 1) showing results in 1 0 0 .., I need a colum1 numeric value SQL Server Query Required Help selection column 1 table where note: Switch to, it will include any. To filter the columns containing non-digit (and empty strings), you can '% [^ 0-9]%' and 'Column 1!' = '' Select the column 1 Use table WHERE from column 1>

iphone - Push notifications dialogue -

Is there any way that I would like to enable "push notifications ..." for the first time in the application launch but some other over action? Regards, Mladen Until you method registerForRemoteNotificationTypes The dialogue should not appear until the call is made. I think you are calling it at appDidFinish loading at the moment? Just move it to the part of your application that is relevant to push notifications. It is such a situation with core lection, it can confuse the user if you request a user's place before requesting in his application why he needs it.

hardware - How much should the average developer know about the bare metal? -

It hit me the other day that I do not know almost anything about hardware that I want to run my software. I have been a god for almost 5 years, but I have not seen hardware theory / design since leaving university. I will not make my machines anymore because, sincerely with brutality, I will pay a few extra bucks and let the vibrational drop-out make it for me at the shop. Although it is clearly important to understand the basics of what is happening under the hood, it has been deemed to be so far away from us as the deities that we actually have the Program I / Do not worry about the complexity of O or memory mechid I / O etc., .. Or do we? Note that I am talking about your every day LOB Dev here and there are not dedicated bare metal boys. So, define 'average' how will you do it but altogether, how should a competent programmer be able to dive? It depends on the high level of your development. If you develop for an embedded system, then it means that m...

c - add seconds to a date -

I have to add seconds to a date. For example, if I have a date, such as 2009127000000, I have to add seconds for this date. Add another example, 50 seconds to 20091231235957. Is it possible in C? C date / time type Time_T is implemented as a number of seconds after a certain date So, to add second to it, you use normal arithmetic. If this is not what you are asking for, please clarify your question.

synchronization - Own sync adapter for Android? -

In the press release of Android 2.0, it has been said that the new release supports sync adapters so that email and calendar can not be synchronized with Gmail only. exchange. However, no information about writing such a sync adapter is available online. Has anyone tried it and some example code is available? These two articles by Sam Steele (January 23, 2010) are about the implementation of sync adapters. Do not miss the second part mentioned in the end and OpenSource projects.

project management - Boehm’s Model - Explanation -

I'm reading through "mythical man-month" and in the end the update of the 20th anniversary edition is a little bit Speaking about the model of Bohem and the project's efforts to flourish in human-months, the optimum time for delivery on the basis of efforts. His statement, while discussing Bohem's model, is: The result convincingly is that the trade between men and months is far off from linear It is believed that Man-Month is actually mythological as a measure of productivity. Specifically, he finds: [16] • The cost for the first shipments is maximum time-limit, T = 2.5 mm 1/3 i.e. in months The optimum time goes in the form of cube roots of expected efforts in humans-months, figures obtained from the estimation of size and other factors in its model. The optimal staffing curve is a result. • The cost curve gradually increases because the schematic program becomes longer than the optimum, people with more time take more time. • The cost curve ris...

protocol buffers - Using Python, how do I get a binary serialization of my Google protobuf message? -

I see the function SerializeAsString, but as this suggests, it gives me a string version of binary data Is there a way to serialize and parse the binary array of protobf data using Python? We have a C ++ application which stores the protob message as a binary data in a file. We want to use Python to read and write files. Python wire can hold binary data, hence SerializeAsString binary data gives.

