php - PHPExcel - Formatting gets lost when editing from code -
I'm playing with a PHP-MS Excel integration these days my work is to open an existing spreadsheet, add some data And save the spreadsheet filled in as a new file. In fact, a template-filling engine is used as EventHow XLSX files templates. I saw which good framework seems to have been implemented to implement the proof of the concept (minimum required to minimize the minimum required to make this clear): To run it I found that a new file has been created, my tooth is inserted, but unfortunately all existing formatting is lost. So the question is is there a way to keep those formatting in PHPExcel new file? Or to move forward: Is it possible to keep charts etc in the template file and it is possible to fill in the way I have tried? Thanks in advance for all your experiences!
We, you are doing a new job, the default form of which the default form There is no format from I think that you have to add your values to the existing sheet?
$ objPHPExcel-> Set ActiveShot Index (0); // Index of Sheets workSheet = $ objPHPExcel-> GetActiveSheet (); $ WorkSheet- & gt; SetTitle ('Pflaume');
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