c# - Using DLLImport with an output char[] containing null characters -

I am writing a C # app using .NET 2.0. I need to use an old library for proprietary compression. I do not have the source code for the library, and the developer has gone a long way behind it.

My problem is that the result is null in four [], and this is declining for the function being reduced:

  [DLLImport ("foo .dll ")] Public static buntal compresses (four [] inputwalls, out four [] outputwalls, input input length, out UIT outputLength);  

How can I declare that the output should be handled as four by [] byte, and the tap should not be finished?

More information:

I have a header file. Here is the declaration:

  BOOL compressress (four * decampfuff, four ** retbuff, unsigned long DecompLen, unsigned long * RetCompLen);  

Look for an ARA to pass in P / Invasion. I think you want to use the SizeParamIndex , which tells the Marshaller, which keeps the log of the log passed arrays.

Edit: SizeParamIndex is unfortunately not allowed on outside and riff parameters, however, can manually copy it [DLLImport ("foo.dll")] Public Static Extensions Bull Compressed ([Marshall AS (Unmanaged Type. LPRRA, Size Param Index = 2)] Four [] Input Value, Out Output IntPtr Output, UIIT Input Lang, Out UIT Output Lamp); Public Static Child Compacting Invoc (four [] InputWalls, Out-Four [] Output Value, UIIT Input Lang) {Intitrout Output PTR; UIT OutputLen; If (compressed string (input voltage, output PTR, input length, out output)) {outputValue = new four [outputLen]; Marshall.Copy (Output PTR, Output Value, 0, (Int) Output LAN); Back true; } OutputValue = New four [0]; return false; }


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