php - PHPExcel - Formatting gets lost when editing from code -

I'm playing with a PHP-MS Excel integration these days my work is to open an existing spreadsheet, add some data And save the spreadsheet filled in as a new file. In fact, a template-filling engine is used as EventHow XLSX files templates. I saw which good framework seems to have been implemented to implement the proof of the concept (minimum required to minimize the minimum required to make this clear): $ objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory :: createReader ('Excel2007'); $ ObjReader- & gt; SetReadDataOnly (true); $ ObjPHPExcel = $ objReader-> Load ("myTemplateToFill.xlsx"); // Here the actual filling $ objWorksheet = $ objPHPExcel- & gt; Create Sheet (); $ ObjWorksheet- & gt; Setitle ('apple'); $ ObjWorksheet- & gt; Set Selwell ('A1', 'Banana'); $ ObjPHPExcel- & gt; SetActiveSheetIndex (0); $ ObjWriter = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel2007 ($ objPHPExcel); $ ObjWriter- & gt; Save ('myFilledTemplate.xlsx'); ...

nhibernate - Avoiding NULL object in HQL Query where clause -

I have an organization that can be a basic unit. I want to run this query: Select the unit where = 9 there are no parent in the institution (entity.parent = null ) And N. Hibernate Fail to run this query (QueryException - Property can not be resolved) I used HQL to retrieve all the 9 IDs that prevent people with parental null How can i use ( = 9 results before the same exception, the entity entry is not empty) There is an option to use nested selection statements but I It does not seem to be the most efficient solution. You are missing from from HQL query trying to write it this way Do: From the unit where the unit peer is not empty and = 9 is not definite, but perhaps unit peer Is not empty part is not necessary I think NHibernate will handle this scenario.

ant - Scorm 1.2 Player: Command Line Launch -

Is there a scrum 1.2 player that can be launched from the command line? I am watching SCORM is a protocol to integrate the player into an ant script, which explains how a JavaScript component communicates with another javascript component. You can in principle apply this communication instead of the browser context in the context of a command line, but you must have LMS supporting such communication. I think it is unlikely that you will find an ingredient who can do this. If you are looking for some script browser behavior, then I will look into it. This will allow you to do automated testing through Firefox. This thread can also be useful:

Crystal report in -

I am new to working with Crystal Reports in ASP.NET .... Show me the report for clients I have to import the datatable. So give me some links or solutions to know about it. Thanks in advance There are many good articles available in code projects, including some good articles.

frameworks - On declarative programming in C++ -

I often face the problem of mapping the parameter space of one API on each other's parameter space I often get nested nested nested ... has been resolved by switch statements. And I was wondering if there would be a library or a technique that allows you to declare 'mapping' instead of 'programming'. A trivial example involves the inclusion of the values ​​of two conventions in one: Nomspace source API {struct A {typefif e {A1, A2, A3}}; Structure b {typefif e {b1, b2}}; } Namespace target API {structure AB (typedffei {a1b1, a1b2, a2b1, a2b2, a3b1, a3b2}}}}} Mappings are often done in this switch (a) {case (a :: a1): switch (b) {case (b :: B1): Return A1B1; Case (B :: B2): Return A1B2; ....} And this mapping is still a 'reverse' Switch needs to be done. But I would like to have a dense type like declare (source (A :: A1, B :: B1), target ( AB :: A1B1) ); Declare (Source: (A :: A1, B :: B2), Target (AB :: A1b2); .... Is there any su...

php - Carabiner Cache Issue -

I'm stationed on the carbiner wiki, but I want to see that anyone here was able to get Carbiner to work for CI cache, whatever I try, I will not write this cache in the folder, and I The folder has 777 permissions Did anyone have this problem? Did you try to run a carriage on the folder? from ssh CD / path / in / directory chown ./* Users: Group-R - MDX query containing 2 dimensions from the same Hierarchy -

There are structures related to my cube that I have a hierarchy with "class" and "sub class". I also have a measurement of the name "Value" which is trying to get the I A simple question can be seen: Select nonimity ([ Measure]. [Value]] column, non-mmt ([some dimension]. [Class hierarchy] [class]) [miciube] on the rows And I obviously have sub- I can read the subclass using the class which is back to Adamomed. My issue is two times, first how do I "level up" this hierarchy so that classes and all classes can be achieved as separate members in cellset? It does not work: Select nonimity ([solution]. [Values]) Columns, non-dimension ([some dimension]. [Class hierarchy]. [Class], [Some The class hierarchy hierarchy is used more than once in the crossover function . [Sub category]. [Subclass]] [mikebue] on the rows P> The second issue, which I need to do, filters the above into special classes. It does not work for the same...

r - working with sequences of different length -

The timestamp is removed from a function XML document I wrote. The timestamp is coupled with events, which are repeated elements of chain elements. The elements of the series are a variable amount of events, so my work is a data. Gives frames (if the chain has the same length). Normally it gives a more general list and I want to work with the matrix. I have been told that the 'list' is a normal type, but I have difficulty working on normal tasks, but with more specific types No, data like Frame or matrix. What I need to do with the data at this time is to see what is the most common distance between the timestamp (I hope it will display more than 50%), I do A function is written and rewritten for: R & gt; MostCommonStep (list (a = cumsum (c (1,3,3,2,3,3,4,3,2,3,3)), b = cumsum (c (2,3,2,3))) ) [1] 3R & gt; Most CommonStep (data. Frames (a = c (2,4,6,8,12,14,18), b = c (12,14,16,18, 22, 24, 28))) [1] 2 R & amp; nbsp;; The most commonest (matrix (c (2,4,6,8...

c# - Possible to set TextBox text declaratively? -

I am trying to set the text property of a text box control as the value of the variable. I've found that the text property will be set, if I put it behind the code-page, which is what I'm trying to avoid. I have tried to do all of the following, but with success: & Lt;% myTxt.Text = MyNamespace.MyClass.StaticString; & Gt%; Is this also possible and if so? This is the best way to do this. & asp: textbox id = "myTxt" runat = "server" text = '& lt;% # MyNamespace.MyClass.StaticString% & gt; / & Gt; You said that you have tried to do this, but this couple will have to call DataBind () on your page. & Lt;% #%> is a databasing expression and when the databand () is called, the value will be filled. You can call the databind on the text box, but calling on the page is better to get everything (works recursively) you want to be compatible and can only call it on the page 'Because it is possible that ...

.net - validation -

I am trying to use the framework for the first time. I want to use its recognition capabilities. I am currently trying to validate the business object, so I have defined many assumptions (in the app config file). IOc (Contextragyrie.GetContact (.). GetObject (name of the validator) through these assumptions again I would like to know whether it is possible to associate a vidyator for an object because it is in the Enterprise Library Thank you for your time IValidator validator = ContextRegistry.GetContext (). GetObject ("Validate Name") as IValidator; Iliadenian Aroras LegalizationAir = New Verification Arrows (Validator.Validate (myObjectToValidate, LegalizationAir); You can also use the validation aspect (using attributes)

python - Why is this invalid syntax? -

Why is it complaining about an invalid syntax? #! / Usr / bin / python recipients = [] recipients to receive recipients.append (' '): Print Expense I'm getting: file "", line 31 print consonants ^ syntax error: invalid syntax post-text itemprop = "Text"> If you are using Python 3, then print is a function. Call it like this: Print (Viewer) .

php - Need multiple independent timers in Ajax -

I need the ability to create N zodiac timers in JavaScript / Ajax which will be counted like a stopwatch (but there are no buttons in it is not ). Another issue is that my data will be loaded through another Ajax request so that the page will be constantly updated. I'm not sure how the timer value can be kept as it happens. Thank you! Javascript already has this functionality checkout set interface set The timeout both of you call "Ms. X number, I want to fire the following callback function". With setTimeout , the callback once appears to be a fire, with the setInterval , the callback goes on and off again until you call it to stop.

caching - How does the browser know a web page has changed? -

This is a dangerous thing that I think I should know more about it - but I do not, More can not be found The question is: How exactly does a web page know that a web page has changed? In the interpolation I would say that F5 refreshes the cache for one given page, and this cache history is used only for navigation and its expiry date is - I It seems that the browser never knows if a web page has changed, and this page reloads the end of the cache --- but I'm sure this is not always the case. Appreciate any pointers! Browsers will usually receive this information through the HTTP header sent with the page For example, the last-modified header tells the browser how old a page is, that a browser can send a simple head request to the page to get the last modified value. If this is newer than the browser in the cache, then the browser can reload it. Check out a bunch of other headers related to caching (like cash-control):

iphone - sqlite Indexing Performance Advice -

I have a SQLT database in my iPhone app that I use through core data structures to query the database I am using NSPddicates for I am creating a search function for which there is a need to search in six different increment fields that contain text. At the moment, it is very slow and Need to improve, s Bwat: Sclait create an index on what all the columns in the database would be best? Or would it be better to create a custom index table that spreads those six columns into several rows, which would have a match with each word and ID? any other suggestions? There are things that you can improve the search performance of text in the SQLite database. Although the original data is removed from the built-in store, however, it is good to appreciate it when your shop is being used while using SQLite. If we believe that you are searching a substring of these areas, then there are things that you can do to improve search performance. Apple recommends using a derived asset . It is u...

Implementing multi languages with CSS and PHP -

I am creating a small site, which needs to support 2 languages ​​for the same page. Each language has different buttons on the page, buttons are basically some pictures inside the text. Using a CSS file for each language, the status of the button is completed. The question is what works for me to change the button for each image. I can put a statement if php can be used, and some other src if lang == English or something else can apply it with lang == Russian, or CSS file (I do this with a div Can it set up the background in the CSS)? What would you recommend? Cheers. you can for the English button For the rest This will basically work like this: for example & Lt; Button ID = "button_ok" & gt; OK & lt; / Button & gt; And define different background images in your English / Russian css files: (english.css) #button_ok {Background-child: urls (images / buttons / ing / ok. Gif); } and (russian.css) #button_ok {background-image...

c# - need to remove a column from a table in a Linq project -

I have extensive experience in ASP.NET and SQL Server but I am new to linux. Has been inherited using it. Unfortunately, the previous developer did not know anything about efficiency and was actually collecting images in the database terribly. I have modified the code so that it no longer uses the column that the image is stored. Now I want to completely delete that column from the database so that Linq can save questions from the time of dragging into these huge files and wasting resources. I searched and deleted my project for every reference column, then deleted the column from the database (do not worry, I have a lot of backups) when I did this, I received the error messages I started receiving an invalid column name for the deleted column. So my question is, how do you modify the structure of a table while using Linq? You should be sure to remove the column from DBML. Just look at the DBML in the designer and remove the appropriate column. If you compile the time, y...

where can I see exceptions thrown from within a java web start app? -

I am trying to debug a locally running Java Web Start application. The call failed to get that I was trying to get a stack trace, but it appears that there is never going to print anywhere. Thanks postprice = itemprop = "text"> From the control panel in Windows you start the Java Control Panel app. You can. Then click on the "Advanced" tab, select "Java console" and select "Show console" stack trace will now appear in the console. I believe the console allows you to save the file to disk if you wish.

c++ - Array decay to pointers in templates -

कृपया इस कोड पर विचार करें: #include & lt; iostream & gt; टेम्पलेट & lt; typename T & gt; शून्य एफ (टी एक्स) {std :: cout & lt; & lt; आकारफ (टी) & lt; & lt; '\ N'; } Int main () {int सरणी [27]; च (सरणी); च & LT; decltype (सरणी) & gt; (सरणी); } संपादक का नोट: मूल कोड का इस्तेमाल किया typeof (array) , हालांकि, यह एक जीसीसी विस्तार है। यह प्रिंट होगा 8 (या 4) 108 पहले मामले में, सरणी स्पष्ट रूप से एक संकेतक के लिए decays और टी बन जाता है int * । दूसरे मामले में, टी को int [27] के लिए मजबूर किया जाता है। क्या क्षय / प्रतिस्थापन के कार्यान्वयन को परिभाषित किया गया है? क्या प्रकार को int [27] पर लागू करने के लिए एक और अधिक सुंदर तरीका है? पैरामीटर के लिए संदर्भ प्रकार का उपयोग करें टेम्पलेट & lt; typename T & gt; शून्य एफ (कॉन्स्ट टी एंड एक्स) {std :: cout & lt; & lt; sizeof (टी); } उस स्थिति में सरणी प्रकार क्षय नहीं होगा। इसी तरह, आप f के अपने मूल संस्करण में क्षय को भी रोका जा सकता है य...

Accessing JSON Object -

अगर मेरे पास एक JSON ऑब्जेक्ट है var Obj = {col1: 'data'}; मूल्य 'col1' और 'डेटा' गतिशील रूप से बनाए गए हैं यहां मैं 'डेटा' को Obj.col1 के रूप में एक्सेस कर सकता हूं। लेकिन 'col1' मान पढ़ना चाहते हैं। ऐसा कैसे करें कैसे के बारे में: के लिए (ओब में var नाम) {चेतावनी (नाम)}

c# - How to know that I have another thread running apart from the main thread? -

Suppose I have such a regular one: Private Zero Button 1_Click ( Object Sender, EventArgs e) {Thread T = New Thread (New Thread Start (some_work)); T.Start (); } I need to put a condition that, "If the thread is not running separately from the main thread, start a new thread". But how to test for a thread running other than the main thread? The easiest solution is to either store a reference for the current thread, or just a Set flags in which you have a thread running You should also keep that field (context or flag) so that the thread exits, then it should be set in that area so that the next "Start Request" is a new start. Easiest way: Private volatile threads _Thread; ... if (_Thread == faucet) {_Thread = new thread (new threadstart (some_work)); _Thread.Start (); } Private Zero Some_Work () {try {// Your Thread Code Here} Finally {_Thread = null; }}

C# compact framework : load a png alpha blending file -

I have a PGG image file that has alpha blending, now I want to load it on a form on any mobile. I tried many ways but do not work, is there a solution? Thanks in advance. I use this to load the image from the resource: stream stream = assembly Gate unexpected suspend (). GetManifestResourceStream ("drawObj.Graph.png"); Bitmap myPNGImg ​​= new bitmap (stream); Then create a new bitmap with the same size of images. Graph: Bitmap myBlankImg = new bitmap (48,48); Graphics mynew Graph = Graphics.frim image (myNew); MynewGraph.Clear (Color.Transparent); Dry PNG Bitmap: mynewGraph.DrawImage (myPNGImg, 0, 0); and then I read something from the Internet: ( Rectangle rectDest = new rectangle (50,50, 100, 100); Image images imgatt = new image properties (); imgatt. SetColorKey (Color.Transparent, Color.Transparent); myGraph.DrawImage (myNew, rectDest, 0, 0 It works but clarifies the four corners of the pictures (some raucous of rounded rectangle). Still around the i...

Pausing JavaScript execution for animation of code -

I have an interesting but difficult problem with javascript code. In fact, I have JavaScript (a sorting algorithm for academic reasons, If you are thinking) trying to create a simple algorithm animation. I've got all the animation code (RaphaelJS) already used, and it all works fine. The animation is getting algorithm for being in the right time. Javascript is actually no way to "stop" execution, So I can not really move slowly through the algorithm, in every phase the animation runs. This is clearly more valuable than an educational perspective if the student makes algorithm revenue at a pace. There are two ways to solve this problem, which I can think of, and both suck before using some crazy setTimeout () code it would probably be very difficult - odd code changes to correct time expiration Along with the different parts of the algorithm will need to be associated. I have already tried to do a little bit of it, and it becomes very complicated for a non-trivial algori...